The Heartless Alpha

Chapter 68


“Thara, you’re freaking me out. Would you just tell us?!” I almost yelled.

“Calm down, there’s nothing wrong. I’m just wondering how many kids you two planned to have?” She looked between Dimitri and I.

I looked up at my mate, confused. He seemed equally confused as he stared at his sister with irritation and anxiety.

“I hadn’t really thought about. But I kind of always wanted a big family.” I said.

“Me too.” Dimitri agreed.

Thara sighed, smiling softly.

“Well, that’s great. Because you’re having twins.”

Dimitris hand slipped out of mine, his body faltering a few steps before he hit the wall. Thara made to stand up, stopping when I gasped. The wand was still inside me; She’s yanked it into a fairly uncomfortable position.

“Sorry Lily. You okay Dimitri? Do I need to get a nurse in here?”

“No. No. I just… twins? Are you sure?” He asked.

“See for yourself.”

She turned the screen towards us. I’d seen many ultrasound images while studying to become a doctor here, so I knew what to look for. Dimitri on the other hand, was lost. Right away I spotted a white line wih a little irregular ball at the end. Thara angled the wand slightly and another little ball appeared just to the left of the first one. Fraternal twins. My babies. Our babies.

“Oh my Goddess.” I whispered. Tears sprung to my eyes and I didn’t even bother holding them back. “Dimitri, those are our babies!” I gasped.

“Here?” He pointed to one of the pups. I nodded.

“And here.” I pointed out the second.

“Whoa.” He breathed and I laughed. He looked so bewildered.

“Quick training time. Lily., how far along would you say you are?” Thara questioned me.

I scanned the image, noting the measurments she’d taken and the date. I did some quick mental math, biting my l*p.

“Nine weeks?” I said.

“Perfect! Nine weeks and three days exactly.” We smiled at each other.

“When can we tell the genders?” Dimitri asked.

“Probably in two weeks.” She removed the wand from me, the screen going black. Sadness surged through me; I could spend all day looking at my pups.

“I thought it was twenty?” Dimitri asked.

“That’s human pregnancies bro.”


“There’s some things we need to discuss.” Thara removed her gloves, leaning against the wall. “You need to start taking prenatal vitamins. I’ll get you some before you leave. And you need to keep up a healthy diet. Since you’re carrying twns, you’re due date probably won’t be exact either.”

“You mean I’ll deliver early?” I asked nervously.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“It happens with multiples, a lot. You’re almost three months now. I’m guessing instead of the regular five months for us, you’ll deliver in your fourth month.”

What?! That only gave me a month and a half to prepare! That wasn’t nearly enough time!

“Why aren’t I showing yet?”

“Uhm… well. You kind of are. I didn’t want to say anything; Nobody likes to be told they’re putting on weight. But at least now we know the cause.”

“And here I thought it was all that bacon you’ve been eating.” Dimitri chuckled. I slapped his arm playfully.

“Shut up.”

“I’ll go get you the vitamins. Be right back.” Thara left, closing the door behind her. I put my underwear back on and sat up, on edge and full of nerves.

“We need a nursery.” I said.

“I know. I was thinking about your old room, but it’s too far from ours.”

“It’s right down the hall.”

“Too far.” He shook his head and I laughed.

“Hmm… What if we converted your office? It’s big enough. And you could move your office to my old room?”

He thought about it. “That could work actually. I’ll get someone on it right away.” He walked to stand between my legs, tilting my face up. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He brought his lips down to mine. Immediatly, my hands ran over the front of his pants. I guess I knew why I was always so horny now.

“Really? Right here? My sister will be back any second.”

“Lock the door.” I grinned.

“Lily.” He shook his head scornfully. I pouted. “When we get back to the house. Okay?”


Dimitri laughed as Thara walked back in. She set a bag on the end of the bed and handed me an envelope.

“Ultrasound pictures.” She grinned.

“Thank you Thara.”

“I got you enough vitamins to last the pregnancy. Take one a day, either morning or night, though I suggest night. They make you sleepy.”

