The Stained Omega

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Thump, thump….Luna on her as s.


“Get up.” Patrick says while bouncing around on his feet. He’s just put me on my as s for the third time

in a row, apparently I’m not good at this fighting thing. “You just need to get me down on the floor, that’s

where you get your advantage.” I sigh at him as u rub my elbow, this last time I landed on my arm and

it hurts like hell.

“I can’t do that while you’re coming at me.” I complain.

“An attacker won’t just stand still while you beat them down, Luna.” He says while scanning the tree

line. I follow his eyesight and see Fraction come strolling out from between the trees.

Jumping to my feet I ignore Patrick shouting after me and rave over towards Fraction. I’ve been out of

the hospital for three days and other than the times he comes to take Thomas I haven’t seen him at all.

He hasn’t spoken to me and hasn’t so much as looked at me.

“Fraction.” I shout as I get closer, I see his head tilt to the left so I know he hears me. Instead of

stopping he seems to speed up. “Fraction, wait.” Again he just keeps walking. “Henry Fraction Monroe,

you stop right now!” I yell as loudly as I can, I have my hands on my hips and I’m pushing out every

ounce of my Luna Aura as I possibly can.

I watch as Fraction actually stumbles before he comes to a stop. He turns to me wide eyed, I think my

Aura actually made him stop. I’m shocked at the force of it but I try not to show it. He doesn’t walk over

to me as I expect, he instead just stands there looking at me. I sigh and walk the rest of the way until

we are just an arm’s distance from each other.

Thump, thump Luna on her as s.

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“What the hell?” I demand from him.

“What do you want, Anna?” He asks while looking over my head, it’s like he’s purposefully trying to

avoid my eyes.

“You’re ignoring me. Why?” I ask him.

“I’m just busy, Anna. Not everything is about you.” He says, I crinkle my nose at that.

“All about me? What are you talking about? My mate won’t even look at me. Talk to me, hell I’m pretty

da mn sure you don’t even come to our bed at night!” I’m yelling by the time I’m done and I can sense

the warriors training in the clearing watching us.

“I’m not ignoring you, I’m just busy.” He tells me getting closer, “What’s wrong Little Wolf? You need a

good f ucking?” I stare at him shocked, I can’t believe he just asked me that. Before I even register

what I am doing my arm is swinging and my hand is connecting with his face.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with you but you fix it! NOW!” I scream at him before spinning on my heels

and walking back toward Patrick.

If I needed more proof that something is going on it’s right there, when I walk away and Fraction

doesn’t chase me down. He lets me leave him there, pis sed off and having hit him. I don’t know what

happened, the pure rage I felt in that moment just overwhelmed me so much that I needed an outlet.

“Let’s Π

go. I say once I reach Patrick, I suddenly feel the need to beat the cr ap out of someone.

“Anna…” He says with his hands at his side.

“Don’t. Let’s just fight.” I say, spreading my feet and bringing my fists. up just like he showed me.

Patrick sighs before throwing a punch to

Thump, thump Luna on her a ss

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the left as I dodge it by going to the right. I use his position to my advantage and throw a punch into his

side landing a sharp jab right on his kidney. This seems to wind him as he goes to grip his side, I use

this to my advantage and put my hands on his back holding him still as I bring my knee up and into his

throat. I hear the choking sound of his air supply being cut off, I finish off by clasping my hands together NôvelDrama.Org content.

and bringing them down in one big fist into the centre of his back. In less than a minute Patrick is on the

floor sputtering for air.

I step back surprised that I actually took him down. I hear clapping from behind me and I spin around to

see Eliza standing off to the side with a wide grin.

“Girl, that was

Something to be said for that internal rage.”

Eliza says as she walks over to us, she holds a hand out to Patrick who clasps it and uses her to help

get off the floor.

“Sorry Patrick.” I say looking good towards the floor.

“Don’t be, that’s exactly what I’m trying to teach you. Let’s take a break and join again after lunch.” I

nod at him as he walks away towards the other warriors.

“I feel bad.” I tell Eliza.

“Because you put him on his as s?” She asks me as she watches him walk away.

“Because I enjoyed it.” This causes her to laugh out loud.

“Sometimes that’s ok, we all need an outlet. After what I heard happened it sounds like you needed it.

Now you just need to learn to channel that rage.” I look over at her and see the small frown on her face.

“You heard?” I know she did but I can’t help but feel embarrassed that she knows I lost my temper.

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Thump.thump Luna on her as s

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“Warriors are awful gossips. What happened?” She asks me while. turning away from watching Patrick

and sitting down in the grass.

“I don’t know. Things are so messed up right now, it’s like I woke up to the da mn twilight zone.” I say

as I sit down in the grass and start. pulling up clumps of it. “He won’t talk to me, won’t look at me, he

doesn’t even sleep in our bed anymore. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.”

“Maybe you didn’t do anything wrong. What HAS he said?” She’s asks


“Nothing much. He just tells me he’s busy and that’s all I seem to get out of him. Before I got poisoned

he was just normal, we were just us and now it’s like he’s someone else. And I’m not sure I like this

version of him.” It hurts to admit this but if anyone can help me talk this out it’s Eliza.

“How about you focus on training with my mate and I will keep my ear out for whatever is going on with

yours?” She says while gripping my hand in hers.

“I can’t ask you to spy on your Alpha.” I tell her.

“You’re not, my Luna is troubled and she’s asking me for help. Let me help you.” She looks me directly

in the eye and smiles as I nod slightly. I feel gross agreeing to her spying on Fraction but right now I will

take any insight I can.


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