The Love Book

chapter 102 – He is now my fiancé

Only not long after she left, a bartender walked over and lowered his voice, “Excuse me, are you Miss MO?”

Nancy MO was stunned for a moment in a trance and nodded, “Well, I am.”

“Please follow me, Mr. Ning is waiting for you in the back.”


Nancy MO’s heart contracted violently, slowly clenching her fingers and lifting her steps to follow the bartender.

The bartender suddenly stopped and smiled softly at her, “It’s just ahead, Miss MO please go there yourself.”

Nancy MO nodded with a slightly nervous look, hesitated for a few seconds, and raised her steps sluggishly to walk over.

Still in the garden, a lawn not far from the crowd.

But in front of the bright green stood only a woman in a white dress, with her back to her, a beautiful white and slender figure.

Nancy MO approached, froze, slowly frowned towards the surrounding look, some strange is not the wrong way.

“There you are.” A soft voice came from the front, and the woman slowly turned her face.

Nancy MO immediately recognized that the beautiful face in front of her was the woman in the wedding photo, the Qi Family’s daughter, Frida Qi.

A flash of lightning in her brain, she calmly asked, “The text message was from you.”

Frida Qi smiled, raised a hand to ruffle the hair blown by the wind to the face, said in a light voice: “It’s me.”

“… why.” Nancy MO heart tension slowly regained calm, but inexplicably more than a trace of empty feeling.

Frida Qi hooked his lips, lifted his steps and slowly approached her, white bustier dress like a bride to be married in Ma Shan, smile Rong confident and beautiful, “I know all about you and him. Knowing that after he left, you have been waiting for him, and even stayed in the city for him. Today, I asked you to come here to see that you should not wait any longer, he is now my fiancé, and the person he loves is me.”

Nancy MO looked at the eyebrows tinged with a hint of complacency of the woman, a few seconds of silence, suddenly very bashful laugh, hot noon, this laugh is extraordinarily cool, even with a strong mockery, “Frida Qi with this reason to find me here, do not think it is inexplicable, childish and stupid and ridiculous to the extreme? If you really know me and he all the things should understand, five years ago I broke up with him, five years, not to mention contact, his name did not appear from my mind, he does not narcissism you will be quite narcissistic for him, who said I have been waiting for him? He is gone, I also do not have to die, Jiangcheng as a cosmopolitan city, I can not easily find a job not to stay is stupid?”


Frida Qi face changed slightly, the tone of voice more than a hint of aggressive, “these five years you do not marry, nor find a boyfriend, not because the heart is still in love with him?”

“Frida Qi check is quite clear.” Nancy MO sarcastically laughed and said quietly: “But you’re right, it’s because of him, meet such a disgusting scum, if I don’t grow some eyes really sorry my parents gave me the brain.”

Frida Qi, “…”

Nancy MO drops the eyes, red lips lightly open, soft voice low cool deep, “But I do doubt Frida Qi’s intelligence, originally five years we are so non-interference over, you suddenly so tossed, not afraid that we again revisit the old dream?”

Frida Qi eyes instantly changed a little, the face also cold a few points, faintly related smile, “MO Miss think it is possible? Probably he does not have that time to relive the old dream.”

She said slowly raised her hand to caress her belly, and her eyebrows became softer, “He is going to be a father, and after we get married he will also sit in the position of Ning’s president, so many things are not enough to keep him busy, which there is time to relive the old dream with you?”

Fingertips unconsciously stabbed into the skin, Nancy MO eyes fell to her flat belly slightly narrowed eyes, face barely any fluctuations.

Just a second of silence, low loss of laughter, “if not look at the photo of the door, I almost forget what he looks like, the photo are so fake smile, Frida Qi think he married the president position or you?”

A trace of mockery swept over her lips, she moved her body, not quite cared for closely followed: “If Frida Qi let me come here today just to remind me, then I have just said enough to understand, before Ning two young later see me rekindle old feelings, I think I’d better say goodbye.”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Turn around, lift your step and go.


A muffled collision sound came out.

Nancy MO slightly alarmed, turned around, white shadow in front of her eyes, just two steps away Frida Qi suddenly jumped in her arms, covering her forehead, screaming: “Help, help ah!”


Nancy MO slightly confused looking at the red liquid slowly left in the corner of her forehead, and swept a glance at the broken bottle on the ground, eyes abruptly cold down.

This woman set her up!

“Missy! You, what’s wrong with you?”

“Come on, someone, Missy is being beaten up!”

Nancy MO, “…”

A few shouts, all the pro guests swarmed to Nancy MO and Frida Qi.

Frida Qi tugged Nancy MO’s clothes with one hand, covering her forehead with the other, blood dripping, still beautiful, but also wretched.

Nancy MO stood motionless with an indifferent face, only a trace of overwhelm and helplessness leaping from the deepest part of her eyes.

“Frida! Frida, how are you doing?”

“My God, why don’t you guys hurry up and get the person up, doctor, call a doctor quickly.”

A pair of middle-aged men and women walking quickly, see the situation face changed, rushed forward to help Frida Qi, it seems to be the Qi Family two old people.

Frida Qi was helped up by a few maids, her face a little pale, as if she was not a little frightened, a pair of eyes through a strong panic, from the inside out with a soft and pathetic taste.

“How to bleed so much, call the doctor to speed up!” Qi mother is distressed to the extreme, while loudly ordered the maid, while asking, “Frida, what is going on? Who did it so hard?”

Frida Qi half body leaning in Qi mother’s arms, dizzy, eyes half open, discomfort opened mouth, “is …”

Before the name could be spat out, a black figure quickly walked in from outside with a calm and strong voice, “What happened?”

Nancy MO’s back to his body jolted, the beautiful nails of the repair because too much force almost sunk into the palm, the brain is unusually calm, calm and even a touch of dizziness.

Phoebe, where are you …

“Taylor where have you been, Frida has just been attacked, why aren’t you with her?” Frida Qi’s father frowned at the arriving man.

The visitor swept a look at Frida Qi delicate appearance, as well as the face of the blood stains have not dried, not anxiously out of the faint voice: “I was just welcoming guests.”

The upright figure missed Nancy MO and walked to Qi’s mother, looked at the woman and said, “I told you not to run around if your body is inconvenient, you always don’t listen.”

Warm light and quiet voice, although there is no accusation, but also did not hear what anxious, on this occasion, the other party is still his fiancée, the tone of this is not inevitably appearing to be oligarchic.

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