The Heartless Alpha

Midnight Wolf Chapter 20


We ended sleeping together in the bed. Just sleeping. But I did feel a lot better, thanks to Jasper. He also got me thinking; What exactly was I? A Midnight Wolf, but what did that mean? Hala wasn’t giving me answers, but only because she didn’t know. It was frustrating. Why couldn’t the Goddess just call me up to her realm and explain things? Or was that treatment only reserved for my Mom? I’d always been fascinated when Mom recalled her visits with the Goddess. Now all I felt was slightly annoyed. Sometime later, I fell asleep, still grumbling to myself.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a meadow filled with tall grass, blowing gently in a warm breeze. I shielded my eyes; The glaring sun was too bright compared to the cozy confines of the cabin. I blinked, suddenly anxious. Wait, where was the cabin? How did I end up here?

“Jasper?” I called. My voice echoed around me, but nobody replied.

Slowly, I stood, taking in my surroundings. There wasn’t much actually, just a lot of grass and an incredibly blue sky, free of clouds. I looked down, noticing my feet were bare. What shocked me more was the pure white dress I had on. My breathing started to accelerate, and I started to get dizzy.

Had I died?!

“You are far from dead Violet.”

I spun, searching for the voice. There was nobody.

“Who’s there?” I tried to sound brave, but my voice came out breathy.

Then I saw it. A small orb was floating towards me, just above the tips of the grass. It was white, like a void, but still had substance. It was beautiful, and scary. As it drifted closer, it reformed, wiggling and strecthing, taking shape. I watched as the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen or imagined suddenly stood in front of me. Her hair was long, and black. So black, the complete opposite to the orb she just was. Her eyes were hypnotic, her skin creamy, yet ghostly white. She smiled a kind smile at me, and my brain stuttered over what I knew to be true, yet couldn’t accept.

“Goddess? You’re the Moon Goddess.” I whispered.

“Yes. You may call me Celeste.”

Her voice washed over me, filling me with a sense of peace. I looked around again.

“Why am I here?” I asked her.

“Because you asked to come here.”

“I did?”

She laughed, and I gaped. The sound was like music. “Not in so many words. But I got the hint.”

She waved her hand, and a simple wood table and chairs appeared. Trying to be discreet, I pinched my arm. Twice. Celeste looked at me with amusement while I decided that perhaps, maybe, I wasn’t actually dreaming.

“Would you like to sit? I believe we have some things to discuss.” She said politely.

Dazed, I sat in one of the chairs, peering at her as she took the seat across from me. Everything she did was beyond graceful; I was in pure awe.

“I believe you have some questions for me?” Celeste asked.

I blinked. I was here because of that? Immediatly, I apologies starting tumbling out of my mouth.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean… you didn’t have to bring me here! I didn’t mean to sound like a child, I was just curious….”

Celeste laughed her musical laugh, her head thrown back. My jaw opened and closed like a fish.

“You worry too much Violet. I am more than happy to be here with you and talk. You are one of my children, after all.” She smiled sweetly.

Gulping, I sat back and tried to organize my thoughts. When I looked back, there were cups on the table, filled with tea. The smell of orange hit my nose, reminding me of Jaspers scent. Orange Peckoe tea was my favourite; I guess I shouldn’t be surprised she knew that. Adding some sugar and cream, I stirred and then set my spoon down. I took a sip; It was better than any tea I’d ever had! I savoured the taste for a minute before placing my cup down. Celeste was sipping away at her own drink, waiting patiently.

“I guess I just want to know…why me? It’s the one thing I keep asking myself.” I said somewhat nervously. I was basically questioning her choices. Maybe that wasn’t okay. Would she smite me?

“You are your Mothers daughter.” She chuckled. “You need not be afraid of me child. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

My eyes widened. “Can you read my thoughts?!”

“I can, but I don’t. And I didn’t. They are clear as day on your face.”

My face went tomato red.

