The Heartless Alpha

Midnight Wolf Chapter 44


“You want to make an official alliance with me?”

“It would have happened sooner or later. And this way, other packs in the area will know you’re friends with.”

“I guess that couldn’t hurt.” I sighed.

“You don’t seem thrilled about it.” Ben commented.

I shrugged, a humorless laugh escaping me. “It sounds immature, I know. I just wanted to do this right. And myself. I talked so much about what I would do for this pack… and the first day I call my father-in-law for help.” I laughed again, shaking my head. Violet walked over to me, taking my hand.

“You really need to let that go Jasper. I’m proud of you for reaching out to my Dad. This pack needs a lot of work. There’s no way we could do it all by ourselves! Besides, how is this any different than being the son of an Alpha? Garrett has gone through years of training for when he takes the position. You stepped into this role, not only not knowing who you really were, but with no previous training.” She squeezed my hand tightly. “And in one day, you’ve already given these people so much hope for the future! Don’t think that doesn’t count for anything.”

“She’s right son.” Dimitri smiled. “You’ve done amazing so far. Let’s call this a speed bump that we’ll go over together. Now, how about we get your Beta and Gamma?”

I nodded. “Alright.”

I reached out in the mind-link for the first time. “King, Ashwell?”


“Yes Alpha?”

“Can you come up to my…er, the office?”

“On our way.”

I looked around, uncertain. “You know, I think I might convert this into a storage space or something. I’m not comfortable using this as my office.”

“I felt the same way.” Vie said.

“Anne had an office?”

“Most Lunas do.” Dimitri explained. “I converted an old bedroom for your Mother.”

“Annes was very… tacky. I doubt she ever sat in that chair; It was an antique, old as dirt. I sent most of the contents of that room to be sold already.”

“We’ll look around later, see what we can find in the way of a bedroom and offices.” I smiled at her.

“Sounds good.” She looked at her Dad. “How is everyone at home?”

“You haven’t been gone that long Violet.” He smirked. “They are fine. Your Mom wanted me to tell you to charge your phone though. I guess she tried to call last night…”

They started chatting and I tuned out a little. Yes, I’d have to do a full sweep of the packhouse. I had the strong idea that neither Violet or I wanted to stay in Warricks old room. Goddess knew what I do with it though. The more I thought about it, the more I was straying from the idea of living in the packhouse altogether. There were too many bad memories here, if not for me, then definitely for everyone else. This place hadn’t exactly been the beacon of hope and leadership it was meant to be. Suddenly, I missed my little cottage in the woods.



My head snapped up, seeing everyone staring at me with mixed expressions, including King and Ashwell.

“Uh, sorry. I was lost in thought.”

“No worries.” King stretched his hand out to Dimitri. “Nice to see you again Alpha Varlos.”

“You as well. I’m correct in assuming that you two will continue as Beta and Gamma here then?”

“Yes sir.”


“Dimitri wants us to join in an alliance.” I announced. Both men raised their eyebrows, but relief flooded into their eyes. “I think we should get started right away, yes?”

“Let’s do it.” Ashwell pulled one of the chairs to the desk and sat.

For the next half an hour, the six of us went over the details of our alliance. I followed along, listening intently. It wasn’t that much different than school, learning about different alliances in other packs.

“So, now the tricky part.” Dimitri frowned slightly. “Legally, if B***d Moon were to help you out-supply necessities, food, materials- we would need a form of payment. At the moment though, Silver Moon is low on income.”

Violet told him about her plans for the fields, and the orchards, and the possible factory.

“All great ideas, but all of that will take time. I’m willing to help out now, of course, but I don’t want any issues down the road. The last thing any of us needs is the Elders stepping in and making something out of nothing. Or other smaller packs thinking I’m willing to give hand-outs. You understand where I’m coming from Jasper?”

“I do.” I leaned on the desk, thinking it over. “What if we split profits?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“You provide Silver Moon with what we need, and in return, we cut you in. We can provide food from the fields, income from the trades with the humans, and maybe even some jobs at the factory.”

He thought about it for a minute before turning to Ben.

