The Love Book

chapter 50 Checking the body

What can happen to that woman? It’s good enough that he doesn’t get him into trouble.

Chen’s mother was slightly stunned and wanted to say something, but Kemp Ross had already turned around and gone back upstairs towards the bedroom.

After the shower, the man came out of the bathroom, looking at the empty master bedroom bed, the sword brow involuntarily wrinkled up again, and more and more tightly wrinkled, dark eyes deep as an abyss, let people inexplicably feel cold.

At this time on the bedside table of the phone without warning shocked up, the man five fingers curled up a little, but the body did not move.

It was only after a few dozen seconds of ringing that he went over and picked up the phone, saw the notes, and his eyes gradually darkened.


“Hehe … took so long to answer, didn’t disturb your “sexuality”, right?” The man’s laughing voice has an off-key, gangly tone.

Kemp Ross’ face was cold, his voice even colder, “I’ll hang up if there’s nothing else.”

“Hey wait, this fire … I really came untimely, well, I’ll make it short, tomorrow is the day of the old man’s physical review, you do not forget to bring him to the hospital.”

The caller was none other than King Pei. After the old man’s kidney replacement, his health was much better but he still needed regular checkups.

“Well, I get it!”

Kemp Ross was about to hang up, King Pei was busy adding, “Oh and don’t forget to bring your daughter-in-law along, her body needs to be checked too, after all, she only has one kidney and had a miscarriage before.”

The man suddenly narrowed his eyes, his surrounding breath gloomy, cold voice indifferently said: “She is not in, you care so much about her go ask yourself.”

After saying that, he casually hung up the phone.

King Pei on the other side of the phone looked at the phone with raised eyebrows, a confused look, and muttered, “Not at home? No wonder you’re so grumpy. I think you are the one who really should be healed.”

The next morning, Phoebe Barnes woke up to a call from King Pei.

When she heard that she was going to the hospital to review her health with the old man, she didn’t refuse and packed up to leave.

Nancy MO brought breakfast to the table and looked at her, “What are you going to do?”

Phoebe Barnes changed her shoes, “I’m not eating breakfast, I just heard from Ross’ family that Grandpa is going to the hospital today for a review and I have to go with him!”

“Shit!” Nancy MO put down the plate with a bang and cursed, “I just took a day off from the studio, planning to accompany you out for a break, and you’re just leaving?”


Phoebe Barnes heart a touch, but still puffed two cheeks very innocent look at her, “really sorry, he just called to inform me, and, last night is really thank you for taking me in.”

“Kemp Ross called?” Nancy MO was slightly stunned.

Phoebe Barnes’ face went dark, “Not him.”

He really doesn’t have her in his heart after all.

Nancy MO was afraid that she would think again, and was busy waving her hand, urging with disgust, “Then you go quickly and quickly.”

“Then I’m off.”

Phoebe Barnes, in a simple outfit, wearing only a mask to cover her face, waved at her and left.

She knew the hospital where King Pei worked, so she went straight to the hospital without contacting Kemp Ross.

The Ross family’s private hospital, she arrived when Kemp Ross and Ross senior had not yet arrived.

While she waited, she went to King Pei’s office.

The man in a white coat, smile Rong and warm handsome, looks completely and Kemp Ross two kinds of nature of people.

“Dr. Pei.”

“Come sit over here!” King Pei smiled and waved at her.

Phoebe Barnes found a chair and sat across from him, with some doubt in her heart and a low, soft voice, and asked, “Dr. Pei, I’d like to ask why you’re the one who called me?”

King Pei’s lips curved up, very gentle, and he spoke without any haste, “Oh, I was afraid he was so busy that he forgot to tell you, so I called an extra one, but it looks like he really forgot.”

Phoebe Barnes was silent for a moment, lowered her head and said lightly, “You don’t have to cheer me up, you should have called him last night, right?”

How can it be forgotten, even if it is forgotten, it is because it does not care enough.

King Pei look at her gently smile open, flexible turn the signature pen in his hand, the voice is still no ups and downs of the gentle, “how to say it, you couple’s affairs, I do not interfere, Kemp this person, it is a good point is slow to emotional matters, the hard point is the outside cold inside hot pretentious very, he will not take the initiative to make women happy, you get used to it. ”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Phoebe Barnes’ fingers on her lap tightened slightly as she stifled, “Is it a lack of initiative with all women, or is it just me?”


King Pei’s eyes flashed very quickly and glanced at her, still smiling carelessly, “Can all those women compare with you? You are his daughter-in-law.”

“But why does he seem to hate me?”

“Hate?” King Pei chewed this word playfully, then Xu Xu lazy smile, “you think too much, Kemp nature does not exist hate or like, only care and do not care, but he is too sullen, he cares about what is absolutely will not let you easily see, and he does not care about things will be completely indifferent. You hang around under his nose all day, he has ignored you?”

Phoebe Barnes wrinkled her brow and looked at him, her eyes more than a little sad, and said in a muffled voice, “He has ignored me.”

King Pei, “…”

He slowly sat up straight, like a psychological mentor, little by little to help her analysis: “He ignored you how to remember to hold you to sleep every night? He wants to play outside a random woman can also play with him, and why do you need to come home on time every day?”

Phoebe Barnes dutifully replied, “He has a cleanliness problem.”


King Pei, “He’s not going to go for used ones at his price either.”

Phoebe Barnes, “…”

She pursed her lips, her heart still a little sad, “Physical satisfaction, does not mean love, he does not like me.”

King Pei lost his smile, “I didn’t say for sure that he likes you either.”

“You don’t need to emphasize that statement.”

King Pei helplessly spread his hands, “I am looking at you like a lost lamb, do not talk to you to understand, I guess you will fall head over heels.”

Phoebe Barnes lowered her eyes, her breath seemed to calm a bit, and asked carelessly, “Dr. Pei … and Kemp have known each other for years?”

King Pei laughed, “I’m his family doctor, don’t you know that well?”

Phoebe Barnes hesitated for a moment, her expression somewhat puzzled, “Then you should know more about him from his childhood, too, right?”


King Pei’s eyes fell on her face for a few seconds, the eyes became a little deeper, suddenly playful smile, “I am an outsider, what you want to ask can be said directly, I will not tell him.”


Phoebe Barnes eyes flashed a flash of embarrassment, this one is a human being.

She gave a false cough, averted her eyes, and said softly, “Did Kemp… have a girl who was a good friend before?”

King Pei glanced at her, the smile on his face even more, “You ask too euphemistic, you are his daughter-in-law, you should directly question me if he is hiding another woman in his heart.”

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