The Stained Omega

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Documents and S** appeal.


Waking up alone isn’t a new concept to me now but waking up and feeling a familiar ache between my

legs is. I can’t remember the last time I felt this used and I’m not even mad at it, last night was just what

I needed. For one night all I felt was the passion and love Fraction felt for me, it was all consuming and

I felt it over and over again each time. he took me. I lost count how many times he took me over edge

and how many times I thought he was done only for him to thrust deep within me again. I have no

grand illusions about what the night was, it was us saying goodbye.

Now the challenge has been issued everything will change, everyone will know that my spot as Luna is NôvelDrama.Org © content.

temporary. It’s no secret that I’m an Omega and most of the Pack will have done the same maths as

Fraction, they will know I can’t win against Faye. No one person is liked completely by everyone so I’m

sure all the Anna haters will come out from the crowd and make themselves known. I’m glad Fraction

gave me last night, it will give me something to hold onto while I’m pushed further and further into the

darkness that has become my life.

A knock at the main door of the pack house draws me from the bed, when I stand I feel the ache

between my legs even more. It’s not just my centre, my legs feel like jelly and my breasts feel tender

from being lavished all night. I look down at my n*ked self and I see a few bruises. blooming along my

thighs from where Fraction held me open to him. When I get to the bathroom I see a red bite mark on

my shoulder from we’re Leo put a fresh bite on me last night, it’s not a mating mark so it will fade soon

enough. The feeling of Leo breaking my flesh sent me to the moon and back, I felt like a rocket flying

for the first time. I smile at my reflection as I splash water over my face. My moment of self





reflection is interrupted by the bedroom door opening.

“Anna”?” I hear Fraction call from the bedroom, “once you’re dressed can you come to the office?”

Grabbing a towel I cover my nudity and step into the bathroom, Fraction eyes instantly find me and I

watch a seductive smile creep onto his face. “A little more clothing than that little wolf.”

“If you insist.” I tell him as head for the dresser, “what’s the rush?”

“The pack lawyer is here and he has some paperwork he needs you to sign.” I look over at him as I pull

on some leggings and a t-shirt.

“The pack has a lawyer?” He just nods at me, “never met him before. Guess I haven’t needed to.”

“Just when you’re ready, yeah?” I don’t even get a chance for him to answer before he leaves the room


I try to take him leaving so quickly personally, he probably just needs. to get back this lawyer person.

Once he’s gone I finish getting dressed. and pop my hair into a messy bun, once I’m done I take a look

in the mirror. The mark Leo gave me is very noticeable against my white t- shirt and I smile a little, it’s

not like I want to parade his mark but if a certain Faye type person was to see it then she will know that

in at least one way we are as strong as ever. Slipping my feet into some flip. flops, I make my way out

of the bedroom and down the stairs, I expect Fraction to be in the office with the lawyer but instead he’s

just standing outside of the open office door.

“You’re not coming in?” I ask him as I get closer.

“No, this is just for you. He knows what he needs to do, just follow what he says.” I’m not worried, I

have nothing else that can be taken from me so it’s not like I can sign away my millions.

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“Jefferson, this is Anna. Anna, this is Jefferson.” Fraction introduces. us as I step into the office, he

closes the door behind me leaving me alone with the lawyer.

Jefferson is actually pretty handsome, I was expecting an old man with glasses and handkerchief in his

pocket. Instead I have a slimmer version of Fraction standing in front of me. He’s in a pair of slacks and

a button down shirt, he looks formal without being too formal. More like office casual, his sandy brown

hair is swept back like he took both hands and pushed it off his face. As he walks towards me to shake

his hand I can’t help but notice his emerald green eyes, they seem to actually glisten as they connect

with mine.

“Nice to meet you Anna,” he says, drawing my eyes to his full lips and chiselled jaw, shaking myself a

little internally. I hold out my hand and shake his very large one, if Winter hadn’t already told me, the

size of his hand alone would have told me he was a shifter. “Why don’t you take a seat and we can get

started?” I go to walk over to the armchair but then I notice his briefcase by it and go to the chair behind

the desk. instead.