“I think that’s a pretty good deal. Though B***d Moon isn’t lacking in jobs. I can’t see anyone traveling here to work.”

“What if you owned the factory?” Violet mused aloud. “Half the profit would then go to B***d Moon, but you would be in charge of paying the employees. We would have the factory here, in Silver Moon for easy access to them. People could earn a living again, and you still get back what you put in?”

“I think that’s a fair deal. Jasper?”

“I like it. But in that case, I’d like to lower your profit from whatever the factory sells.”

“Fair. Everyone on board?”

Resounding yes’s around the room. I took a deep breath and went for my next course of action.

“I’d like to talk about the warriors.”

Dimitri raised an eyebrow at me.

“What about them?”

“I’ve been told they lack in training. I would like your permission to hire a few of your warriors. I will provide them with shelter, food, all the accommodations. And it would only be temporary.”

Dimitri leaned against the wall, stroking his chin. “As part of this alliance?”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

He looked at King. “What shape are your fighters in?”

“Honestly Alpha, they need work. Their techniques, as well as their attitudes. I thank the Goddess we haven’t had any serious attacks lately. But now, with Warrick dead and Anne gone, I do have a fear that rogues or even bigger packs will try to take us out.”

“And you won’t be able to defend yourselves properly.” Dimitri nodded before turning back to me. “I will agree to this as your family. I want my daughter and my grandbabies to be safe. Go make some calls.” He said to Ben, who nodded and left.

“Where are we going to put them?” King asked.

Violet smiled. “Haven’t you handed out those eviction notices yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Well, let’s go get on that, shall we?”

“Right now?”

“No time like the present King.”

Knowing I shouldn’t let her do this alone, I followed her out of the office and down the Hall. King met us outside a few minutes later, papers in hand.

“Alright. Let’s go. Who’s first?”

He checked the names quickly. “Kettler.”


“First one.” He pointed and we headed that way.

I was a little surprised to see Dimitri with us, but maybe he was just coming along out of curiosity. Or perhaps, like me, he didn’t want anyone threatening his daughter. Either way, I was glad he was behind us, as an ally.

The first house was literally a minute’s walk from the packhouse. It had white brick walls, beautifully laid out gardens that looked well kept. A few rose bushes grew under the large windows in the front, and I could see a swingset in the backyard. The roof was well done, the gutters clean. As we walked up the narrow walkway, I noticed not one stone had a crack in it, not one weed peaking up. Warrick really took care of his friends.

Violet bypassed all of us, walking right up to the door and knocking loudly. A few seconds later, an elderly woman answered, her small eyes roaming around each of our faces.

“Yes?” Her voice was rough and hoarse.

“Hello ma’am. May we speak with Mr. Kettler please?” Violet smiled.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kettler said not to let you in…Luna.” She bowed her head, tacking the title on at the end.

“I’m not asking to come in ma’am. I would appreciate it if they would come out though.”

“I..I’m not sure..”

“I can always have the Beta escort them out?”

They stared at each other for a second before the woman nodded. I thought I saw a ghost of a smile on her face as she turned away, but maybe I imagined it. Her eyes glazed over as we waited. And then heavy footsteps sounded from inside the house.

“What nonsense is this?!” A man, Kettler I assumed, threw the door the rest of the way open, nearly knocking the old woman off her feet. Violet reached out to catch her, just in time. I recognized Kettler as the black haired man who had spoken in the Hall. “Bertha! How dare you disobey me and allow them here! I should have you whipped!”

The old woman, Bertha, whimpered, backing away from him. I snarled.

“She told us you said not to let us in. We didn’t come in.” Violet snapped at him.

“I don’t want you on my property at all!” He replied sharply.

“Your property is on Silver Moon land. Which means it actually belongs to the Alpha and Luna.” Dimitri spoke up. He’d edged closer to Violet.

“Who the f**k are you?” Kettler challenged. Dimitris aura swept around us, although it wasn’t so intimidating for me anymore. Kettler, on the other hand, took a step back.

He thought about it for a minute before turning to Ben.

