The Stained Omega

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

The night before.


The days seem to be melting together, the challenge seems so far away but now it’s the night before.

I’m not sure where the days have gone, I’ve spent more time with Thomas choosing not to have him in

day care. so I can squeeze as much mummy and me time as possible. Fraction seems to constantly be

in meetings and other than feeling his arms around me late at night I’ve barely seen him. I understand

that he’s busy and trying to get things sorted but I kind of wish we had more time to be alone as well.

People keep coming from other Packs, apparently when a challenge for Luna or Alpha happens it’s

normal for outside Pack members to come. and witness. This ensures a fair challenge and helps keep

everyone in line. You can’t go around screaming injustice if all of the neighbouring Packs have a

member there, not that I would. If i beat Faye it will be with honesty and integrity, I value my own self

esteem too much to steep to her level.

With the house getting so full and busy I sent Thomas back to Eliza and Patrick’s yesterday. The poor

kid couldn’t settle with all the people and voices around, he’s used to the pack but I think all the strange

scents and sounds were just too much for his little brain. At least there. he will have some quiet and a

friend to play with. I went round and did the bedtime routine with him last night and I will do the same

again tonight.

“Earth to Anna…” blinking my eyes I see Fraction standing in front of me waving his hand. “There you

are, I shouted for you three times. Thinking hard I see.”


“I’m sorry, I was thinking about how fast today has come around. Did you need me?” I’ve been sitting in

the lounge a lot lately, it lets me see who is coming and going but also gives me some privacy as no

one really needs this room.

“Darryl and Jefferson will be here soon, I thought you might like to greet them. I know you and

Jefferson got along when he was here.” I don’t miss the sour note in his voice.

“Jealous, Alpha?” I ask with a smile, he doesn’t answer me he just makes this noise in the back of his

throat that sounds part like a laugh and part like a noise of annoyance.

I follow Fraction out of the lounge and to the front porch, dodging head warriors and Alphas as I go.

None of them seem to want to look me in the eye and none of them have spoken to me, to be honest I

think none of them see the point in getting to know a Luna who will be gone in just under 2 days. Alpha

Darryl I know of course and I will be happy to see him, I know he and Fraction are good friends and

he’s helped Fraction in the past.

“Imagine being jealous of me liking someone with everything going on.”. I say quietly to Fraction once

we are alone on the porch.

“I’m not jealous, little wolf. I think most of the females find Jefferson attractive.” he still sounds really NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

grumpy so I decide to poke fun just for a little bit.

“You know when I’m not part of the pack, does that mean I can date?” Fraction has me pinned to the

side of the house within a heartbeat.

“You want to date someone else, little wolf?” His hips pin me so I can’t move, he leans down to whisper

in my ear. “Do you want someone else. to keep this little b*dy warm at night?” I shiver as his voice

enters my ear and goose bumps cover my b*dy, his hand snakes around my hip

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and into my leggings and panties cupping my centre. “And what about this, will this need attention too?”

I gasp out loud as his fingers glide over my cl it and dip into the pool of wetness that has formed. Just

as my hips start to grind and move with his finger he takes his hand away and steps back from me, his

eyes lock with mine as he brings his finger to his lips and makes a show of licking me from him. “There

will be not dating, no one can give you what I can. Think twice before teasing met again. Anna.” I just

nod at his words, too lost for words to actually reply. “Darryl just pulled up.

I let Fraction walk down the porch steps and await Darryl and Jefferson to leave the car. I use the time

to get my breathing back under control. I could kick Fraction in the as s. not only did my joke backfire

big time but now I’m going to stink of arousal when I see the two Alphas. Once I’m confident I can

actually maintain a conversation I walk along the porch and see Darryl leaving the car, there is no sign

of Jefferson though. This makes me a little grumpy as I could have used a little eye candy to get back

at Fraction for winding me up like he did. the least he could have done was finish the job.

“I thought Jefferson was coming”?” Fraction asks as he and Darryl do a manly bear hug back slapping

kind of thing.

