The Legendary Mage (Alavin)

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Days gone by. Unwittingly, they were nearing Azure Mountain, yet Alavin seemed to have vanished into thin air, unfindable. They even retraced their steps to no avail.

Azure Mountain

That very night, three hundred Protégés of Cobalt Strike were nearing the mining district. The man in black, Garrat, infiltrated the area first, meeting Vandill in the depths of the estate.

"Alavin, Shadowlord's Messenger?" Vandill couldn't believe his ears. It had not been long since he'd left the ranks of Cobalt Strike, and such inconceivable events were unfolding, utterly baffling. "Has the Commander truly decided to pardon the Mallister family?"

Garrat stood like a shadow in the flickering candlelight. "The Commander has officially decreed it. The writ of pardon is en route as we speak and should arrive by tomorrow."

"Why? Even if he meant to pardon them, why so soon? Is it just for securing a top five rank? Does a mere title carry such weight? Does the Commander intend to take Alavin under his wing as an apprentice?" Vandill was clearly irate.

"I would wager the Commander has struck some sort of bargain with Alavin. It's likely the Mollen family had a hand in it, too."

"Hmph, the Mollen family's reach grows ever further. When the Grand Elder takes power, we'll see to their end. What are the Grand Elder's instructions?"

"The Grand Elder has made his will clear. Before the writ of pardon reaches Azure Mountain, the Mallister clan shall be dealt with—every last one of them. My men are already assembled outside the mining district and are ready to act."

Vandill nodded. "What of Alavin? He poses a threat. How will you handle him?"

"He won't live to see Azure Mountain. And after the Mallisters are disposed of, we'll drive all the miners into the forest to fend for themselves."

Vandill pondered for a moment. "I shall gather the miners now, and in doing so, I'll have my men and Lucan's guards move to the square. The rest is up to you."

"We'll don the guise of bandits and plunder this estate."

"Your time is limited. Ensure it's done cleanly."

Garrat vanished silently into the dark.

Soon after, a somber toll of the bell shattered the night, rousing the sleeping mining district. In their modest quarters, miners opened weary eyes and stumbled outside. Why would the bell toll at this witching hour?


"All to the square, everyone!"

"An urgent announcement, young and old, sick and lame—all must gather."

"Everyone must be present. Any who dare defy will face severe punishment!"

Vandill's people banged their gongs, and rushed through the quarters, rudely rousing the half- asleep miners. Here, men and women alike, weary from a day's toil and barely laid to rest, were all too accustomed to this servitude, numbly dragging themselves to the square.

Over two hundred thousand people, a dense throng from different quarters, moved like a dark flood toward the square. The crowd was immense, yet the atmosphere was stiflingly somber, save for the sound of footsteps and the cries of children.

Lucan, upon receiving the news, rushed to the estate with his guard, pounding on the door to gain entry, and came face to face with Vandill, who was on his way out. "Vandill, what madness compels you at this unholy hour?"

"A piece of good news and a piece of bad. Which do you wish to hear first?" Vandill greeted him with a cold smirk, followed by many Cobalt Strike Protégés, each carrying large sacks filled with valuables from the estate. They were ready to abandon the estate, leaving an empty shell for Garrat and his men to burn.

Lucan frowned at the Protégés with their burdens. "The good news first."

"The good news is that from this day forth, for at least a fortnight, none of you shall toil."

"What do you mean?" Far from pleased, Lucan was on alert. How could such good fortune fall upon them? His guards also frowned, sensing a plot. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

"It means no work. Eat, drink, and rest well, then..."

"Then what?"

"Hit the road! Assemble tonight, count the numbers, and tomorrow, we will start moving to the new mining district."

"Tomorrow?" The crowd's complexion shifted drastically. Weren't they supposed to be given a month's notice?

Vandill's dry laugh followed. "Tomorrow it is."

"Who will oversee the escort?" From here to the new mining district was leagues across the deepest parts of Cloudveil Woods, fraught with danger. Without sufficient protective forces, these two

hundred thousand souls would be naught but fodder for Magi-Monsters. This wasn't relocation; it was a feeding delivered to the Magi-Monsters.

"The guard should be en route. I’m not clear."

"Not clear?" Lucan's voice rose, his gaze fierce.

"I'm only here to give orders; the rest is not my concern. Make way!" Vandill shoved past, leading the Protégés out of the estate.

"Captain, what's happening?" The guards were panicking. They'd been mentally prepared for the journey to Mythic Boulder Valley, but without adequate protection, a hasty move was a death sentence.

"Vandill, by whose command do you act?" Lucan hastened after him.

"Cobalt Strike's affairs are none of your concern. Know your place! You're a captain of the guard, but you are a servant! Don't overestimate yourself."

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