The Stained Omega

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Locked Away.


“Bell?” I shout around the bag over my head, my hands are tied behind my back and I think I’m inside

of a cage. Every now and again my b*dy keep being thrown into a cold surface and being n*ked I can

feel every bone chilling part of it. The floor below me is vibrating so I assume we are in some kind of

containment vehicle.

“I’m here,” Bellamy answers me. His voice sounds a little off, like he’s not opening his mouth all the

way, he at least sounds close by so they haven’t split us up too much.

“You ok?” I try to pull on the ties on my hands but they are really strong and wont give an inch.

“Ba tar ds broke my nose, I can’t feel my wolf James. Something ain’t right here.” I furrow my brows as

I try to call on Zeus but just as Bellamy said, he’s not there.

“Me either, did you get a look at them?” I need to know who we are dealing with, this was no random

attack, they were organised and fast. It was planned and planned well.

“No, they had all that gear on and then they put this stup id bag on my head. Where do you think they

are taking us?” I shrug my shoulders before I remember Bellamy can’t see me.

“I don’t know, our blood is on the forest floor though. Someone is bound to realise we are missing and

come after us.” I again try to pull on the ties around my hands just as the vehicle turns and slams me

shoulder first into the side of my cage, I shout out in pain as I feel my


shoulder pop out of it’s socket. “Mother of all…that’s going to hurt.”

“No one is finding us James.” Breathing through my nose to try and case the pain I register what

Bellamy just said.

“What do you mean?” I ask him confused, there is a tone of blood on the forest floor. There is no way

that can be missed during patrols.

“James,” we turn again and I hear Bellamy grunt in pain. “We were six miles past the Pack border, no

one is finding that blood unless they have a reason to go looking.”

“What the hell were you doing that far from the border?” I ask Bellamy, there’s no way Zeus took me

that far out, I can’t say I was paying too much attention though.

“What were you doing? It’s not like I have to stay at the border.” I grunt as the vehicle turns again. I’m

thrown onto my as s, I decide to stay here rather than standing up again. My shoulder hurts and I can’t

see a da mn thing through this bag.

“Our Luna has just been shot so you decide to go wandering off on your own, are you insane?” I can’t

believe he would be so reckless.

Before Bellamy can answer the floor stops vibrating telling me the vehicle we are in has stopped. I

listen with everything I have but I can’t hear anything other than my own heart beating a drum and

Bellamy’s loud breathing. After a minute or so the light beyond my bag gets a little lighter and I hear

footsteps as the floor below my as s dips a little.

“Alright lads, we are gonna take this nice and easy and no one needs to get hurt. Do something stu pid

and I’ll put you down like the rabid wolves you are. Understand?” The male voice sounds like he’s used

to giving orders and having them followed. I sniff to try but I can’t sense any shifter qualities about him.

When neither of us answer him, he must take that as compliance because there is a metal on metal Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.


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sound that then a hand around my arm just before I’m being lifted up.

“Command this is Eagle Four,” the sound of a static radio crac kles as he speaks while making me walk

along a metal floor. “Moving male target one and two to containment.”

Once we are outside of the vehicle I can feel the grass between my toes but I can’t hear anything else.

No people, no cars, nothing at all.

“Where are we?” I ask aloud, I don’t expect an answer and I don’t get one. I feel something cold and

metal press between my shoulder blades and push slightly. I take this as an indication to move forward.

“Bell?” I need to know he’s nearby, they might split us up and something is telling me to keep Bellamy

as close as possible.

“I’m here.” I hear grunted from somewhere on my left, I’m poked again with something metal. This time

it’s slightly off centre and I feel the pain radiate down my entire arm as it aggravates my shoulder, I

don’t let on that I’m in pain though, I figure the less these guys know the better.

It isn’t one before the warm grassy outside is replaced with an air conditioning inside, we don’t move for

long before I am pushed into. somewhere and fall flat on my as s. I roar in pain as I land on my

shoulder just as I feel something sharp around my hands and then a door being closed. I use my good

arm to rip the bag from over my head, I’m not ready for the blinding light to hit my eyes so I squint

against it until I make out the jean clad figure of Bellamy just across from me.

“What the hell?” Bellamy asks as he stands from his spot on the floor and holds a hand out for me.

Cradling my arm I see what he’s gasping at, we are in a simple room with a bunk bed, a metal toilet

and a sink. The walls are all hard concrete except for one hitch is glass with the occasional metal bar

running through it.


“Bell, where are we?” I don’t exactly expect an answer as he doesn’t know anymore than I do. I stare

through the glass and all the other containment areas I can see, all have glass fronts and all of them

have people inside. There seems to be a mix of male and females and as I look out the window I can

see the rows are at least twenty long and six high.

“There must be hundreds of people here,” Bellamy whispers as he presses his nose against the

window to try and see further.

“Not people.” I say in a whisper. “Bellamy, these are all shifters. This is a shifter prison.”

“There’s no such thing.” Bellamy says as I walk away from the window and sit my n*ked as s on the

bottom bunk.

“You’re going to have to help me with this.” Bellamy turns around and sees me pointing at my shoulder.

“James, how is there a shifter prison?” He hasn’t moved from his spot at the window, he keeps casting

a worried look outside before coming back to me.

“I don’t know, I’ve never heard of one. But they were organised,” I grimace in pain as I try to readjust

myself. “They knew who we were and what we are, they had this all planned and looking out there,” I

nod my head towards the window. “It isn’t the first time they have done this. Now please, help me pop

this back in.”

“Like some kind of government black hole for shifters?” I roll my eyes

Bellamy presses his nose against the window again.


“Bellamy!” I shout making him jump, “help me.”

“Right,” Bellamy shakes his head as he comes over to me. I try not to cry out in pain as he takes the

wrist of my left arm in his hand and then

Locked Awa

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carefully places another hand on the top of my arm. “Ready?” I just nod my head as he looks me in the

eyes and pulls on my arm as hard as he can, he has to brace a foot on the edge of the bed to aid him

in the pulling. The pain is instant at the all consuming, I roar out loud as I feel tears escape my eyes.

“That should do it, I don’t think you should move it too much though.” James gently strokes my arm as I

try to gather myself through the pain. “James, how are we going to get out of here?”

I watch a camo clad guard walk past our cell, he has full army gear on, complete with gun and teaser.

His full hat is covering his face and a gold cross dangling from neck, the only thing that doesn’t belong

is the red ‘S’ which seems to be sewed into the top arm of his uniform. He doesn’t stop. he just uses

something in his hand that I can’t see before moving along the row

“I don’t know Bell, if we can’t get out how is anyone going to get in?” Bellamy sits down next to me and

drapes a cover over my legs, looking down I see the top sheet from the bunk above me now covering

my n*kedness. I smile at Bellamy before we both go back to looking outside of the window of our new


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