“Alpha Dimitri Varlos of B***d Moon. Perhaps you’ve heard of me? Oh,” He continued as Kettler gulped, “And that happens to be my daughter you’re yelling at.”

“A-Alpha Varlos… Y-yes. I’m sorry, so sorry Alpha. Please, come inside and have a drink.”

“No, thank you.” He declined.

“We’re here on other business.” Violet said.

Kettler focused on her again. “Such as?” His tone was neutral, but even I could tell he was trying very hard to remain polite.

“King?” She held out her hand and King gave her the paper. She gave it to Kettler. “This is what we’re here for.”

He scanned it, his face becoming a shade redder. “What is this?” He demanded.

“An eviction notice. We’re giving you a month to get all of your belongings and relocate.”

“Relocate?! To where?! This is my home!” His face was definitely red now.

“He’s going to hurt our mate!”

I started. Ehno hadn’t talked to me in a while. I wasn’t sure why, but I’d been too distracted to really give it much thought.

“He won’t hurt her. And we’re right here to protect her.”

“He better watch it.” He grumbled. “I don’t trust him.”

“I know. I don’t either.”

“The upper ranks have decided that your home could be put to better use. Like housing visiting warriors, or Alphas and their company. You will relocate to the main part of the pack, like everyone else.” Violet explained calmly.

“The f**k I will! Who do you think you are, you little b***h?!”

Dimitri and I growled at the same time. Violet stepped away, obviously realizing she pushed him too far. Ashwell pulled her behind his back.

“You will not insult your Luna.” I snarled.

“She is not my Luna!”

“Then you are not a part of this pack.” Dimitri stepped forward. “Everyone must look up to the Luna and Alpha, as leaders, role models, and care takers. If you can’t accept her, then…”

“Then I will come join your pack.” Kettler crossed his arms defiantly, but Dimitri laughed.

“I don’t want you in my pack.”

“Then you are sentencing us to become rogues!” This time he shouted at me. I shrugged.

“I never banished you. You can choose to remain here, if you want. But Alpha Varlos is right- You need to accept that Warrick is gone, and we will not give you special treatment any longer.”

“You are doing this out of spite!”

“I’m not. But I will not stand here all day and argue with you. You’ve been served the notice, and I expect you to follow through with it. Plans will be made for your new home by the end of the month.”

The realization finally sunk in, and he sputtered over his words. Finally, he managed a coherent sentence. “You can’t do this.”

“I can, and I have. I’ll give you a choice though; You can choose to remain here in the pack, without special treatment, or you and your family can leave and start over somewhere new. If you’re that opposed to us as your Alpha and Luna.”

“I asked about you.” Violet spoke up. “I’m told your mate graduated with a business degree in a human university. And you yourself are one of the top doctors around here. Don’t me wrong, your attitude sucks, but it would be a shame to lose either of you.”

That shocked me. “You’re a doctor?”

“Yes.” He huffed. “I work under the pack doctor.”

“How in the f**k…” I heard Dimitri mumble.

“Why should we stay?” He looked between me and Vie. “Warrick took care of us. You obviously don’t want to.”

“Warrick coddled you.” I argued. “I’m sorry that I won’t, but everyone in the pack deserves to be treated equally. If one person is struggling, everyone helps out. If one person is getting ahead, everyone will have their back. But I expect those achievements to be earned, not given.”

“I’m working on a plan for the pack hospital.” Violet stepped around Ashwell. “I just got the report this morning. When things get better around here, I would love to look into updating things over there. For your benefit, and for the packs. I could really use your help, Kettler.”

The offer seemed to shake him a bit. “You want to help the hospital?”

“Of course I do.”

“Why would you do that? Warrick said things are fine, he never gave any money.”

“You need to understand that we aren’t your previous leaders. We want to help you.” I stated. Violet nodded.

He leaned against the doorway, running his hands through his hair. Finally, after many tense minutes had passed, he looked at us again. “We’ll stay. But I’m not happy about ‘relocating’.”

“I don’t think anyone who lives on this street will be.” Violet smirked.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“You’re evicting everyone?”

“Like I said,” I walked to stand beside my mate, “Everyone is equal.”

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