The Stained Omega

Chatper 162

Chatper 162


It’s pretty early so I actually have the kitchen to myself, the pups are still in bed and I can hear James

walking around in the room above me. Since getting the pups back I’ve been insisting that the Pack

gets back to normal, I didn’t want Aurora coming home to a completely different home. It is different

though, I can’t help but remember the many mornings I stood in this exact spot waiting for the coffee

machine to finish brewing. The big difference being that I never used to be alone, momma Beth was

always either at the table waiting for her own coffee or pottering away in the kitchen sorting one thing or

another. The beep of the machine pulls me out of my memories and I quickly pour two cups of dark

Colombian roast. I doctor mine with creamer and sugar but I leave Fraction’s as is. He didn’t come to

bed again last night so I know he will need it.

Just as I turn to leave the kitchen with both cups in my hands the back door opens and a rather wet

looking Bellamy comes walking in.

“Oh.” He stops looking at me with wide eyes, I guess he didn’t expect to see anyone in here. “Morning,


“Bellamy, if you live in this home you will call me Anna, none of this Luna stuff.” I tell him with a smile as

I lift my cup up to my nose inhaling the smell, “there’s still a cup in the machine if you want it.” Bellamy

just nods at me as he wipes at his bare charts, judging by the jeans and no shoes I gather he just got

back from shifting.

“Was on patrol,” Bellamy tells me, walking over to the coffee machine, his tone makes it sound like he

has to justify himself to me. I put the coffee cups on the counter and wait until he’s finished making his








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“Remind me to get more creamer if two of us use it.” I say with a smile as he doctor’s his coffee.

“Oh, da mn it.” He quickly puts the creamer down and looks at me with a sad face, “I didn’t even think,

please forgive me. I’ll replace it.”

“Bellamy.” I walk over to him and pick the creamer back up, pouring one into his coffee, “this is your

home now. If you want creamer then use the creamer, I’m just used to being the only one who uses it.”

I hold out the coffee to him once I’m done and try to give him a reassuring smile.

“This is all new to me, the patrols, having a mate, living with Alpha and Luna.” Bellamy takes the coffee

from me before walking to sit at the kitchen table, “what if I mess this all up and he doesn’t want me

anymore.” I walk over to the cups I left on the side and pick them back


“You know the one thing I’ve learnt about The Swiftmane lads?” Bellamy shakes his head, “they love

fearlessly and sometimes to a fault. If you don’t want to patrol then don’t, we have enough warriors and

I’m sure we can fill your spot.” Bellamy just looks at me as I tell him he doesn’t have to do something

he’s been asked to do. “That nice new mate mark on your neck shows that James knows exactly what

he has done and you aren’t going anywhere, as for living with an Alpha and Luna? Well your going to

have to figure that one out yourself.”

“Little wolf, is that for me?” I look to the door and give Fraction a wide smile, he looks exhausted but his

face still has a beaming smile on it. How the man can look good in yellow flannel pajama bottoms is

beyond me. I hold out the coffee and he takes it after leaving a peck on my cheek, “she’s right you

know. If you don’t want to patrol you don’t have to. It’s not for everyone.” Fraction tells Bellamy while

sipping at his coffee, “I need you in my office.” Fraction whispers in my ear before leaving the kitchen.





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“If you figure out the; how to live with an Alpha thing. Give me a shout. I could use the pointers.”

Bellamy’s laugh follows me out of the kitchen as I quickly hurry after Fraction.

Entering the office I’m sort of disappointed to see Fraction sitting behind the desk, I sort of hoped he

had something different in mind.

“Take a look at this.” Fraction holds out a yellow piece of paper to me, I take it while popping my coffee

on his desk.

“What is this?” I ask him sitting in the chair and curling my legs beneath me.

“It’s like a birth certificate, everyone gets one when they join a Pack. That one is Theo’s.” I look down

the paper and see it dated the day he was born, it has everything from his designation to his eye


“I don’t know what I’m meant to be looking at.” I tell him truthfully, looking up at him I see him drinking

his coffee with a smile. He closes his eyes for a second like he’s savoring the flavor.

“Look at the bottom of the page, the witnesses to his acceptance to the Pack.” I do as Fraction says

and see an Alpha and two witness signatures. “Is this your father?” I run my finger over the faded

name, it’s almost unreadable it’s so smooshed together.

“Yeah it is but look at the witness names,” Fraction leans across the desk like he’s desperate for me to

understand it.

“Elizabeth Jacobs.” I say reading the name next to the mother’s signature, “who is that?” I gasp when it

comes to me, “wait you think it’s Mrs Jacobs?” From NôvelDrama.Org.

‘I know it is, think about it Anna. It all fits, someone who lost a granddaughter because of us, someone

who would hate us because we destroyed her family.” Fraction counts the reasons off on his fingers,

“the woman has countless reasons to hate us and want to see us ruined.”

“You think that ga y hating old lady called The Shalamayne on us?” I have to admit it fits, “how did we

not know they were related?”

“I never had a reason to look, she’s been here longer than I have and so has Theo.” Fraction waves

three more pieces of paper at me, “I’m on two of these which are Faye and Simon.”

“So what do we do now?” I ask him while putting the certificate back on the table. “not like we can kill

an old lady.” Fraction runs his hands through his hair.

“What should we do then? She could keep calling them, we need to know how she’s connected to

them. If she’s done this to us she could do it to any Pack so it’s not like I can banish her.” I nod my

head at him, I agree but I also disagree. This woman has been pulling strings behind our backs for

longer than we have realised.

“We need to find out what she knows but we can’t banish her. For a woman of her age it would be as

good as killing her,” Fraction looks grim as I tell him this.

“Then what do you suggest?” I just shrug my shoulders as I lean back in my chair, staring at the wall. I

try to come up with an alternative that doesn’t mean another person is dead because of The


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