The Love Book

chapter 112 – Men are really stingy, there is nothing for women

Phoebe Barnes’ expression changed a few times, and she actually forgot about that guy.

Tugging at the corners of his lips, he smiled stiffly at the waiter, “Thanks, I got it.”

Walking out of the hotel, she immediately took out her cell phone and called John Lu back.

Last night for no reason let him a night of pigeons, on his that amount of gas, a moment will certainly dislike her death.

Called once and no one answered.

No answer twice.

The third … seconds to pick up.

The corners of Phoebe Barnes’ mouth twitched hard.

Men are really cheap and have nothing to do with women.

As soon as the phone call came through, a non-yingyang voice immediately came from the other side, “Yo, it looks like you’re still alive.”


Phoebe Barnes walked down the road, talking as she went, and without waiting for him to ask, she explained directly, “Sorry, I was so tired last night that I just found a room and went to sleep, who knew I was so deep in sleep that I forgot the time.”

John Lu’s lazy voice had a bit of a smile in it, “Too deep in sleep? How does this young man feel that you are so happy that you have directly left this young man at your heels?”


Phoebe Barnes’ cheeks flushed suddenly and she was glad John Lu was not there.

Covering his lips with a muffled cough, he calmly said, “Lu Shao, you think too much, I really slept too much last night.”

John Lu did not listen to her argument, lightly smiled and said: “I heard that last night Kemp Ross was also in, Emily Bryrant was also in, I also heard that Emily Bryrant did not go to the young master instead of the Ross total, the two went to the back of the room closed the door also do not know what happened, you say there is not interesting? ”



Phoebe Barnes sneered in her heart, if he hadn’t found out the exact information he could mention it in front of her on purpose?

However, what she cares about is not what happened between the two in the room, but just curious if the drug that Kemp Ross was given last night was by Emily Bryrant?

But then, where did Emily Bryrant go?

After a few seconds of contemplation, she laughed lowly at the phone, “Lu less, you eat the jealousy of your ex-girlfriend, you can go to her, there is no need to say it in front of me, right?”

“I just feel, why the women I used to find are all brainless? She’s smart enough to abandon him and join Kemp Ross, but she’s not afraid of death if she dares to go near him?”

Phoebe Barnes teased her lips with a snicker, “It’s good to see you admit to yourself that you’re not as good as Kemp Ross.”

“Of course, this young man is not as inhuman as he is.”


Phoebe Barnes rolled her eyes overhead, “Okay, I’m done with you, I have to go to the hospital, so I’ll hang up now.”

After cutting the call, she stopped a car and went straight to Ross’s hospital.

In the ward, Nancy MO looked much better and smiled when she saw her, “I’m getting ready to leave the hospital, quick, help me with my luggage.”


Phoebe Barnes was stunned and looked up at Kelsey Long, blinking, “Discharged from what? Didn’t I say you can’t leave the hospital until the scar on your head is healed?”

Kelsey Long shrugged her shoulders and said she was helpless.

Nancy MO rolled her eyes, “Home is preventing my wounds from healing? Is the air in the hospital still healing? If it weren’t for the fact that this is the hospital of President Fu’s family, I would have wanted to pack up and leave.”

Phoebe Barnes looked at the gauze on her head, angry: “It’s all your own fault, you just do as you see it, why do you have to hit so hard? Frida Qi wounded can still speak half a day without breathing, you just fall down.”


Nancy MO is a little embarrassed, but still stubborn neck bristles, “The Palace that is asking for a clear conscience, not like they are so villainous.”

“Well, you’re a generous lady!” Phoebe Barnes glared at her, followed by a one-handed pinch, coolly reminded: “Your great achievements are still hanging on the Internet, a large number of reporters in front of your apartment surrounded, just waiting for you to throw yourself into the net, you go back now, either by the reporters blocked or by the Qi Family people blocked, and even more, maybe, Ning two young is at your The second youngest is at your doorstep.”


Nancy MO pretty face changed, black glazed eyes dripping a turn, called out, “Then I go to your house, anyway, uncle and aunt will not dislike me.”

Phoebe Barnes grinned grimly, “Sorry, thanks to you, my house is also blocked.”


Nancy MO froze, changed her face in a second, huffed her little nose with extreme aggression, pulled her sleeve and said pitifully, “Phoebe baby, you’re the best, why don’t you think of a way for me, anyway, I just don’t want to stay in the hospital, I can go anywhere.”

Kelsey Long stroked her forehead speechlessly and couldn’t help but say, “Nancy, I think you’d better stay in the hospital for two more days until the wind passes.”

“No!” Nancy MO immediately shouted out, spilling her guts, hugging Phoebe Barnes’ arm and whimpering, “Phoebe, just take me out of the hospital and I promise I’ll stay in my apartment and not go anywhere.”

Phoebe Barnes was helpless, “Then you might as well stay here, there’s someone else to look after and I can rest easy.”

“This is the Ross family’s private hospital, how expensive hospital fees you have not calculated? Although …” Nancy MO said paused and tightened her small eyebrows, “Oops, anyway, I can’t give you any trouble, buy some medicine, let’s go back.”

Phoebe Barnes understood what she was saying, but the Ross family didn’t care about that, they just couldn’t resist her and finally agreed to help her get out of the hospital.

Before she left, Phoebe Barnes thought about it and thought she should talk to King Pei.

Only when she went to King Pei’s office, she didn’t expect Kemp Ross to be there.

The madness of last night rushed to her head, so much so that she stood in the doorway for a few seconds froze her ears quickly shot red.

“Heh, what a coincidence!” King Pei smiled as if he didn’t notice anything different.

But Kemp Ross’s sharp eyes scanned her reddening ears and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is the woman shy?

Phoebe Barnes bowed her head and walked up to the two men, glancing first at Kemp Ross and then at King Pei, “Dr. Pei, I came to tell you that I’m taking my friend out of the hospital.”All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

King Pei nodded knowingly and smiled warmly, “Well, I know, I heard from the little nurse before that your friend has lived in impatience, if not, she may have to demolish the house.”

Phoebe Barnes pulled her lips in embarrassment and didn’t answer the question.

Half a minute later, he looked at Kemp Ross again and smiled softly, “I’ll leave first, I have to go back to the set, so I won’t bother you guys.”

The man had little expression, just a light hmm.

Actually, what Phoebe Barnes also wanted to ask was whether he came to the hospital today because of what last night’s medication had done to his body.

But in the presence of his good buddy, though a doctor, it can still be awkward, not to mention, this kind of out of tune buddy.

She hesitated for a second, but turned around and left the ward.

Kemp Ross’s deep gaze followed her as she disappeared.

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