“As to your question.” Celeste set her cup down. “I do believe your mate explained it very well. You do not see yourself very clearly dear. But I know that you are strong, capable, smart. You were the perfect choice for my gift.”

“But why did you make a new wolf?” I asked, curious.

Her expression faltered, her smile slipping. “There is danger coming. To you, and your pack, but most specifically, you’re family. I am afraid your Mothers wolf won’t be able to handle it on her own.” She sighed.

“What danger?” How serious was this threat that the Goddess herself felt the need to make a new breed of wolf?

“An old threat. Old, but it has grown strong. This is something you and your parents should speak about.”

“Okay… How strong is this threat exactly? And what can I do about it?”

“Very strong. Guided by hate and jealousy, a true monster of rage. The time will come when you will know what to do. Hala will help you. She is special.”

“She’s a re-born wolf, right?”

“Yes. Her former life was tragic, and her human treated her without mercy or care. I know she will be happier with you.”

“She… she can’t remember that can she?”

“No. As well as your brother, and her new breed, I have also given her the gift of completely starting over. She knows she is re-born, but it is better she does not remember anything.”

I nodded. At least there was that. I would hate for Hala to suffer in anyway.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked after a minute of silence.

“Of course.”

“Why is Garrett red? Alphas are usually black…”

“Just like you, your brother is special to me. He is still an Alpha, as long as he continues down the right path. He is meant to do great things. He will see in time.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I nodded again, taking another sip of my tea. It was hard to look at her, with her celestial beauty.

“If this threat is so big, why don’t you put a stop to it?”

“I will not interfere in the lives of my children. The greatest gift I’ve given to all of you is freewill. Even if some choose to use theirs distastefully.”

My eyebrows scrunched. “But you made Hala… a new breed. Isn’t that intereferring?”

Celeste smiled an amused smile. “I will admit, it’s a grey area. A tiny loophole if you will.” She stood suddenly, smiling at me lovingly. “You are more than you know Violet. You will flourish, I am positive. Try not to worry about mundane things so much, and don’t doubt yourself. You will make me proud, Daughter, as you always have.”

Celeste walked to stand in front of me, cupping my cheeks lightly. Her skin was warm and cold, feathery light yet heavy. It was surreal, this feeling. When her lips touched my forehead, a jolt of light blinded me, before everything went dark. My eyes re-opened to the darkness of the bedroom in the cabin, taking me totally by surprise. I shot up, my breathing coming hard, my heart accelerating so fast, I thought it might jump out of my chest. Jasper was awake instantly, his arms going around me.

“What? What’s wrong?” He asked frantically.

I shook my head, trying to calm my dizzy thoughts. How could I even begin to explain to him what just happened?

“Violet? Vie!” He shook me a little. “You’re scaring me! Tell me what’s wrong, please.”

“N-nothing is wrong.” I whispered. “I just… whoa… Just give me a minute.”

He held me until my breathing slowed down, my heartbeat back to normal. Pushing my hair away from my face, I looked at him and explained. His eyes grew wider every second I talked and when I finished, he looked almost as shaken as I had been a minute ago.

“So, your parents know what the Goddess is talking about? About this threat?”

“I guess so.”

He nodded, still looking stunned. “At least we have a forewarning.”

My stomach felt uncomfortable as I thought about what Celeste said. I had a bad feeling throughout my body; How far away was this threat? When would it come? And why my family? I definitely needed answers. Throwing the covers off, I got out of bed and looked for my shoes.

“What are you doing?” Jasper asked, but he got up as well.

“I can’t just sit here, not knowing. I’m going to see my parents.”

He handed me my shoes. I grabbed my phone, and together we left. It was still dark out, but I guessed it was close to morning. Maybe another hour. Even if Mom wasn’t up, Dad would be. He still got up at crazy hours, due to all the work he did as Alpha. Jasper waited inside the door while I stripped and shifted, picking up my belongings in my mouth. Before he followed suit, he put our phones in a bag so he could carry them. I turned while he shifted and then we took off towards the packhouse.

