The Stained Omega

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Ghost stories.


I back out of the tent as carefully as possible so I don’t wake Thomas and Ander. After the cook out I

thought it would be a good idea to bring Thomas and a few of his friends out to the forest just past our

guard for a little camp out. Now the kids are all tucked away in their tents, we adults can have a little

fun, zipping the tent up. I see Fraction, Patrick, Eliza and James all sitting around a small campfire

drinking beers. I smile as I watch my family all laugh at something Patrick says, Fraction turns to me

and holds his hand out. As soon as I am close enough he pulls me down to him so I’m sitting between

his legs.

“Ok, let’s do some adult ghost stories.” Patrick says as he swaps Eliza’s empty beer for a full one.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Eliza asks around a laugh.

“Always, kitten.” I smile at them suddenly understanding the inside. joke she was talking about before.

“Wait, Anna won’t of heard The Shalamayne story before.” James and Fraction both groan as Eliza

gets all excited, she sits up straighter and moves her hair from her face.

“What’s that?” I ask looking around at them all.

“A story to keep wild shifters in line,” Fraction whispers in my ear.

“If you’re bad enough, The Shalamaynes will come for you,” Fraction, Rick and James all say at the

same time before howling with laughter. I


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can’t help but feel like I’m missing out, it’s not like I grew up around these kind of stories.

“What’s a Shalamayne?” I ask looking around at the group, Fractions. arms snake around my waist and

he gives me a slight reassuring


“Go on then, tell it.” Fraction says to Eliza, I watch James drop back so he’s holding himself up on his

arms with his legs spread out in front of him.

“You don’t have to if you have all heard it before,” the last thing I want is to make them all bored when

I’ve pretty much forced them all to be here. Eliza waves her hand in the air and clears her throat.

“So the story starts way back when shifters first came to these lands. Apparently this was when they

lived in mud huts and instead of Packs they had villages, well apparently then they also had royalty.

One Alpha that ruled them all, only back then you couldn’t be Alpha without a mate and Felro, had no

mate.” Eliza is using her best storytelling voice as we all listen to her.

“Felro?” I can’t help but question the absurd name.

“Shush.” Patrick shushes me with a broad smile on his face, clearly getting into the story.

“So Felro set out on his journey to find a mate, he travelled from village to village. Until one day he

came across a woman who smelled. like the very Earth itself, she was everything he had been looking

for except she wasn’t a shifter. She was a human who knew nothing of our world, as he got to know her

he found her to be caring and kind. Instead of telling her about his true nature he hid it from her, he

would take care of his Alpha duties by dead of night and be a dutiful human husband during the day. It

wasn’t long before his human was round with baby, however the woman was no fool and knew her

husband was


sneaking off somewhere in the night.” I squint my eyes at Eliza not really seeing how this is meant to

be scary. It sounds like any other wolf looking for his mate just a long time ago.

“This isn’t much of a ghost story.” I say in a whisper to Fraction but I see Eliza stick her tongue out at

me so I give her a wide smile and a nod to carry on.

“It gets better, little wolf.” Fraction k*sses the top of my head, “go on Eliza.”

“When Felro was doing his night time jobs he came across a small Omega called Bethel. Turns out this

Omega was his fated mate so he started to court her, eventually Felro had his human wife by day and

his shifter mate by night.” Eliza smiles at me as she mentions an Omega and I just roll my eyes. “One

night his human wife followed him and saw him entangled with his Omega. She watched as he made

love to her over and over again. Hatching a plan she went back to their little hut and created a meal

especially for her lover, in the meadow not too far from their home a purple plant grew that she knew

her husband was allergic too. Little did she know it was wolfsbane, so when he ate the laced food the

next evening he became very ill and was unable to make his nightly visit to Bethel.”

“So this is a woman scorned story?” I ask as I empty my bottle of beer and hand it to Fraction.

“Anna.” James complains from his lounge position, for someone who didn’t look interested he’s paying

attention now.

“The human woman, heavy with her baby, walked back to where she had watched her husband with

this other woman. She was armed with nothing but a simple silver knife, she had been gifted it by her

father on her wedding night. She crept into the hut where the Omega slept and slit her throat, the

woman never woke. Confident that justice had



been done she made her way home, when she got there Felro smelled the blood of his mate on his

wife and in a blind rage he shifted into his. beast.” I gasp as Fractions hand tighten around me, “blinded

in grief Felro killed his pregnant wife.

“Wow that was awful but not exactly…scary.” I can’t imagine the anger a mate must feel when they find Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

out someone has killed their other half. I can’t help but feel Felro’s rage was justified but then again the

poor human was pregnant.

“Tell her the rest.” Fraction mutters as he rests his bearded chin on the top of my head.

“Well, apparently after he killed his wife the villagers chased him away and tried to save the woman.

She was too far gone and soon died but they did manage to save her baby, as the child grew it became

clear that he was no shifter but he was also no human. He was something in between, a cross between

the two. All the power of a shifter without the animal to hold him back, he spent years learning about his

past and his father. They say that his bloodline still goes on today, they hunt. shifters and punish them

for Felro’s wrong doing all those years ago. Apparently, if you are bad enough…” Eliza looks at each of

the guys. and pauses.

“The Shalamayne will come for you and your loved ones will never see you again.” I actually jump as

all of them say it unison and then burst out laughing.

“You guys are awful!” I say slapping Fraction hand nestled against my corseted stomach.

“Good story though, right?” I nod at Eliza as I let out a yawn.

“Oh no you don’t, you made me a promise.” I feel my thigh squeeze together as Fraction stands and

pulls me up with him. “Time for sleep I





“Sure, sleep.” James laughs as we walk over to our tent, I turn back to look at James and I see the

broad smile on his face.

“Where are you sleeping James?” He didn’t bring a tent with him and I can’t see him sharing a tent with

the kids.

“Someone has to keep watch while all of you get your…sleeping done.” James winks at me.

“We can stay with you.” I say trying to pull myself out of Fractions. hold, his grip gets tighter as he

pushes me towards the tent.

“Don’t worry little wolf, he’s being paid handsomely for his time.” I don’t get to argue more as Fraction

pushes me. into the tent and I land on my hands and knees. “Oh, don’t even think about moving.” I

shiver as I hear the tent zip being pulled closed and the crinkle of Fraction’s jeans as he pulls them off.

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