The Mating Rules

Book 4 – Chapter 13

Lauren’s POV

‘I remember!’ I scream, hurrying up the stairs, waving the bracelet around like a lunatic as I burst through the door to the Alpha suite without bothering to knock.

Jamie-Lee almost falls off Caden’s lap at my entrance and is only saved by his hands wrapping around her waist, holding her in place.

‘Forgot how to knock when you hit your head too did you?’ the Alpha grumbles, which makes me think that I interrupted something.

‘I remember!’ I repeat excitedly, ignoring my brother in law, and holding out the bracelet toward Jamie-Lee. ‘I remember you giving this too me, it was for my birthday after you moved to the pack house! You said it was so you’d always be with me even though you didn’t live at home anymore.’

I want to jump up and down, I’m so proud of myself, I knew that my inability to remember her was hurting Jamie-Lee but now the memories are flooding my mind and I can’t believe I forgot who she was.

This is my eldest sister, the one who would sit around the coffee table colouring when I was a pup, plaited my hair for me when mum was too busy, and took me for ice cream the day that she got her licence after begging our dad to let her borrow his car.

My sister jumps from Caden’s lap, rushing over and engulfing me in a hug, ‘oh Goddess, I’m so happy’ she wails, and from the wetness soaking through my shirt, I’m pretty sure that she’s crying.

I pat her back awkwardly as she sobs until she pulls away, wiping at her eyes, ‘you remember me’ she murmurs as I nod, smiling widely.

‘What about me?’ Caden asks, standing up and wrapping his arms around my sister’s waist.

I nod again, ‘you are Caden, you are Mated to Hadley and my sister and you are the Alpha’ I rattle off excitedly, ‘and a huge pain in the a*s’ I add with a grin.

Jamie-Lee laughs as Caden growls playfully at me, ‘yeah, there is nothing wrong with you’ he grumbles before pulling me into his other side and hugging me, ‘glad you’re starting to remember kiddo’ he adds.

Behind us the door slams open, Hadley barrelling in, staring around wildly, ‘what’s wrong? Sweetheart? Why are you crying?’ he demands, striding over and pulling my sister away from Caden so he can inspect her thoroughly.

Jamie-Lee waves him away, smiling up at him, ‘I’m fine’ she replies, ‘the baby is fine too’ she adds as his gaze falls to her stomach. ‘Lauren remembers me, and Caden, she found a bracelet I gave her and the memory just popped into her head or something.’ My sister shakes her head ruefully, ‘stupid pregnancy hormones made me cry that’s all.’

Hadley’s shoulder’s relax as he wraps Jamie-Lee in his arms protectively and looks over at me still being hugged by my brother in law.

‘So you remember the a*****e, huh?’ he asks, jutting his chin at Caden who raises an eyebrow at his mate.

‘You’re going to pay for that one Mate’ he promises, his eyes darkening as Hadley swallows hard, his face flushing.

‘OK, I do not want to know about your s*x fests’ I g***n, unwrapping myself from Caden and heading toward the door. ‘Seriously, what is with all my siblings? Can none of you keep it in your pants while I’m around? I’m going to go visit Bailee if any more of you try and get it on while I’m in the room.’

I wave over my shoulder, closing the door just as Caden grabs the Gamma, crashing his lips to the other man’s, Hadley moaning softly, relaxing into him.

Hurrying down the stairs again, I head back to my room, almost skipping because I’m so happy.

‘Ren’ comes Tyler’s voice from behind me and I turn quickly, smiling up at him as he makes his way toward me.

‘Hey’ I greet him, bouncing on the balls of my feet, ‘guess what! I remembered my sister! And the Alpha.’

Tyler’s face morphs into one of happiness as he grabs me, picking me up and spinning me around.

‘Ren that’s awesome!’ he growls, ‘your memories are returning! What else do you remember? Do you remember me?’

His words throw cold water over my euphoria and he must feel the change as he stops spinning me, holding me to his chest as we stare at each other.

‘Not yet’ I murmur, wincing as his face falls, ‘but I’m sure it will come back soon.’

The warrior nods as he places me back on my feet, the happiness now replaced with awkwardness between us as we both stand facing each other in the corridor.

‘I’d . . uh . . ‘I jerk my thumb over my shoulder, ‘I was cleaning my room’ I finish lamely.

Tyler frowns, ‘cleaning? You only moved in last week and most of that time you’ve been in the clinic’ he tells me.

