The Love Book

chapter 72: If you sleep with others, do not climb into my bed again

[If you sleep with someone else, don’t climb into my bed again.

A sentence suddenly flashed through Phoebe Barnes mind, she subconsciously out of hand to tug the corner of his coat, eyes slowly tears, persistent question: “Those women simply can not get close to your body … how this perfume… …”

Knowing what it is, she still persistently wants his own answer, and since he has no intention of confessing to her, she can only ask herself.

She still couldn’t resist …

“How did the perfume get on me?” Kemp Ross took over for her, but his eyes looked like he’d heard the funniest joke, his deep, handsome features unmoving, “You don’t know who I am? I see more women every day than any actor you know, are you confident you can satisfy me in bed or do you believe the rumors that I don’t touch you?”

Phoebe Barnes small hands a tug more tightly, face is more pale without the slightest blood, bite tight lips, “I believe you, because you are Kemp Ross.”

He is Kemp Ross, the Kemp Ross who doesn’t even bother to lie.

The man swept a glance at her clutching his bony knuckles are white fingers, handsome face gradually rippled with meaningful smile Rong, like a mockery, without the slightest temperature, “Why are you always the most physically honest, the mouth says believe words, but the heart is more skeptical than anyone else. You believe me and still put on such a look of being abandoned by me is for whom?”

Phoebe Barnes’ eyes flashed and she pursed her lips without saying anything.

He still wouldn’t say it to her, even though she had made it this far.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Kemp Ross…” A slight panic welled up inside her.

The man glanced at her, his expression was light, and his voice was even calmer without any ups and downs, “You can continue to spend time here if you wake up, I’m tired to go to sleep.”

He is not lightly pulling away from her hand, and he is going to walk away with a step.

Phoebe Barnes froze and the clothesline she was gripping in her hand instantly detached, causing her to stagger slightly and her mind to go blank.

The unfamiliar and special perfume scent still seems to linger in the tip of her nose, and she stares up in a daze at the man’s figure disappearing at the stairway.

Kemp Ross’s footsteps were unhurried, as usual, and there was nothing strange to see from head to toe.

He walked back to the bedroom, his handsome face expressionless, only when entering the bathroom glanced down at the jacket on his body, frowned slightly.

After a few seconds, he raised his hand and took off his jacket and threw it onto the coat rack.

Phoebe Barnes was lost, but quickly regained her composure and returned to her bedroom to lie on her side and listen to the sounds in her ears.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped abruptly, and shortly after, the door was pushed open and the sound of deep, slow footsteps approached the bed.

In the dimness, Phoebe Barnes wrapped the covers around her body and cowered in a corner, until a damp coolness approached from behind and she moved gently, but still did not turn around.

Kemp Ross seems to be really tired, lying down, casually turning off the bedside lamp, and then no more movement.

The surrounding area was plunged into darkness and eerie silence.

In the darkness, Phoebe Barnes bit her lip, the feeling of loss in her heart came out again, finally she couldn’t help it, she turned around gently, her body in the quilt slowly moved some towards him.

The man who had already closed his eyes noticed, opened his eyes for a moment in the darkness, glanced wordlessly in her direction, and his flat voice did not have any ups and downs, “You’ve slept enough and plan to toss me?”


Phoebe Barnes’ hand, which was about to touch her, suddenly stopped, her nerves stiffened, and only after a long time did she withdraw her hand, saying softly, “You sleep, I won’t disturb you.”

Used to him sleeping every night to take her as a pillow, suddenly so cold again let her some discomfort, want to reach out and touch him.

When the initial separation of that period of time, she really is night and day torment, simply can not sleep well, she is very afraid of that situation again.

But she just withdrew her hand, the man seems to feel suddenly stretched out long arms to pull her whole into the arms, close lips, voice husky in a cool, “Phoebe Barnes, if you are really full of sleep and lust very want, as a husband’s responsibility, I am tired again will meet you.”


Phoebe Barnes’ eyes widened silently for a moment, her whole body froze, her hands clenched in front of her chest, feeling his strong breath, her heart beating faster, and she spoke with some embarrassment, “I, I didn’t want to, I’m sleepy, I’m going to sleep.”

Kemp Ross stroked the boneless softness in his arms, the dimness made it impossible to see the expression on his face, only the still crisp tone of voice had an additional layer of danger, “Move one more time, I will throw you directly from the bed.”


Noticing that he seemed really tired, Phoebe Barnes didn’t dare to move at all, even her breathing was deliberately much softer, and within a few minutes, silence fell on her ears.

The next morning, the biological clock woke up naturally, Kemp Ross opened his eyes and saw the woman’s delicate white sleeping face.

Although still in his arms, but half of the shoulders exposed, messy and soft long hair casually attached to the chest, more lined with her skin like snow.

John Lu is right, that face is indeed beautiful and hard to pick, when asleep, calm and gentle, when awake, innocent in a hint of unaware of the hook, probably even she does not know casually a smile can provoke the desire of men.

The palm of his hand held the hair around her ear, the man slowly narrowed his eyes, his throat tightened and he bit out her name hoarsely and softly, “Phoebe Barnes…”

“Mmm …” the woman who was sleeping soundly, her body shivered and suddenly responded with a soft chant, slowly trembling her eyelashes and opening her eyes.

The lazy and ignorant little expression like a deer into the bottom of the man’s heart, morning erection of desire a moment high to the extreme, calm eyes like a spilled ink bottle thick deep dark, the next second, did not pause, pinching her shoulders, low kiss down.

“Well …”

He admits that he can’t stop thinking about this body, even if he hates her in his heart, he still can’t resist her temptation.

Uncontrolled things he usually do not like much, so the heart will hold a fire from time to time, want to trample ravage.

His movements were so violent that Phoebe Barnes couldn’t stand to completely clear her head and was just about to struggle to say something when her shoulders were squeezed in pain and the man’s heavy body was pressed against her as a whole.

Without a word, even the man did not open his eyes to look at her, large palms haphazardly ripped off her clothes into a wave of fierce attack, fierce so that she could barely resist.

The whole process did not last long, after the end, the air of the rotten breath has not been dissipated, the man from Rong not forced to go down from the woman, casually draped a shirt into the bathroom, expressionless, eyes indifferent, as if the previous moment of entanglement did not happen.

Phoebe Barnes, still cushioned by the aftertaste of the intensity of what she had just experienced, lay motionless, flushed, panting softly, her slightly closed eyes concealing a hint of lassitude.

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