I went over every single thing Celeste had told me in my head. Hala didn’t have anything to add, and by the time we got to the packhouse, I was even more anxious. Nobody was around when we arrived; I shifted back outside the house, throwing my clothes on. Jasper came around the front, handing me my phone. Shoving it in my pocket, he took my hand and we walked inside together.

“My Dad should be up, but I want Mom there too.” I looked at him. “And Garrett.”

His eyes darkened a bit, but he nodded. I went to Dads office first, not bothering to knock. He was sitting behind his desk, still looking tired as Hell.

“Violet? Jasper?”

“We need to talk.” I told him. He scrutinized my face.

“Something happened?”



I shook my head. “Mom needs to be here too. And Garrett.”

He looked at me for a second. “Alright. Stay here.” He stood and walked out. I pulled Jasper to the black sofa against the wall. I stared at the bookshelf on the other side of the room, waiting. It didn’t take long; Ten minutes later, Mom, Dad and Garrett came in. I was shocked to see Sophia enter behind my brother. Did she stay in the packhouse with him last night? Did that mean he’d accepted her?

Garretts eyes found my mate and he stiffened. Goddess knows why he thought I’d dragged them in here, but I didn’t miss the anger that passed over his face. Without saying a word, he took Sophias hand, leading her to the opposite side of the room. Mom took a seat next to me, and Dad resumed his place behind his desk. Everyone looked at me.

“Sorry to wake you up.” I said to Mom and Garrett. “But this is important.”

“Don’t worry hun.” Mom yawned. “Just tell us what’s going on.”

I looked her in the eye. “I had a visit from Celeste.”



“The Goddess?!”

Everyone talked at once, except Sophia and Jasper. Though Sophia’s eyes were wide as saucers.

“Well… more like she had me visit her. It’s hard to explain.” I g*****d.

Mom nodded. “I know. Don’t worry about that, what did she say?”

I told her everything. Her face grew paler by the second until she looked sick.

“So, I told you. Now, can you please explain what this threat is, and why it’s coming for us?” I asked, looking at her and Dad both. Dad hid his reaction better than Mom, but I could tell he was worried. I could see it in his eyes. Then his eyes glazed over, as well as Moms. Irritation grew inside me until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Stop!” I practically shouted. Mom jumped, her eyes clearing. “We’re not kids anymore! Just tell us what is going on!” I demanded.

Mom covered her face with her hands while Dad sighed. I looked at Garrett, who was looking between them both.

“You’re keeping something from us.” He spoke matter of factly.

“This threat…” Mom said quietly. “Is not a what, but a who.”

“Someone from our past.” Dad added.

“Who? And why are they coming after us?” I asked.

“Her name in Jennine.” Mom spat the word. “I was hoping she was dead. After all this time…”

“You’re not answering why Mom.”

She sighed hugely, finally looking up at me.

“Jennine was your fathers… fling. Mistress, girlfriend, whatever you want to call it.”

“She wasn’t my girlfriend.” Dad grumbled, but Mom silenced him with a look.

“They were ‘together’, up until I got here. But Jennine didn’t want to let go. She couldn’t accept that your Dad found his mate in someone who wasn’t her. So, she tried to get rid of me. It didn’t work out the way she expected…”

She told us the story, from start to finish. Only once, did she pause, stumbling over her words. My eyes narrowed; I knew she was hiding something else. An uneasy feeling spread through me as I listened. When she finished, I glared at her.

“You said she was turned into a witch? What happened to hr wolf?” I asked.

Mom bit her l*p. My jaw dropped and Garrett pushed away from the wall.

“She killed her wolf?!” He gasped.

They didn’t confirm it, but I knew. My stomach twisted painfully, as I grabbed Mom’s arm, forcing her to look at me.

“Was that her? The wolf you gave a second chance to? Is it Hala?”


Hala whined loudly in my head. It was so loud, it drowned out the sob that came from Sophia. She didn’t remember, but now she knew. Her human had killed her, tossed her away like nothing. Tears filled my eyes as my wolf cried painfully inside me.

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