The Million-Dollar Heart (Percival and Vivienne)

Chapter 925

In the dank basement, Alyssa lay on the ground drenched in blood, her face the only part of her body left unmarred. The rest of her was a gruesome sight of flesh turned inside out.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

It was the old man, the patriarch of the Wright family, who had taken it upon himself to administer the family's harsh discipline, aiming to quash the bad blood between the northern and southern branches of the Wrights.

Using a leather whip soaked in a concoction, he struck with all his might, each lash tearing open the skin and causing unbearable pain and itchiness that penetrated deep into the bones.

The old man issued a grim decree: no medical attention for Alyssa for seven days, leaving her fate to chance.

This was meant to serve as a lesson, a brutal testament to the consequences of crossing family lines.

Robbie approached, helping her to swallow a pill, offering a fleeting respite. "Rob, please save me!" Alyssa gasped.

"You know the old man's word is law in the Wright family. You brought this upon yourself!" Robbie's voice was cold, carrying a weight of inevitability.

Alyssa's heart sank; if even Robbie, her eldest brother, refused to help, her situation was dire. "Rob, I'm sorry, please, for the sake of..."

"The one you should be pleading to isn't me. It's whoever can restore your standing within the Wright family," Robbie cut her off, his help limited to ensuring she'd survive the seven days.

Fury and hatred bubbled within Alyssa, her cracked lips bleeding from the force of her bite. Apologize to that woman? Impossible.

The Brooks family.

When Dorian and Cordelia walked in, they were surprised to find a stranger tutoring their son, Thaddeus, in their living room. The scene was so peaceful, they thought they might have entered the wrong house.

But their son was unmistakably theirs, and the authoritative figure beside him?

Hearing the door, Thaddeus looked up with excitement. "Mom, Dad, you're back! Mr. Linklater's been waiting for you."

Mr. Linklater?

The couple exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of who this new figure was.

Arthur rose, greeting them with a warm smile. "Hello, I'm Arthur."

Hearing the name, Cordelia's eyes lit up. "You're Vivienne's father, Sasha's husband?"

The news of Sasha waking up had reached them while they were abroad, finalizing a deal to expand their perfume business internationally. Sasha's well-being was paramount; Dorian owed her a great debt. Learning she was to marry Vivienne's father, they knew they had to return for the wedding.

However, a last-minute emergency had them missing the ceremony, and they'd only just returned home the day before, planning to visit Sasha that day. Yet, Arthur had arrived first. Vivienne's father.

This unexpected visit stirred a sense of unease in Dorian, his protective instincts towards Vivienne flaring up.

Arthur, sensing the tension, quickly reassured them of his gratitude towards the couple for their kindness to Vivienne, dispelling any awkwardness.

The conversation shifted to parenting advice, with Arthur seeking tips on winning his daughter's affection, a humorous turn that lightened the mood.

The evening, underscored by the shared love for Vivienne, ended with laughter and new bonds forming among them, a testament to the unexpected paths family can take.

Arthur found himself cornered into honesty. "To be completely upfront, I've known Vivienne for quite a while now, and she seems to resist me at every turn. I'm at a loss about how to make her feel comfortable and at

ease around me. After mucRO

thought, I decided to seek advice from you both."

Dorian and Cordelia exchanged puzzled glances, their eyes spelling out a silent 'Confused.'

Was Vivienne really that difficult to get along with?

They couldn't see it!

Vivienne was nothing short of wonderful. From the moment they met, she'd been quietly supporting them with her own funds, assisting them from the shadows countless times, saving Thaddeus and

warming their hearts on multiple occasions, and even investing in their start-up.

How could anyone find her difficult to be around?

But since Arthur had come to them for advice, it felt somewhat boastful to speak so highly of her.

Dorian cleared his throat. "Mr.

Linklater, perhaps there's been some misunderstanding between you and Vivienne She may not be the most talkative, but she's incredibly kind-hearted and has been nothing but good to us. The situation you're describing doesn't sound right."

"Maybe Vivienne hasn't admitted it verbally, but perhaps she's already accepted you in her heart."

Arthur's eyes lit up, and he grasped Dorian's hand in excitement. "I knew coming here was the right choice, Mr. Hawthorn. Everyone else fails to understand my feelings, but you get it." Dorian was speechless.

"Vivienne, she..."

"Hold on!"

Dorian was taken aback as Arthur miraculously produced a notebook and pen from thin air, adopting a stance of sincere eagerness as he prepared to take notes. "Please, continue!"

The two on the couch were dumbfounded.

Was this man really the 'War God' others spoke of?

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