Ahh, well that would explain the lack of rubbish, I really didn’t get the feeling about myself that I was a clean freak.

‘Oh, yeah, I was dusting’ I correct myself as the warrior nods.

‘I suppose it would get a little dusty with you not being there’ he agrees.

‘Anyway’ I start

‘So I was wondering . .’ Tyler says at the same time, the two of us halting before both laughing nervously.

‘What were you going to say?’ Tyler asks.

I shake my head quickly, ‘no no, after you’ I reply.

‘No, honestly, it wasn’t that important, you go first’ the warrior argues.

‘Nor was mine, seriously, what were you going to say?’ The two of us stare at each other silently for a moment before Tyler sucks in a breath.

‘I was just wondering if you’d like to come over to my room tonight’ he mumbles, ‘have a horror movie marathon like old times? I can get your favourite salted popcorn from the kitchen and some sodas, we can veg out?’

His face flushes slightly as I tilt my head, studying him, ‘this is something we did a lot?’ I ask.

The warrior nods, ‘yeah, you’d come over, bring your sleepwear and get changed and we’d get in my bed and watch movies until one of us fell asleep.’

I swallow thickly, images of being curled up in a bed with the man in front of me, filling my head.

‘Uh, won’t your girlfriend be upset about it?’ I question hesitantly.

Tyler’s brow furrows as he starts to reply, ‘what girl . .’

‘Ty!’ Ellie’s voice sing songs out from beside us and we both turn to see her sashaying her way toward us, smiling brightly. ‘Lauren! How are you feeling today?’

I nod, forcing a smile, ‘I’m doing good, thank you, had a memory come back earlier.’

I notice a twitch in Ellie’s face but it’s gone within a blink and I have to wonder if I imagined it as her smile widens and she pats my shoulder. ‘Oh that is great! Isn’t that great Ty? Let’s hope it’s the start of many to come.’

I nod weakly as she loops her arm through Tyler’s, making him focus on her as he frowns. ‘Are you free now Ty?’ she croons, leaning against him so her breasts are practically dragging over his bare arm.

‘What for?’ the warrior asks in confusion.

Ellie laughs, shaking back her hair and pushing her chest into him further, ‘you said you’d hang some pictures in my room, remember?’ she reminds him, batting her eyelashes before glancing at me. ‘You’d think he hit his head, the way his memory is this week. He promised me last week that he would help me, but with everything that happened . .’ she gives me a pointed look, ‘poor Tyler’s mind has just been all over the place.’

‘I was just organising . .’ Tyler starts as I step back, pasting on a plastic smile that I know doesn’t reach my eyes.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘No, no! You go ahead, I can catch up with you another time’ I say immediately.

Ellie beams as Tyler’s face falls slightly, ‘but . . ‘ he murmurs.

I shake my head, my forced smile straining the muscles of my face, ‘honestly, you made a promise to Ellie, you should keep it, that is only right. I’m fine Tyler, you don’t have to keep feeling like you have to babysit me, I can look after myself.’

Even though I’m trying to help him, let him know that it’s OK to put his girlfriend ahead of me, my words have the impact as if I’ve slapped him.

‘I know you can look after yourself’ he mutters, his voice, filled with hurt that tugs at my heart, ‘I just wanted to spend some time with you, it’s not that I thought that you need babysitting.’

I glance at Ellie who shakes her head ever so slightly, telling me silently, exactly what I need to know, my best friend feels obligated to help me, and it’s reaching the point that it’s interfering with his relationship. I owe it to the man to let him know that he doesn’t need and should not prioritize me over his Mate.

‘Hey, got and have fun with Ellie’ I say in my most upbeat voice, ‘help her with her pictures and maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.’

I gradually back away down the hallway, waving to the pair but only Ellie waves back before tugging on Tyler’s arm and pulling him toward her own room. He looks back at me as he reluctantly follows his girlfriend and I give him a double thumbs up to let him know it’s fine.

Opening the door, Ellie ushers Tyler in front of her, turning back to me and smiling before walking into the room and closing the door.

Letting my smile fall from my lips, I turn to my own door, fitting the key into the lock and opening it before stepping into the room and shutting out the world behind me.

Sinking down onto my bed, I look around me, feeling the solitude wash over me, an ache forming in my chest as thoughts of Tyler’s movie night fill my mind, though this time, it’s not me lying next to the warrior eating popcorn, it’s Ellie and my best friend looks happy that it’s someone else.

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