The Heartless Alpha

Midnight Wolf Chapter 24


We got back to the packhouse later than expected, due the fact that we hadn’t shifted. I was fine with that, just enjoying being with her for a while. We didn’t talk much on the way back, but I caught her biting her l*p a lot. Clearly, she was still very worried about the revelation of her being a hybrid, and what her future would hold. I’d squeeze her hand, a reminder that I was here for her, and she’d gift me with a small smile. Now, her face fell into a grimace as she properly looked at the damge of the packhouse.

“f**k. Mom and Dad must be so pissed.” She g*****d.

“I think they’re more relieved that you weren’t hurt.”

“Nobody else got hurt, did they?” She looked up at me with worried eyes.

“No, everyone is fine.”

“Thank the Goddess.” Her gaze fell back on the broken wall, the sound of people from inside reaching our ears. “I can’t believe I did that…”

“Me either. Now I really have to be careful not to get on your bad side.” I teased her. Thankfully, my lame joke had the effect I wanted. Vie punched my arm lightly, but she was smiling.


We turned simultaneously at the Lunas voice. She was running in our direction and Violet let go of my hand, taking two steps back, looking afraid. Her Mom jumped, nearly tackling her to the ground in the process.

“Oh my Goddess, I was so worried about you!” Luna Lily exclaimed.

“W-worried?” Violet repeated.

“Of course!” She checked her daughter all over, patting her cheeks, her arms. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

“I’m fine Mom.” Violets voice was just above a whisper, obviously stunned by this greeting.

“You sure? Alright. Come on, we have lots to talk about.”

Taking my place next to her, the Luna led us inside. To my surprise, the people in the house had done a fast job at clearing away the damage. A third of it was gone already. Vie kept her eyes down as we passed through the foyer and down the hall leading to the cafeteria. The doors opened and once again, we were recieved with frantic activity. Everyone rushed to Violet, asking if she was okay. She gave me a look, and I smiled at her. No matter what, her family would always be there for her, just like me. Once it was relatively calm, and we were seated at one of the tables, Violet turned to her Dad.

“Dad I… I’m sorry. I know it’ll cost a lot to repair the uh, damage. I’ll help though, I swear.”

“Don’t worry about it. I already put in a request for new stairs to me bui-“

“No!” Shouted the Luna. She was glaring at her mate across the table. “For the love of the Goddess Dimitri, just put in the f*****g elevator! I swear, if you rebuild those stairs, I will be the next one to rip them down!”

“Hear hear!” Exclaimed Luke, and Ben nodded in agreement.

“Seriously, I’ll help her.” Clara added.

“Finally!” Sighed Garrett. “Thanks sis!”

“Uh, no problem.” Violet mumbled. However, even she had a tiny smile.

“I can’t just put in one elevator.” Alpha Dimitri said to his Luna. “It’ll be too much for everyone here.”

“Then put in two. Or three. I really don’t care, but no more stairs.” She replied.

Alpha Dimitri sighed heavily, rubbing his face. I got the feeling this wasn’t the first conversation on this topic, but it seemed to be the last. He conceded with poor grace, looking like he lost a war. Everyone was visibly very happy about this decision.

“Alright, alright. Moving on.” The Alpha said. He turned to his daughter, who shrank a little into my side.

“I’m sorry…” She whispered.

“Honey, nobody is mad. This wasn’t your fault.” Luna Lily said.

“Your Grandpa and I have agreed to work with you, to help you control your witch b***d.” Clara spoke up.

“Really?” Violet sat up a bit.

Clara nodded. “Isa went through this. So did I, and probably your Grandpa too. Your power is coming forth, and it’s unstable right now. It will come out in waves when you get too emotional.” She glanced towards the doors. “Though I can’t say I’ve ever heard of a witch bringing down a house.”

“It wasn’t the whole house.” Vie grumbled.

“Regardless, you’re obviously very powerful. You just need to learn to control it.”

Violet looked around, gazing at each of our faces.

“What if I can’t?” She asked.

Her Dad took her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Then we figure it out. We will not turn our backs on you.”

She looked like she was going to cry again, but held it in. Instead, she leaned in, hugging her Dad tightly.

“Thanks.” She said, looking at everyone in turn.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to stay home from school for a while. But you can do everything online so you won’t fall behind.” Her Mom said.


“Your Grandpa and I want to start training you as soon as possible. So be ready tomorrow, and meet us in the training yard after lunch. You can do school until then.” Clara said.


“We can’t risk anymore, uh, incidents. I love renovating, but I’m not up for re-building the whole house.” Her Mom chuckled and Violet blushed.© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

“Everyone will need to go to the second floor tonight, until the…elevators are put in.” Alpha Dimitri said. He pouted a little towards the Luna, but she studiously ignored him.

“And how do you suggest we get to the second floor?” Luke raised an eyebrow.

“Ever heard of a ladder?” Alpha Dimitri threw back.

“….A*****e.” Luke muttered while Ben laughed.

“Lastly, I want this to be kept under wraps for now. Nobody is to speak of this to anyone outside of this room. Understood?”

The Alpha looked around, all of us nodding.


“Then we need a training spot other than the yard.” Clara said.

“How about the cabin?” I suggested.

“What cabin?”

“I have a cabin just outside the border. It’s private enough.”

“Jasper no.” Violet shook her head. “I don’t want to risk damaging that place, you worked so hard to restore it.”

“It’s fine Vie. Really, I don’t mind. Besides, it’s the safer option, for you.”

