The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2795

Chapter 2795

Why bringing home someone else’s child?

Why? What was the reason? She needed someone to give her an answer, someone to tell her how to solve this riddle and reset everything to the start.

Had Nolan sensed something?

He quietly played some music, and as the notes spilled out, it seemed to him he heard Regina’s sobs.

It took a good long while before Regina, with a hint of embarrassment, turned back to face him, barely daring to meet Nolan’s eyes at that moment.

Wiping away her tears in a rush, she offered an awkward smile.

“I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I got so emotional all of a sudden. I’m usually not like this,” she said.

Before Nolan could respond, Regina continued, “Maybe I just feel safe around you. Thanks, Nolan.”

In the moment their eyes met, Nolan felt as if something inside his chest had caved in. He was fallen. His mouth opened, but no words came out.

Regina, as if unable to bear even a second of the awkward silence, quickly announced they had arrived at her place. She opened the car door and dashed out.

“What are you escaping from?” he murmured to himself.

When Regina finally shut her door behind her and leaned against it, gasping for air, she covered her face with her hands in despair. “What was I saying back there? Crying in fron of him, of all things! Regina, what are you doing?”

She threw herself onto her bed in a state of collapse. She was supposed to work with him. again tomorrow on the Domingo case, but in her current state, she felt like she’d rather vanish into thin air.

Even as she prepared for bed, the embarrassing scenes of the afternoon kept replaying in her head. She had thought she would have trouble sleeping, even considered taking some melatonin to help, but surprisingly, she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, dreamless and deep.

Nolan, on the other hand, came back to his eerily quiet house after leaving work early. Turning on the TV, he was suddenly struck by a wave of loneliness. He remembered his grandma’s words from their last conversation, asking if he didn’t find living alone in such a big apartment lonely. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

How had he replied?

Laughing it off, he had retorted, “Grandma, by your logic, should everyone just live in tiny rooms?”

He could only recall his grandma’s stern face as she patted his back, “You know that’s not what I mean. I’m not that old-fashioned. I just wish you’d spend more time taking care of yourself instead of being so solitary. I don’t even like coming to your place; it feels like a freezer, completely devoid of warmth.”

Back then, he didn’t take her words to heart. But now, he felt he understood the old lady’s sentiments.

Nolan turned on some music again, but it only seemed to accentuate the emptiness of his apartment.

Perhaps Grandma was right – this place needed someone else to fill it.

Glancing at his schedule, he noticed that in addition to investigating with Regina tomorrow, there was also the family dinner Grandma had specifically reminded him to attend.

“Shoot, almost forgot.”

The elders at home were particularly unforgiving. If he dared forget about tomorrow’s family gathering, he’d be in for a world of trouble.

When it was time to hit the hay, Nolan found himself restless. His mind kept replaying the image of Regina’s straight back and the tears she tried so hard to hide.

Regina wasn’t supposed to be like this; her tears shouldn’t be concealed. Her tears we pearls, precious and not meant to be hidden away.

Francis, as her father, was beyond unreliable.

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