“He’s not still here?” Darryl asks as his eyes turn to me and a smile spreads across his face. “Anna,

lovely to see you again.” I blush as Darryl k*sses my check and when he pulls back I can see his eyes

have dilated, dam n Alphas. Darryl shakes his head laughing, “give me a minute to try and call him

again.” He doesn’t wait for either of us to answer before he walks across the garden and pulls out his


“See what you did? House full of Alphas, Betas and Head Warriors and I now stink.” I cross my arms

over my chest as I complain to Fraction.

“Well at least they know who you belong to.” He doesn’t even look a


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little bit sorry, “did Jefferson say anything about going elsewhere after his visit?”

“No, he just said he had to get going. I didn’t think to ask, I was a little.

overwhelmed with everything to be h overwhelmed with everything to be honest.” I tell him truthfully as

we both watch Darryl get more and more animated on his phone call. “Do. you think something is


“I think if Darryl doesn’t find his brother some people are in for a world of hurt.” Fraction mutters.

“Brother? I didn’t realise they were related, although now you have said it, I can see the resemblance.”

I tilt my head to the side as if inspecting Darryl but I immediately right myself as I hear a growl from the

side of me. Looking at Fraction I see Leo looking through his eyes.

“Enough, little wolf. He can only take so much teasing right now,” Leo says in a low growl.

“Your rights, sorry Leo.” I get up on my tiptoes and place a gentle k*ss. against Fractions beard, he

turns his face and k*sses me on the lips. It’s a quick gentle peck but there is a promise for more later.

By the time Darryl has come back over to us Leo has been pushed back and Fraction is again in


“Anything?” Fraction asks him, Darryl just shakes his head and looks around as if expecting Jefferson

to just suddenly appear. “Let me call Patrick, I’ll get him and the warriors to scent the boundary and

make sure I haven’t had any unwanted guests.”

“Sure, although I highly doubt a single rogue took Jefferson down, shall we get this sorted and then I

can join your warriors.” I look to Fraction expecting an explanation as to what we are doing but instead

he just nods and walks towards the house. I follow him, walking in



stride with Darryl.

Once we are in the office me and Darryl take a seat in the waiting chairs and Fraction sits behind the


“Anna, Darryl wanted to make a proposal to you but I insisted on being here,” for the first time I see

Fraction pass Darryl a very unfriendly look. They seem to stare each other down for a long time before

Fraction diverts his

head of the American Fraction is a strong Alpha but Darryl is the

Packs so it makes sense he would dominate over

other Alphas in the area.

“Anna. I know Fraction has provided you with a home and an income for when you are no longer in the

Pack,” I nod at this choosing not to comment. To be honest I still don’t know how I feel about Fractions.

‘gifts’. “I wanted to offer you an alternative, Omegas thrive on shifter companionship and when not

around other wolves they feel it more. strongly than other shifters. You won’t ever go rogue, you still

simply stop being who you are and it will affect your connection to your own wolf.” He stops there and

looks at Fraction before continuing, “I wanted to offer you a place within my Pack. I have no Luna who

would become upset and I have a strong Pack who

Would need little in the way of Omega support.” I am stunned at the offer, like words will not physically

form in my mouth kind of stunned. I don’t realise Winter has pushed her way forward until she is

speaking on my behalf.

“No. Kind offer but no, if we can’t have Fraction and Leo we will be alone. I will care for Anna. She will

be fine with me.” Winter tells Darryl in a seductive low growl only she can master.

“Winter, maybe you should let Anna…” Fraction starts to say.

“No. You have given enough orders and you have blocked me from Leo, you get no say in this human

Alpha. I will not listen to a word you have to say until I get my Leo back.” With that Winter humph back

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into her spot at the back of my mind.

“I’m so sorry!” I whimper as Winter actually claws at me while calling me weak, she’s never hurt me

before but I felt this scratch as if it was physically happening to me.

“Don’t be, your wolf is strong Anna and she knows hers and your mind. There are no hard feelings in

the rejection, please though, if it gets too hard out there. Promise me you will call and I will come and.

get you. Or even Jefferson once I find him.” I hear Fraction growl and look over to see Leo at his

surface again as Darryl finishes speaking, “or me, yeah it will be me. Jefferson is a twa t anyway.” This

seems to appease Leo as he recedes from Fraction’s eyes.


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