The Shark Mafia Boss

Chapter 58 - The help

Chapter 58 - The help

Olivia POV

I finish talking to Michael and I decide to go grab something to drink in the kitchen. When I walk inside I

see Maria crying hugging herself.

I walk faster towards her.

”Oh my God Maria, are you okay?”

”Yes” - she says while she passes the back of her had on her face to get rid of the tears.

”you don't have to hide then from me, look I am sorry about Tammy” - I say while I hug her tightly.

”you don't have to be sorry for anything love” - she says to me accepting my hug

”yes I do. Everything with her started after I started seeing Raphael”

”She was like that before you”

”with other girlfriends?”

”Oh God no, Raphael never had a girlfriend to introduce to me before you” - she says and I smile -

”She was like that with everyone, she was always a problematic kid, that's why Raphael agreed to keep

her under his roof, so we could keep an eye on her”

”Oh, I see”

I keep hugging Maria until we both hear someone near the door and we turn our faces to look and it’s

Raphael. Standing there in all his glory all in black. Fuck me this man is sexy.

I see Raphael walking towards us and hugs us both planting a kiss on the top of both out our heads.

I look up at him and he gives me a small peck on the lips.

”where are you going?” - I ask him once Maria excused herself and we were alone in the kitchen.

” I have some business to attend to”

”I can go with you, I just need a couple of minutes to change”

”no you can't”

”why not?”

”This is not the time to discuss this Olivia”

”This is as good of a time as any other” - I tell him and I can see his eyes going dark.

Raphael grabs my face between his hands and makes me look deep into his eyes.

“Is it so hard for you to understand that I need you to be safe?”

“Is it so hard for you to understand that I want YOU to be safe?” - I ask him while his face shifts from

annoyance to amused.

“I get it Love, but this time it’s going to be dangerous and I need you here”

“How dangerous?”

“Dangerous” - he says and I take a deep breath.

“That doesn’t answer my question” - I tell him placing my hands on top of his.

“I will explain everything to you when I get back, I promise “ - he says and I believe him. But I still don’t

like the idea of him leaving like that, especially because he is not recovered.

“Okay” - I say now getting a hold of his leather jacket and pulling him closer to me while my lips meet


“I should go out more” - he says with a smirk

“Stop it” - I tell him off and I feel his hands holding me tight by my hips.

“You lost weight “ - he tells me and I look up into his eyes, they look clouded

“Yeah, I needed to”

“No, you didn’t. You were perfect “

“So I’m not perfect now?” - I ask with an annoyed voice pretending to be mad at him, but he notices

and plants a small kiss on the tip is my nose.

“I didn’t say that” - he says smacking me in the ass

“Hmmm” - I let out

“Won’t work” - he says and my smile falls.

“You look good today”

“I always look good” - Raphael says and we get interrupted by Joseph walking in all in black.

“Boss, everything is ready to go”

“Good, let’s go” - he says without taking his eyes off of me. As if it was the last time he would look at


“When I come back I will fuck you senseless” - he whispers in my ear and a chill runs down my spine

and I smile at him.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep” - I whisper back

Raphael kisses me and then walks towards Joseph. I am left alone in the kitchen and my legs are

shaking. I don’t know what is happening but I have a bad feeling about it.

I walk out of the kitchen and I bump into someone. And when I look up is a face I’ve never met before.

“Sorry” - I say with a soft smile

“Miss Black?” - he asks


“I will be your bodyguard for today” - he says with a serious tone

“Where’s Michael?”

“He had to go with the boss”

I see this as my opportunity to get to know more.

“Where did they go?” - I ask pretending to not look interested

“I’m not in the liberty to discuss it, Miss”

I let out a deep breath with a fine behind it and walk towards the entertainment room.

Petra is sitting there reading a magazine


“Hey” - she says back without looking at me

“Can I join you?”

“Yeah sure” - Again she replied without looking at me.

I grab the remote and turn the tv on. I put in the news for the first time since I saw Raphael awake.

