The Shark Mafia Boss

Chapter 49 - Thanksgiving

Chapter 49 - Thanksgiving

Olivia POV

It’s thanksgiving today. Raphael is still unconscious in the hospital. He is in a coma and it is killing me.

He died two times and those two times they successfully managed to bring him back. Both those times

a little bit of me died with him.

I am sitting in his office in his penthouse and I am looking at all the paperwork, Joseph and me are

trying to keep his mafia business flowing so no-one tries to destroy what he built.

Tim has been keeping me updated on Raphael’s business, a good thing I know about business as it is

my major. I don’t know if Raphael would’ve wanted me to look after both of his businesses but I have

been going crazy not doing anything, so working seemed like a good way to pass the time.

All the mafia stuff, the drugs, alcohol, guns, and strip clubs still make me uncomfortable so Joseph

deals with most of that while I deal with the financial part. I have been looking at his accounts and I can

see money being taken out, someone is stealing money from Raphael and I don’t know what to do. I

don’t know if I should tell Joseph or if I should just let it go.

“Are you hungry?” – I hear Maria’s voice asking me while she stands near the door that is opened.

“No thank you” – I let out

“You need to eat, Raphael will be upset when he wakes up and finds our I am not feeding you properly”

“I am okay, thanks, I will let you know once I am hungry”

“Okay dear, don’t work too much, it’s late and you should be with your family today”

“I have nothing to be thankful for” – I let out as a whisper.

“Okay dear, call me if you need anything”

“Thank you”

I put my attention on the papers and laptop in front of me. I start digging and I can’t find out who is

doing this. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

My phone starts ringing and it is my mum.

“Hey mum” - They don’t know about Raphael, I haven’t had the guts to tell them anything, especially

the mafia part.

“Hello Liv, I just wanted to wish you happy thanksgiving”

“Thanks, mum, for you too” – I say with tears forming in my eyes.

I can’t remember the last time I saw my parents and my brothers. I haven’t spoken to Gregory since

that Anna shit show. I can’t believe they are still together and he is actually considering proposing to

her. My mother keeps me updated and I really can’t believe this is happening. I feel bad for how I

treated them, but at the same time, I can’t forget what they did. He cheated on his wife with my best

friend and expected me to be okay with it. And Anna, she always knew that my brothers were off-limits.

I can’t believe she fell for him.

“Have you been eating?”

“Yes mum I am fine” – I say looking down to the floor, I hate lying to her, but I can’t just tell her that the

love of my life is in the hospital and I can barely eat because I feel guilty. Mum went to hell and back

while I disappeared.

I made the headlines of every newspaper in the country, and as far as everyone is concerned Scott fled

the country but I actually know he didn’t, he is being held captive on a cell somewhere. Joseph doesn’t

tell me where he is because he knows I would easily kill him right now, and he knows Raphael would

kill him for letting me kill Lucas.

None of them want me to become a killer, they are constantly trying to protect me, but I don’t need

protection, I am becoming cold, and emotionless. I need Raphael to function, I need him to make me

feel good again.

“You don’t sound fine, w have been reading the news about Raphael”

“Mum, I told you he broke up with me a long time ago”

“I know love, but I also know you loved him”

“Mum let go please”

“Okay, your brothers are sending their love”

“Okay, send it back”

“Anna is here”

“Mum, please”

“You need to talk to her Olivia, you are both miserable without each other”

“She should’ve thought about that before sleeping with my brother and destroying his marriage”

“His marriage was over long before that Olivia”

“Mum, I really don’t wanna hear it, look I have work to do, I will call you later”

“Okay, I love you”

“I love you too” – I say before I turn my phone completely off and focus my attention to the business at


I look outside and I spent another night awake working, it’s already day outside and I get up walking to

the bathroom, after doing my needs and washing my hands I walk to the kitchen to grab a cup of


I turn the machine on and while I wait for my coffee I look out of the window, this is definitely a beautiful

city, but it’s not the same without his shark.

“OLIVIA” – I hear my name being shouted

“Yes” – I say turning around to see Michael in his sweats and a t-shirt

“We need to go” – he says

“Where?” – I ask

“Move your ass” – he says getting a hold of my arm and taking me to the garage and into the black


I look and I see Joseph in the driver’s seat and I start to get worried

“What happened?” – I ask

“There’s been an attack to our underground storage and meeting place, we need to move you in case

they try and attack here as well”


“The English”

“Bastards” – I say under my breath.

I see that Joseph has his gun under his left leg and Michael is holding his.

I look out of the window and I see two black SUV’s following us

“We ae being followed” – I say

“They are ours, keeping you safe” – I take a deep breath of relieve and I keep my eyes on the road.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To our hideout, only the closest Soldiers and Raphael know where it is”

“What about Maria?”

“We evacuated her as well, don’t worry, she is safe”

My legs start shaking and I can feel my body getting tense.

After about one hour of driving, we arrive at an abandoned building outside of NY and Joseph and

Michael take me inside.

Inside is luxurious, you would never believe it looked abandoned outside.

“Wow this is unbelievable” – I say

“Yeah, please don’t freak out” – Joseph says after we pass a pair of double doors”

“Why would I?”

“Just please trust us” – Michael says.

“This way” – Michael points into another double door and I open it. I can’t believe what my eyes are

seeing, I blink a couple of times and actually rub my eyes with my hands to make sure I am not

dreaming. I take another step inside and there he is, awake. He is sitting on a comfortable chair

reading the newspaper.

I stop in my tracks and I look around, this is a replica of his bedroom in the penthouse. I blink a couple

of times adjusting my eyes to the low lights in that room. The moment he notices our presence he puts

down the newspaper and looks up at me and smiles.

“Raphael” – I whisper

“Hello Love” – he says while he stands up with the help of a walking stick.

I run towards him and wrap my arms around his neck.

“careful” – I hear Joseph and Michael say at the same time

“How?” – I ask looking at him

“I’ve been awake for a while love” – he says kissing the top of my head.

“You left me” – I say crying on his chest

“I am sorry” – he says putting two fingers under my chin to lift my face up to look into his beautiful blue


“Never leave me again” – I say looking at him

“Never” – he says placing a kiss on my lips and with that, I melt onto him.

“You should sit again boss” – Michael says

Raphael looks at them and nods. I help him back onto the chair and he sits, he flinches the moment his

back meets the chair.

“Does it hurt?” - I ask

“A little, but I’ve had worse” – he replies.

“Leave both of you” – he says to Joseph and Michael.

Michael and Joseph leave me alone with Raphael and I kneel in front of him between his legs while

hugging his waist. I can’t believe he is awake, but, who is the person I have been visiting in the hospital

then? My head starts to spin and I look up at him to see Raphael grinning at me.

Hi everyone,

I hope you liked the double chapter from yesterday and today's.

Another one tomorrow.

Stay safe



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