The Killer Queen

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

The old timers had been on pins and needles, eager to bust out of the hospital, when suddenly they were stood up!

Being stood up is one thing, but when they heard Palmer ducked out to escort Noella back to her childhood home, the old coots were surprisingly understanding. They just told him to keep it safe and swing by the next day.

Bottom line, they didn’t want to get discharged by themselves. They were dead set on waiting for Noella to pick them up.

Hearing Palmer relay the old guys‘ nagging, Noella couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

Whether it was the elders or the Schnabel family, everyone genuinely had her back!

Palmer and Noella’s phones buzzed simultaneously.

Beckett’s roar blasted from Palmer’s phone, “Palmer! Where the heck did you take my sister? Aren’t you guys coming home tonight?”

“Chill, Beckett. Noella and I are over at Verdant Garden. Didn’t you pen the sign yourself?”

Beckett’s face flushed, clearly caught off guard that Palmer had seen right through his little scheme.

While it might have seemed excessive to display it in a Glen Village homestead, the fact that it was his sister’s home, filled with memories of her past, warmed Beckett’s heart.

“Hmph, so what if I did? You planning on camping out at Verdant Garden tonight instead of coming back?”

“We’re staying the night.”

Beckett hung up in a huff and tried calling Noella, only to find her line busy.

Elara, eyes glued to her lab data, issued a warning. “Noella, don’t let that blockhead pull one over on you. If he tries anything funny in the dead of night, you make sure he sings soprano!”

Noella was at a loss for words.

“And if you fancy making a move, you know, play it safe.”

Noella was even more speechless. What on earth was her sister thinking?

“Elara, how did you know Palmer and I are at Verdant Garden?”

“Palmer shared his location. And your selfie with him, huh. Never expected him to show your photo to Old Mrs. Lambert. Guess he’s got a conscience after all.”

Noella finally realized Palmer had actually shared their whereabouts with the Schnabels. Probably didn’t want them worrying about her! The fact that he could be so considerate about even the little things warmed her heart.

Chapter 114

“Noella, when are you coming to visit me in Emerald County? I miss you terribly: I can hardly focus! I’m practically withering away! Come see me, and I’ll whip up a feast of roast chicken, boiled chicken, stewed chicken, and fried chicken – a whole chicken banquet!” This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Noella didn’t know what to say.

At the Emerald County research base, those banquet chickens probably had a place in the pecking order. Was it even okay for her to eat them?

“I’ll come in a few days, after picking up Grandpa Marcel and Grandpa Sexton from the hospital. Grandma Freya and Grandpa Merrick have a heap of gifts for you.”

“Awesome, can’t wait to see you!” Elara showered the phone with a barrage of kisses before. reluctantly hanging up.

Beckett’s relentless calling finally broke through after Elara hung up. “Noella, you’re not coming home tonight?”

Noella glanced at the darkening sky, now sprinkled with stars.

Beckett, clutching his phone, wished he could fly her back home himself.

Tristan, seeing his son’s state, snatched the phone from Beckett’s grip. “Sweetheart, it’s getting late. Don’t bother coming back. Just stay there for tonight. Old Mrs. Lambert’s been so kind, and we’re grateful. We’ll make it a family trip sometime!”

Tristan’spoke gently to his daughter while shooting a glare at Beckett.

What an oblivious kid! Noella was with Mr. Pollack now, a perfect chance for romance.

“Noella, don’t rush. Enjoy yourself back home. Show Mr. Pollack around, have a blast, and come back when you’re ready!”

Tristan hung up, smugly ignoring Beckett’s forlorn puppy–dog eyes.

“Dad, I can arrange a chopper to bring Noella back.”

“Arrange nothing! Off to bed with you! What’s the big deal if Noella and Mr. Pollack spend a couple of days together? It seems like he’s really into her, and that puts my mind at ease. When they do get married in the future, they will surely have a strong bond!”


The word hit Beckett like a bolt from the blue.

His baby sister just got home and now marriage talk? Not on his watch!

Tristan swatted him. “Go on, don’t interfere with your sister’s love life!”

Noella pocketed her phone, turning to Palmer. “There are only two rooms in the house, and Maddox said they’re both clean. You sure you want to stay here?”

Chapter 114

Maddox, carrying a plate of food, chimed in. “Ah, Ms. Noella, I forgot to mention, Old Mrs. Lambert’s bed is gone. Some darn rodents got to it. I took it out for repairs.”

“Grandma’s bed was chewed up? When did that happen?”

“Just a few days ago. The house has been empty, and stuff breaks down fast. Your room’s bed was fixed up last month, good as new!”

Noella frowned slightly. “Well, if the bed’s busted, let’s head back after dinner.

Maddox didn’t miss a beat. “I dozed off while cooking and dreamed of old Mrs. Lambert. She was hoping you’d stay tonight. Ah, these old bones, always dreaming!”

Noella was at a loss for words.

Dreamed of Grandma while cooking? You probably should listen to what you were saying.

Palmer stood up to help Maddox with the meal, his voice soft as he reassured, “Don’t worry about me, I’ll crash on the couch. Since Grandma wants us to stay, we’ll stay.”

Maddox shot Palmer a playful wink and quickly made his escape. The way he moved, you’d think he could sign up for a seniors‘ marathon right now. Hardly the image of someone frail and aged who might doze off while cooking!

A few years back, Maddox even competed in the local Polar Bear Plunge, taking home the gold

each time.

The spread on the table was modest, but it was clear Maddox had gone out of his way to welcome them, even preparing a chicken specially for the occasion. The rich aroma of the chicken soup was enticing, enough to make anyone’s mouth water.

Palmer showed no signs of distaste. He sampled each dish carefully before turning to Noella. “Did you grow up eating this kind of food?”

“Yeah, Grandma was always worried I wouldn’t grow properly, so she made sure every meal was hearty.”

In what seemed like compensation for the neglect she’d nearly suffered at the hands of the Fuller family, Old Mrs. Lambert had been particularly meticulous in raising her.

This little courtyard held Noella’s fondest memories, yet sadness lingered in her eyes whenever she recalled them.

A dull ache settled in Palmer’s heart, and he reached out to gently touch Noella’s hair. “From now on, I’ll be by your side. Grandma will always be there for you too!”

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