“Lucas Scott still being looked by the police”

That hit me like a truck.


“Yeah?” - she says now looking at me

“Is there a way out of this room without being from the front door?”

“Okay, whatever it is don’t do it. I don’t want to die Liv”

“Raphael is being an overprotective dick and I need to do something by myself”

“You are not leaving the compound”

“Oh, no no I’m not leaving”

“Then what?”

“I need to get to Lucas”

“Are you shitting me right now?”

“I need to confront him and Raphael wants to go with me” - I tell her

“I agree with him” - she says

“Petra please, Raphael doesn’t have to know”

“He will, there are cameras everywhere in this compound Liv”

“Oh, but please help me”

"I don't know Liv, the boss would be pissed off"

"I know, but can you put yourself in my shoes? Wouldn't you want to confront him by yourself?"

"yeah, but I'm not the boss's girl" - she says

"please" - I do my best puppy dog eyes.

“Fine, but if the boss kills me I’ll kill you” - she says with a smile

Petra came up with a plan to distract my bodyguard and for us to use the underground tunnels so no-

one else sees us, and for that, I need to get into Raphael's office.

we both agree on the plan and we walk out of the entertainment room talking happily and we start

walking towards Raphael's office and the guard starts to ask questions

"where do you think you are going?" - he asks us

"work?" - I tell him as if he should've known this

"You are not allowed into the boss's office"

"How would you like me to do my job then? I need access to his laptop and his bank account, not to

mention the paperwork he left on top of his desk for me to organise "

he looked confused and then he did what he expected him to do. He called Raphael


"Miss black is trying to go into your office"

"yes sir"

"Sorry sir"

I wanted to let out a skirt but I bit the inside of my mouth to stop myself.

"the boss said you can go in"

"of course he did" - Petra says

we both walk-in and close the door behind us. Petra locks the door and shouts from the inside

"We need to focus, please don't let anyone interrupt us"

No answer from the other side.

"you do realise they are now all looking at the cameras to see if we are working right?"

"Good thing we are" - I tell her taking a seat on Raphael's chair and starting to look at papers with her

help. We do this for about one hour and they should've stopped looking at the cameras by now, so

Petra stands up and walks to the bookshelf behind me.

"should be here somewhere" - she says pressing on book covers until she presses the right one and a

door on the right opens. We both run to it and close it from inside. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"where to now?" - I ask her

"this way" - she says pointing to the left. We go down some steps and after what feels like ages walking

we reach the prison cells.

I look around and I find Lucas sitting on the floor

"What is that smell?" - I whisper to Petra

"Lucas" - she says covering her nose.

I grab a chair that is in the corner and places it in front of his cell. I can see he is restrained and that

gives me a little relieved.

"I will be back there" - Petra whispers in my ear. And when she starts walking Lucas lifts his head and

looks straight into my eyes.

"Olivia, please let me out of here, please," he says getting closer

"don't you dare" - I say to him. I can feel my body shaking but I try my best to control myself and not

show him.

"Olivia I am sorry" - he pleas

"Why did you do that to me?" - I ask

"I needed him to suffer as he did to me"

"Why did you try to rape me? Why did you try and destroy my relationship with Raphael? Why did you

take me? Why did you tell your scumbag of a guard to rape me? Why did you try to kill me?"

I let out all of the questions I had for him. All at once. Lucas lowers his eyes to the floor. He thinks I am

buying this whole sorry thing he is mistaken.

"Liv please"

"Olivia" - I tell him - "only my friends get to call me Liv"


"you know what? I hope he kills you" - I say standing up and the moment I turn my back I hear him

shouting and banging his hands against the cell bars.

"You bitch, I should've killed you when I had the chance, you think you are so special, don't you? He is

just using you, he's gonna get tired of you and dump you"

"fuck you" - I say now feeling the anger tears burning my eyes

hi everyone.

sorry to stop it here but there's more tomorrow.

stay safe



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