“Has Alpha Fraction told you what we are doing today?” His voice is like smooth caramel, it’s so

hypnotic, a girl could get lost in it. I simply shake my head at him, for some reason my voice doesn’t

work. Sure I have a mate but I’m not dead. I can enjoy a S** dripping male when I see one. “So, with

the challenge there is some paperwork Alpha Fraction wants sorted before it takes place.” he tells me

as he pulls a folder out of his briefcase.

“Paperwork? I thought it was just fighting?” Jefferson smiles at this and hands me a file.

“This is more of a safety net that has been set up for you. Everything is pretty simple and

straightforward so if you want I can give you a run down before you sign.” I look up at him, shocked that

a lawyer has just




told me to sign something without reading it.

“What happened to reading something before signing it?” I ask him with a smile on my face.

“If you were here with Alpha Fractions lawyer I would have you go over with a fine tooth comb, as it is

I’m your lawyer and I’ve read everything several times over on your behalf.” I feel my eyebrows draw

together in confusion.

“You’re my lawyer?” I ask him.

“Yes, Alpha Fraction borrowed me off Alpha Darryl to support you in this. He wanted you to have the

best support possible.” I just blink at him as he continues to speak, “that first document is for you to

claim this iPhone. It will be upgraded every two years. In the event of a banishment, removal or

withdrawal from the Pack this will allow you contact with your son. Once Thomas hits thirteen he will be

provided with a phone to allow contact himself, until then he will be allotted times in the day to contact

you.” I’m scanning the document as he speaks and it’s all here exactly as he’s telling me just with more

complicated wording. “While the Alpha Heir is under five you will receive four weekly picture and video

updates of his progress. If this is agreeable please sign next to the red arrow.” I quickly pick up a pen

from the desk and sign just above Fraction’s name. This will be my only contact with my son for a while

so I will take any and all I can


“The next one is about schooling and tutoring for Thomas, It states that should he need speciality

support outside of Alpha training you will be consulted and before any action is taken,” Jefferson says

while placing an iPhone box on the desk, I go ahead and sign the schooling letter in the designated

space. I flip to the next page and my eyes almost pop out of my head.

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“This can’t be right.” I mumble.

“II yes, this one is your monthly stipend from the pack, you will be compensated each month you are

away. This will be directly deposited into a bank account set up for you, I have the documents for that

here.” I watch him put a small envelope on the table next to the iPhone box. “The amount is very

generous and should allow you to live quite. comfortably. In the event of death the funds will pass to

Thomas until he is twenty-one years old.” I’m still in shock at the amount of money I will be getting.

“But why? I don’t need all of this.” The value is obscene.

“You provided the pack with their Alpha Heir, Anna. As far as I am aware Alpha Fraction does not

intend to take another mate and therefore there will be no other Heir.” I just blink up at him stunned.

“He doesn’t? He will have a new Luna though.” Surely they will mate and create a new Heir, Thomas

will always be first in line but he won’t be the only one.

“Luna doesn’t mean mate, Anna.” Jefferson tells me as he motions for me to sign the document.

“I don’t need all of this, Fraction could use it help the Pack. Upgrade the school or something?” I say

looking at the little red arrow on the


“Trust me, Anna. The Pack can afford it, this is a drop in the ocean for them.” I shrug my shoulders and

sign my name, I doubt I will ever touch this money. It could do so much good elsewhere.

“And finally this one is for a car and home all in your name, you have the right to sell them if you want

but given the home’s location I wouldn’t do that.” Jefferson says placing another thick envelope on the


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“Why twelve miles from the boundary?” I ask him while reading the final form.

“It’s the furthest you can be from the pack and the wolves will not smell you. It will allow you to be

within travelling distance of your son without angering the new Luna.” I understand what he’s not

saying, Fraction is going to find a way to bring Thomas to me so he wants me close so he doesn’t have

to be gone for long periods of time.

Once I have signed all the documents I hand the file back to Jefferson. He quickly scans each one and

then carefully places them back in his briefcase.

“I programmed my number into your phone, should you need anything I have been given strict

instructions to help you no matter what. So please call.” He says standing up and holding his hand out.

“From Fraction?” I ask him shaking his hand.

“Alpha Darryl.” He says before nodding and leaving the office, I am left in silence once the door closes.

I’m stunned with everything I have just been given. Fraction has ensured I will want for nothing once

I’m gone from the Pack. Well everything but my family and pack with me all the time.


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