The Stained Omega

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Childish demands.


“They don’t listen to me, I tell them to do something and they do the total opposite or nothing at all.” I

listen to Faye complain to Fraction. looking at Patrick I see him roll his eyes and I let out a small laugh.

We are currently in the hall waiting for this stu pid as s meeting to be done so we can do some actual

work. Fraction doesn’t want to be alone with Faye. He hasn’t exactly told me why but I can guess that

he is worried about what happened the last time they were alone. So the office door is open and me

and Patrick are listening in shamelessly.

“They don’t listen because you boss them around like children.” Fraction tells her and I swear I actually

hear his eyes roll.

“If we mated they would have no choice but without the mate mark they don’t see me as a true Luna.”

Faye continues complaining loudly.

“If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times. I. Am. Not. Mating. You.” Each word he says is

punctured and to the point so there is no way to confuse what he is saying. “you are Luna because you

took it by force and Pack law dictates I have to allow that. As soon as I can find a way around that you

will be out on your as s.”

“I know you want me, I can feel it.” Faye says seductively

“What you feel is my revulsion to you standing where she stood. My distaste at you speaking to her

Pack the way you do. Hear me when I say this Faye and listen closely.” I hear a chair scrap across the

carpet which tells me Fraction must have stood up. “I will never see you as anything other than an

imposter within this Pack. I will never take your side against my Pack and if you don’t mind. I have a

meeting with

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Childish demands

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people I actually want to share air with. So get out.”

There is silence for a few minutes and then the stomping of feet just before Faye comes out of the

office. She stops when she sees me and Patrick leaning against the wall, I watch as her eyes narrow

and she looks directly at me. She looks as tacky as always, in her tiny booty shorts and barely there

top, I can see a red flush on her chest which is an indication of her current rage level.

“Did you guys enjoy that?” She asks in a snarky tone while putting a hand on her hip, “Eliza you should

be down in the day care doing your new role.” I almost laugh at her command, as if I’m going to be

working in the day care centre. Sure I love my child but I wouldn’ t be caught dead looking after other

people. Well beside Thomas, but he doesn’t count.


“I’ll get right on that,” I tell her sweetly before walking around her and into the office. Patrick follows

right behind me, it seems Fraction isn’t the only male who doesn’t want to be alone with her.

Sitting down in the armchair I look directly at Fraction, “if you tell me to go to the day care I might

actually kick you in the balls.” Both Fraction and Patrick burst out laughing at this and I just scowl at


“Don’t get me wrong, kitten you’re great with Lizzie and Thomas but with other people kids…no way.”

Patrick says while laughing, I just scowl harder which makes him laugh harder.

“What’s so funny?” James asks as he enters the office, he closes the door behind him and locks it. The

lock is a new addition, Faye has a nasty habit of just bursting into rooms and in here she could hear

things she’s not meant to.

“Any news on my mother?” Fraction asks James as soon as the lock. clicks in place.


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“She made it to Darryl Pack and she said she will stay there for a while.” James says leaning against

the wall, we need more chairs in here. Momma Beth decided to go to Alpha Darryl’s after her vacation

after we told her what happened with the challenge.

“And Faye, what new bombs has she dropped today?” Fraction sounds. exhausted, if he’s not here

trying to fix things Faye has done then he’s at our house with Thomas. He’s trying to make up for Anna

not being there. I get it but there is a certain hole in a boy’s life that a father just can’t fill. Thomas

knows she isn’t here and he’s confused as hell.

“Her brothers kicked up a stink in the coffee shop this morning, caused some property damage and

broke a few chairs.” James tells us.

“Was there a reason this time?” Patrick ask him. I don’t think any of us expects an actual reason. Since

the very spar se Luna ceremony Faye’s whole family have been walking around like royalty and there

is very little we can do about it.

“Leon was in there, they started in on the g ay shaming and slinging their sh it views around.” I look

over at Fraction as James tells us this and I see him grip the bridge of his nose, close his eyes and

blow out a breath.

“Remind me again why I can’t just kill the lot of them?” Fraction says with his eyes closed.

“You know why, Luna hate crimes are punishable by death. Unless she kills someone or steals from the

Pack then you can’t touch her.” I tell him quickly. “trust me I’ve read the law extensively on this.”

“She’s right.” James tells him.

“I hate this, tell me about the patrols.” I tune out as Patrick starts going over the particulars of our latest

patrols. I know all of this, I do the patrols with him and the other warriors.

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These days if I’m not with Lizzie and Thomas then I am either on patrol or in this very office pouring

over old books of law. Trying to help Fraction find some loophole to get Faye out of our pack, every

now and again I use the phone Fraction keeps hidden in his desk to shoot Anna an update on Thomas.

Her little symbol shows up telling me that she’s seen them but she’s yet to reply.

I’m guessing she’s busy adjusting to life without the pack, it can’t be easy for any pack wolf to find

themselves alone but I imagine for Anna it’s even more isolating. The mention of Anna’s name draws

me out of my thoughts.

“Sorry what?” I ask. blinking my eyes and focusing back on the room in front of me.

“I was asking if you had heard from Anna?” I shake my head at Fraction.

“You know you could message her yourself?” I remind him.

“I’m trying to give her time, make it as easy as possible on her,” I look over at Patrick as Fraction says

this. He gives me a small smile which I


“Trust me, none of this is easy on her.” I tell him without looking away from Patrick. I could imagine

being split from my mate the way Fraction and Anna are right now.

“It’s her birthday in a few days,” James mumbles from behind me.

“I know, I’m going to try and sneak out and see her. I don’t want her alone for her birthday, she’s lost so

much already. She deserves her day.” I nod at Fraction, I understand what he’s saying, he wants to

give her a special day or as special as it can be right now. It’s not everyday you turn twenty-five after


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“Will you take Thomas??” Patrick asks him.

“No, this time it will be just me. I want to get the route down and make sure I’m not followed.” We all

nod, it makes sense. He wants to make sure it’s safe before taking a kid along with him. “You can all go

do your stuff. I’m going to do a few more hours here and then come and see Thomas.”


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