The Stained Omega

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Yes, Sir.


I’ve never felt warmth like this, it’s not something I have ever felt so I nuzzle my face further into it. I’m

not sure what I thought I was nuzzling myself into but when the warmth below me chuckles I open my

eyes and quickly push myself away from it.

“Comfy?” Cas smirks at me as he puts an arm behind his head looking like the most relaxed man on

the planet. Looking at him you wouldn’t think we have been in the forest for two days trapped in this

tent, I haven’t been allowed to leave unless Cas is with me. The warriors all stare and whisper so

unless I’ve needed the bathroom I’ve just stayed put.

“Why,” I clear my throat of its sleepy grogginess. “Why are you naked?” Cas moves the blanket down

showing his joggers and I breathe a sigh of relief. While he’s definitely something fun to look at, the

idea of waking up with a naked male had my heart pounding in my chest.

“Only took my shirt off when you started draping yourself over me. Cas tells me. I don’t remember

doing that but I must have considering I woke up pretty much on top of him. “You ready?” I just nod my

head as he sits up and stretches putting his chest on full display, he’s completely smooth with not a

single mark on him. I long to run my tongue along his skin to see what he tastes like, I turn away from

him before I do exactly that.

“What if I mess this up? What if they don’t stop?” I voice my questions. at the tent wall as I listen to Cas

rustle around in his backpack.



“You won’t.” I don’t know why he has such belief in me but he sounds

so sure.

“You don’t know that.” I turn around to see he has a shirt on and is

running a hand through his dark hair. “What if they just run me down and keep going? What if Anna

never gets her pup back or they kill James and his mate?” I can feel the panic rising up in me, “what

if…” Cas moves so quickly, I didn’t even know a man of his size could move that quick. One second

he’s on the other side of the tent and the next he’s in front of me with a hand on either side of my head.

My eyes lock with his deep blue ones as he just stares at me.

“Stop it.” He’s speaking low, his voice seems to send this calmness over me, “stop worrying about the

what ifs. Just do what they have asked and when it’s all done hope they use it as a reason to send you

away instead of killing you.”

“Maybe death is what I deserve.” I say trying to move my head but his hands just tighten keeping me in


“I never want to hear you say that again, do you understand me?” His voice has taken on a harshness

that it didn’t have before, I nod my head as much as his grip will allow. “Answer me!” He demands.

“Yes.” I watch as his jaw clenches, as if he doesn’t like my answer.

“Yes what?” I don’t know what he wants so I answer him in the only way that feels right.

“Yes, Sir.” Cas nods at me and lets go of my head, using one of his hands he strokes my hair silently

telling me he approves of my answer.

“Good girl.” Cas whispers just as someone coughs outside of the tent, it breaks the spell he has put me

under and I scamper away from him and over to his Pack where I know there is some clean clothes for


to wear.



Yes Sir.

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It takes me only a matter of minutes to change into a clean top and jogging bottoms. Thankfully Cas

keeps his back to me the whole time allowing me a small amount of privacy, Just as I’m about to ask

for something to eat one of the warriors calls out to Cas.

“What?” Cas asks looking over at me before opening the tent, I see a young warrior who has been in

the forest for weeks now.

“They’re moving, it’s time.” The warrior tells Cas, he looks back at me and I just nod my head telling

him that I’m ready. Following Cas from the tent I keep my eyes cast down to avoid the looks the

warriors give me, I learnt very quickly that none of them like me. The warriors Cas seems to know

seem alright with me but they still don’t talk to me or even look at me, at least they don’t whisper abuse

at me when I pass them.

“Alright lads, let’s go.” Cas holds his hand out to me and I take it letting him lead me through the trees.

“Remember, make them stop. Give Eliza and Rick time to get the pup and the guys out and then make

your move. We just need a small delay,” Cas goes over the plan as he guides me through the trees.

“As soon as they are clear we will leave. That’s your cue to end it.”

“And then I let them put me in the car where we will carry on down the road.” I finish the plan to him

and he just nods. Just as we reach the end of trees I pull on Ca s’s hand, he stops letting the other

warriors walk ahead of him.

“What is it? They are almost here, I can hear the cars.” I place my hand palm flat on his chest and look

him in the eye.

“I wish I had known you without all this pain,” I can see the confusion in his eyes as I step away from

him and walk towards the dirt road.

“I’ll see you soon, kid.” Cas calls after me, I don’t answer him as I keep

walking, I try to stop the tears from falling down my face as I step out of the trees. I know there is a very

big chance that I won’t make it out of this alive and if it means Anna gets her pup back then I’m okay

with that. I don’t know why I feel drawn to Cas and I would have loved nothing more than to find out but

maybe it’s for the best that it ends like this.

Standing in the middle of the road I listen to the sound of engines approaching me, I alter my stance so

my legs are about a shoulder’s width apart. Raising my head I try to school my features. The last thing.

I want is to tip my hand and ruin the plan for everyone, it’s okay if I die here but not until the ones I’ve

hurt are safe. This is my chance to put everything right.

“Stop!” I scream as loudly as I can while holding my hands out in front of me. The black car in the front

screeches as it slams its brakes on. My heart starts pounding in my chest as I see the two men in the

front of the car just look at me as the cars and vans behind them all come to a stop.

“Zoe. We thought you had become lost to the wild.” Reginald says climbing from his car, “what are you

doing wolf?”

“I made a mistake,” I speak loudly so he can hear me, he doesn’t have a wolf to aid his hearing so I

need to make sure he can hear me as he walks closer. “Dean didn’t show up and I didn’t know where

to go.” Lies, I know he killed Dean, the warrior told Cas all about it my first night back in the forest.

“Dean will not show, wolf.” Reginald is standing mere inches from me now, I can smell the sickly sweet

roses coming from him as he adjusts the cuffs of his dress shirt. “How about we get you in the car and

we can discuss your punishment when we get home?”

“Home?” I feign confusion, “I thought this was home. I didn’t think I

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travelled that far.”

“Oh, wolf. You travelled just far enough, now you can get in the car on your own or I can have Lewis

break your legs and drag you to it.” He has this smirk on his face that tells me he’s hoping I will refuse,

he loves to see us suffer.

“Where is Dean?” I sniff a little and the smell of soft leather and sea salt is gone, which means Aurora,

James and Bellamy are safe and I’m alone with my punisher.

“He’s in the car, let’s go wolf. I haven’t got all day.” I pause for a second, if I give up too easily Reginald

will know something is wrong. After a brief delay I slowly start walking towards the car. I can hear

shouting somewhere in the distance but it’s faint, if I can barely hear it the humans won’t be able to. I

let out a fake cry when I get to the car and see Dean is not there. I don’t get a chance to do anymore

acting though as a hand comes over my mouth from behind. My nose is filled. with a Go d awful smell

that has me choking and gasping for breath before I feel myself falling as darkness comes.



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