She frowned, but her Aunt liked the idea. I agreed to take them there tomorrow, and it was settled. Despite her concerns, Violet fell into conversation with her Aunt and Mom about her new training. The other broke off into different conversations as well, and I was left to just listen. The men were discussing how to locate Jennine, and I focused on that. But I felt an itch, as if I was being watched. My eyes cut down the table, and sure enough, Garrett was glaring at me. What was with him? Was he ever going to let go of his anger towards me? I wasn’t the only one who noticed. Sophia touched his arm, making him focus on her. She spoke quietly to him for a minute and they stood.

“We’re going to bed.” He announced.

“Your room is the the third on the left.” The Alpha said and Garrett nodded.

They said goodnight to everyone, but Garrett threw me one last look before they left. It was easy to ignore him though, when I had my mate to focus on. She was listening avidly to her Dad and Uncles now.

“We’ve searched this whole area, many times. Killian expanded with his men, remember, but she’s not here.”

“Do you think she went back to Scotland?” Luke asked.

“Doubtful. She has to know we’d check there eventually.”

“Violet…” Her Dad turned to her, surprised to see she was already involved in the topic at hand. “Did Celeste say anything else? About where Jennine was?”

“No. She just said danger was coming, but she didn’t give any details. I didn’t even know who she was talking about until you guys told us.”

“F**k.” He ran his hands through his hair. “Okay. Well, we have a warning. So she must be getting ready to make a move soon. Ben, send the search parties out again. She might be back in the area now.”

“What about me?” Luke looked at him.

“You have another job. Gideon and Clara will be busy training Violet, Ben with the searches, and I want you to see what you can find on hybrids. In the library, from our allies, anything.”

I raised my eyebrows, but the Gamma just nodded. I got the impression he was very knowledgable, and he didn’t complain about his assignment either.

“Alright. I think everyone could use some rest now.”

We stood, but I might have been the only one at a loss. Was I supposed to go home? Could I stay with Violet? As I was pondering this, Luna Lily came over to us.

“You’re room is second on the right. I had some clothes delivered for you Jasper.”

“Thanks Mom.”

“Thank you, Luna.” I bowed my head.

“Please, call me Lily dear. You are my future son-in-law after all, no need for such formalities.”

“Uh, Okay. Lily.” Both girls chuckled at how awkward I sounded.

“Have a good night.” She hugged her daughter again, kissing her on the cheek before she left side by side with her Alpha.

“I think Mom is already planning our wedding.” Violet said.

“Seems like it.” I agreed.

“Oh well. One less thing we have to do.”

“Doesn’t every girl want to plan their own wedding?”

“Most girls, I guess. I never really thought about it much.” She shrugged.

“Yeah, that sounds like you.” I smiled and she blushed lightly. “Do you want me to stay here tonight?”


I chuckled at how quickly she answered. I mind-linked my Mom, telling her where I was and then we left. It felt like morning was only minutes ago, but in reality, the choas from earlier, plus finding and bring back Vie, had taken up my whole day. It was already dark outside, though I had no idea what time it actually was. Violet was clearly exhausted though. The foyer was almost completely cleared now, only a few spare wood chunks lying on the floor. As mentioned,a ladder was placed against the wall, leading up to the second floor. Violet climbed up first and I followed.

“I’m going to take a shower.” She said once the door to the room closed. “Make yourself at home.”

“Will do.”

I plopped onto the bed, grateful that it was soft and comfy while she disappeared behind a door. A few minutes later, I heard the shower running. As if on cue, Ehno got excited, throwing out all sorts of images in our shared mind. I g*****d.

“Can you not?”

“I want to mark our mate!” He growled.

“She’s had a helluva day man! Can’t you be a normal, non-horny wolf for once?”

“Not really.”

“You’re impossible.”

Of course, now my own imagination was running wild. Twice, I readjusted myself, to no real satisfaction. Violets scent was drifting into the room, floating on the steam from the shower coming from under the door. I inhaled deeply, relaxing and getting more excited by her heavely scent. I’d never smelled anything quite so intoxicating. It only made me wonder if she tasted just as good.

I was so lost in my own world, I didn’t notice the shower had stopped running. I only shot up when the door opened, Violet shyly stepping into the room in nothing but a towel. I gulped loudly, my eyes following her as she walked to a large dresser, pulling out some pajamas. Neither of us said a word, and she avoided looking directly at me, but the air was thick around us. I released the breath I’d been holding when the bathroom door shut again. However, I nearly choked on it when she came back out.

She was wearig a purple set, the top showing off her cleavage beautifully, while the shorts were… well, short. I drank in the sight, wondering how the Hell I was going to make it through the night without going crazy. Meanwhile, Violet stood in front of a mirror on the wall above the dresser, brushing her wet hair. Her scent was stronger now, and it was a miracle of willpower I hadn’t moved from the bed yet.

“Which side of the bed do you want?” her eyes found mine in the mirror.

“Doesn’t matter.” I hoped my voice was as casual as I wanted it to be.

Finally, she turned out the lights, and joined me. Her expression said she was trying to act natural, maybe even pretend I wasn’t here. But her nervousness was easy to spot. I pulled the covers back, then tucked them around her. I laid down, wondering if it would be okay, or too far, to be closer to her. Before I came up with an answer, Violet rolled over, facing me.

“Can I…?” She gestured to the space between us. I nodded.

A big part of me wondered why this was such a big deal. We already slept in the same bed. So why did this feel different? We were both acting more cautious, obviously timid. Sparks danced acrossed my skin as she laid down right beside me, her arm over my torso while my arms were behind my head.

“Goodnight.” She whsipered.

“Night.” I kissed her hair.

In minutes, her breathing evened out. A soft snore came from the back of her throat; She really was just done today. I, on the other hand, was wide awake. Lowering one arm, I started to play with her long hair, brushing it over her shoulder. The action calmed me a lot, and I sent a heartfelt thank you to the Goddess for giving me the girl beside me.

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