Chapter 26
Chapter 26
Chapter 26 – Coming Home. LAURA
I wake up and slowly open my eyes, still a bit sore and tired after giving birth, but I am so happy that
they are finally here. And Liam was here with me, he never left but stayed, letting my curse and
squeeze the life out of his hand. My eyes land on the armchair he has been sitting in, and see that he is
still there, but h e is sleeping with a sleeping Zara on his chest. They look so incredibly peaceful, and
he has a hand around her back, so he doesn’t drop her.
While I am laying there looking at the man I have fallen for and my baby. When the door silently opens,
a nurse comes in. When she sees that I am awake, she smiles and is about to speak when I motion to
hert o be quiet and points to the chair. The nurse turns around and sees her big bad, and dangerous
king sleeping with a baby on his chest and a big soft smile breaks out on her face and she quietly
leaves the room again.
A loud cry comes from the cradle where Zack is and startles Liam who wakes up. He looks confused
for a sec but then Zara begins to cry as well.
“I think they are hungry.” I say and he looks at me and smiles before standing up, and putting Zara in
the cradle next to Zach.
Liam comes over to help me to sit up properly in the bed, then he comes with both babies. They are
both fast to latch on to each one of my breasts. Liam sits back down closing his eyes a resting his head
against the chair. I think to try to give me a little privacy. When the twins don’t want to eat more he
comes over to sit next to us and smiles at me. 1
“Zara was a bit fussy doing the night so I took her up. And I guess we ended up falling asleep.” She
tells m e and I smile.
“You looked so cute. I think the nurse thought so too.” He laughs. When he suddenly goes quiet and his
eyes cloud over and I know someone is mindlinking him. His whole body tenses and he gets up and
looks at me.
“Rouge attack, I need to go. Stay here. I will be back.” He says and rushes out before I can answer. A
sec after he left, 2 nurses rushes in and go to secure the windows and pull down a metal grid.
“Don’t worry miss Perl, the hospital has an extra-strong window and metal grids. Even though we can
go underground, we are safe here.” One of them tells me and I nod.
“I can put your pups in one cradle and put them next to you, then they are still close but you have your
hands free.” She offers.
“Yes please, that would be great.” She does as promised and goes to leave the room letting me know
that Dr. Marshall will come by soon.
It has now been 2 hours, and Dr. Marshall comes in and smiles when he sees me.
“You can relax miss Perl, it is over. No one is badly injured. But the rouges put some houses on fire, so
they are working on closing that.” He tells me and I relax a little. He smiles again and checks me over.
And then checking on the twins.
“Both you and the pups are ready to leave, you can shift in 2 weeks after I have done a quick checkup.
To make sure, that your body will be properly healed, this also counts for sexual behavior.” He winks at
me and I laugh a little.
“Thank you, Dr.”
“You are welcome miss pearl. I will see you in 2 weeks for a checkup.” He tells me and leaves. Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.
Now I just have to wait for Liam to come back and I decide to try mindlink him. I didn’t want to do it
when I didn’t know if the attack was still happening. I didn’t want to risk distracting him and end up
getting him
‘Hey baby, everything is just settling. I’ll be back there soon. Are you and the pups okay?’ I can feel his
‘Okay, don’t stress Liam. Dr. Marshall says we can go home. So I will just get our stuff ready for when
you comę.’I tell him.
‘That’s great baby, I will come as soon as can. If it takes more than an hour I will get Mack to come and
get you home. I am sorry I can’t be there right away.’
‘It is okay Liam, really. Just be safe. See you soon.’
‘See you soon beautiful.’ He ends the mindlink and I go to pack the stuff I have here. Then I take my
time feeding the twins again, but one at a time. By the time I was done, a little more than an hour had
gone by and before I knew it Mack came into the room.
“Hey, Laura. Liam is really busy right now. One of our warriors managed to get one alive. Liam is trying
to make him talk, trying to find out why attacks have raised so much everywhere. So I will bring you 3
home where Rosa is waiting.”
“Okay, thank you, Mack.”
“He is really sorry he isn’t here himself.” I smile at him.
“I know, but what he is doing is more important. He is trying to keep us all safe.” I answer.
Mack helps me get the twins into the car and we drive home.
We have been home for about an hour now. Rosa and Mack carried the twins upstairs to the nursery
for m fe, my body is still a bit weak after giving birth, and then Rosa helped me change their diapers.
Now I am
just resting, in all honesty, I could really use a shower, but I don’t want to leave them. The door is
silently being opened and Liam sticks his head in and smiles at me.
“Hey, I am home, I am so sorry I couldn’t pick you up.” I smile back but wrinkle my nose when the smell
of blood reaches my nose.
“Hey it is okay, Mack told me, you caught one. Are you okay?” I ask. But he still doesn’t come in and I
can only see his head.
“Yeah, all good. I am going to shower then I will be right back.” He looks so serious but still doesn’t
come i n. I know something is up, and I smell the blood. But I can also sense how much he wants to
come in.
“Okay.” 1 answer not wanting to pressure him.
He closes the door and I am left sitting wondering why he smelled so much like blood, and I realize that
must be why he was hiding behind the door. I get up check on the twins and mindlink Rosa.
‘Yes Sweetheart, everything okay?
‘Yes, I am good. I was just wondering if you are not too busy if you would look after the twins. I could
really use a shower.’
‘Of course sweetie, I will come up and get the baby monitor, then I can hear them while I cook dinner.’
‘Thank you, Rosa, I promise I will hurry.’
‘No rush dear, take your time.’
I end the mindlink and first go into my own room to get some clean clothes. Then I go to enter Liam’s