The Soldier Next Door

Chapter 159 The Secret Is Out

…Ana POV…

I am twenty-eight weeks pregnant now.

I am feeling all the best parts of being an expecting mother. I have not stopped counting how many times Ethan rubs my belly. But which is even more precious is when we go to bed in the evening, if he manages to keep his hands to himself, he finds the time to read ‘The Cat In A Hat’ to our little baby boy. I wish that he did not read that to him, for I find a cat wearing a bow tie and a hat very disturbing.

But apart from this, he nearly has the nursery to the way that he wants it to be, though what I am surprised about is that he has not used as much blue as I thought he would do. But I can almost say that there is nothing that our little baby boy will lack for he has gotten him every little thing you can think of that a baby will need.

So, after not being able to keep his hands to himself and splashing around in the bath, we are now officially late for our appointment at the Doctor today. Now, he should not for one minute think that I have forgotten the small little detail that I have not yet mentioned.

The question here is, do I do it now or do I wait until after we have been to the Doctor? Well which ever way, I am still going to get upset and then I will upset the baby that will in turn keep the shit out of me.

Needless to say, I am deciding to wait until we have left the Doctor, but Mr. Hunter is so worried that he is beside himself. So fat the past ten minutes into our drive to the Doctor, he has been playing the guessing game, and let me tell you, he is not even close.

So for what is the so many of time, he looks over at me, “Boo, did I leave the towel on the floor again?”

“Soldier if that towel was on the floor, you would have had it in your face.”

Then he pulls his face in an awkward way, and next pops his idea, “I know, you did not like the wedding cake. I knew that I had to go with the fruit.”

I only but shake my head at him, “Soldier, do I eat Christmas cake?”

“No, boo.”

“Well, then I wont eat godawful fruit in my wedding cake.”

“Then boo, I give up,” he pulls that puppy face on me, and yes my knees crumble, but first have to see my baby bump before I fight with his father.

It is what seems like an endless hour that we are finally at the Doctor, walking down that corridor that seems like a second home already. As we get to Doctor rooms, he is already standing waiting for us.

“Morning Mr. and I believe Mrs. Hunter.”

“Yes,” Ethan says with a proud chest, “Not eve a day old. Took some convincing but I finally got the old lady to the alter.”

Well, next there goes the flat of my hand against that perfectly set of messed up hair, “Did you just called me an old lady.”

“Boo, you are older than me.”

“Does not mean that you should call me an old lady.”

“Then what must I call you then?”

“Try Ana.”

“Well, what happened to boo?”

“Boo is going to…”

Next the Doctor jumps in, “Can the Hunters stop bickering and get ready to see how the little one is doing.” Then the Doctor pauses for a brief moment, before he continues with a smile on his face, “I am guessing that you opened the envelope?”

“Oh,” Ethan immediately jumps in to answer the question, “We definitely opened that envelope.”


“Yes, boo?”NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Do you want to get smacked again?”

With only a shake of his head, the Doctor points to me, “You get changed, and you,” he points over to Ethan, “You stop upsetting mommy and the baby.”

Well, I do not know if Ethan is more scared of a Platoon Leader or the Doctor at the present moment, but I cannot help but chuckle to myself. But everything soon disappears as I go in mommy survival mood, and start to get that fear if my little baby is okay.

So very much nervous, I get onto the bed while Ethan takes a seat in the corner. He only but whispers to me as he reaches out for my hand, “Hey, everything is okay.”

I know that he is right, but yet there will always be a fear.

I only but give him half a shy smile; I am so scared; in fact, I am near to damn terrified. All I want is to hear that little heartbeat.

So Doctor comes to sit next to me and take my hand, “Are you ready?”

With only but a nod at him, he goes to pull my gown away to show my big baby bump that is seems like it is growing even more by the day. Yes, I will admit, I do feel like that big damn green truck some days.

With a soft giggle at myself, I watch in anticipation as he puts the gell that is freezing to the touch over my tummy and rub the prove over the edges and inside of my bump. My body shivers, but it is pure shivers of joy.

Then we wait.

And it seems like we are waiting for almost forever, but it is almost like instant.

But then we see it, and god is it the most beautiful thing that I have seen in my life. There he is and his little heart is beating at a perfect hum.

Our little baby is fine, he looks very healthy, and he is fine.

The tears that have been overwhelming me start to consume my eyes come rushing like a raging river down my cheeks. Ethan abondons his chair and come stand next to me, with a gentle hand he lays it on my belly and gives me a soft peck on the cheek, “See, our little bump is doing fine. He is a Hunter.”

Then the Doctor only but laughs at him, “Yes, he surely is growing as big as a Hunter, I saw what your brother looks like and, it seems that it runs in the family.”

Yes, and they just had to say that, next comes the horrific thought, how am I going to give birth to such a big baby boy? With only but a frown on my face, I pull Ethan closer by the arm, “You have ruined my body for life.”


“You damn Hunter boys are build from brick. How is that baby going to fit through here?”

Ethan’s face sets into horror and the very word leaves slowyly in each syllable, then he only but shakes his head, “I thought you are going to do that cut thingy?”

“Soldier, I would have loved to give natural birth.”

I watch as he grinds onto his teeth, “Is this why I am in trouble?”

“No, that is still coming.”

The Doctor only but laughs at us as he prints us a little photo to go add to my collection in my scrap book. Then soon after we find ourselves walking back down the corridor, me with a giant smile on my face, yet Ethan is worrying of his ass.

The drive back home is quiet, yet we both are so excited that the arrival of our little bump is near. Yes, and near is what lies around the corner once I have given birth, and it will only be three months later. Our little bump will be three months, until his daddy, well, let us ask him now.

“So, soldier, there was a little birdie that told me where you were while I was away.”

“I don’t understand, boo? What are you talking about?”

Now I don’t know if the man is trying to ease into this or if he is just being plain damn stupid. Yet, I shall remind him, “You were with Gibbs up at the Registration Offices.”

His eyes grow wide and he starts to stutter as he fumbles for the words to explain himself, after a few moment of not being able to speak, he pulls the car off the road and then turns to me, “Boo, I was really mad.”

“Okay, yes I understand, but does it mean that you have to go enlist for the Raiders?”

“Boo, who told you that I went.”

“That does not matter who it was, the fact it that you did.”

“Boo, it does matter, because I am going to go and fucking shoot that birdie..”

And yes, I am trying to keep my composure, trying my best not to laugh while I am trying to have a rather serious conversation with him.

However, he does not see my amusement at all, he only carries on to speak, “But, boo, I though that you were happy with it?”

“Soldier, I told you how if felt about it. You know that I fully support you, but do you know what?”

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