“Got it.” I grabbed Dimitris hand while he grabbed the bag. I practically dragged him out of the room.

“Someones eager.”

“Yes, yes I am.”

We’d only made it three steps in the packhouse before we were overrun by the staff. Everyone was there to congratulate us. I was hugged by at least ten people before Dimitri pulled me back to his side.

“When is the due date dear?” Greta asked excitedly.

Dimitri beamed. “Sometime in the next month and a half. They will be coming soon, so we need to be prepared.”

The group got intensely quiet at his words. Two heartbeats later, Greta had gathered us both in her arms.

“Oh Goddess! How many?!”

“Twins.” I replied.

“Twins!” She gushed, and the staff took up her cheer. We were re-congratulated, hugged again. I appreciated the enthusiam, but I really wanted some peace and quiet with my mate.


“I know darling.”

He held up his hand, silencing the house. “Thank you all very much. I’m sure we are as excited as all of you. But our Luna is tired, so we’ll be retiring to our room now.”

We walked off to the stairs together. Whispers and murmurs fell behind us; The ache in my nerves was growing more intense as we climbed each step. When we hit our floor, I almost ran to the bedroom, Dimitri right on my heels. As soon as the door closed, I rounded on him. His shirt tore beneath my hands, his lips finding mine in a feverish k**s. Coolness touched my back, feeling good against my overheated skin. Somehow we’d reached the bed, my fingers desperately trying to undo his belt. I succeeded and pulled it off, throwing it across the room; My bra joined it a second later. What had happened to my dress? Oh, well I didn’t care.

Dimitri was muttering something about being gentle for the babies, causing me to snarl at him. I silenced his words by invading his mouth with my tongue, exploring every inch of it. He g*****d loudly, only adding fuel to the fire inside me. My thighs were already coated with my wetness, my scent the strongest in the room. I needed him. Now. Grasping his shoulders, I laid back on the bed, pulling him with me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling him at my entrance. Aya pushed forward, but I held her back. I wanted him to myself. Both of them, Dimitri and Ajax.

“Take me.” I growled. “Now.”

He entered me roughly, the feeling indescribable. I m****d into his mouth, lifting my h**s to match his thrusts. When I pulled away for air, his lips immediatly sought out my mark, nibbling and licking. My vision tunneled at the sensation. I was absolutely primal; I wanted more. I wanted what I’d never had before.

“Ajax.” I called his wolf, feeling him tense over me. Dimitri met my eyes, but it wasn’t Dimitri now. I gazed into pools of black, and when he spoke, it was an echo of my mates voice, dominated by his wolfs.

“You want me?” He asked.

“Yes.” I breathed.

He growled, thrusting into me harder than ever. My eyes rolled back into my skull. The animal that he was, he pulled out momentarily to flip me over and bring me to all fours. When he slammed into me, I screamed. My head hit the blanket, my a*s in the air. Ajax never let up, growling and snarling; The sounds were undeniably sexy. He reached around to find my clit, pulling and teasing until I came undone around him.

Ajax put me into all kinds of positions, and after the fourth o****m, I stopped counting and gave myself over to him completely. At least until he finally spent himself inside me, giving Dimitri back control. We lay together, bodies entwined, breathing heavily and raggedly.

“That was new.” Dimitri finally managed.

“Yeah.” Was my witty response.

He kissed me softly, nuzzling my nose. “Don’t tell me you like s*x better with him now.”

I giggled. “No. But that is definitely happening again.”

“He’s pretty damn proud of himself right now.”

“As he should be.”

We cuddled until my stomach rumbled. Dimitri pulled on a pair of sweatpants, intent on making me food. I was so worn out, I didn’t even argue. I watched him buzz around the kitchen, admiring his toned body when out of nowhere, a wave of dizziness hit me. It was so f*****g extreme that I swayed while I was lying down. I must have called out because the last thing I saw before everything went black was my mate dropping everything in his hands and rushing towards me.

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