The Heartless Alpha

Chapter 48


Dimitri had made love to me for the rest of the day and well into the night. I couldn’t feel my legs; It felt like I was walking on wood. But I didn’t care. We’d lived out most of the fantasies I’d had about him, and even a few he’d had about me. He showed me the utmost love and care, being gentle when I needed it, and complying with me heartily when I wanted more. We’d fallen asleep wrapped in each others arms with whispered ‘I love you’s’.

Because of that, I couldn’t stop smiling. Throughout my breakfast, which I’d decided to have with Hazel and Clint. Throughout training with Dimitri and Karla, lunch, and now in Tharas office. I sat waiting for her, my goofy grin plastered on my face.

“Someones in a good mood.” Thara said as she entered.

“Yeah.” I agreed.

“Something happen? Other than gaining a super cool power, I mean?” She smiled. I’d told her, along with my other friends. I trusted them, and knew they wouldn’t look at me any differently.

“I love your brother.” I blurted out. Thara paused halfway seated in her chair.

“Does my brother know that?”

I nodded. “And guess what?”


“He loves me too!” I laughed.

Once again, my sister-in-law turned into a jumping, squealing mess. We hugged tightly.

“Finally! I could have you two that a long time ago! I’m so happy for you guys!”

“Thanks.” I beamed. “I’m hoping you’re here to make me happy though? Or happier, I guess.”

“Today is just your day girl. You’re going to be over the moon.” She passed over a thick book.

“This is all?” I asked confused.

“This is not like human hospitals. We don’t get sick like they do, their diseases don’t effect us. Where humans have to go school for years to be a doctor, it’s a significantly much shorter process for werewolves.”

“So, how does this work?” I held up the book.

“That’s one of five books on werewolf anatomy. There is an exam at the end of each, which you will take with me in the room. If you pass all five exams, you get to train with one of us here in the hospital for a year before you can take the final exam to be a doctor. If you fail that, you have to train another full year before taking it again.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“It’s not. I failed my third exam, had to re-take it, and then failed the final exam once. True, it’s not years of school, but it’s not easy either.”

“I’ll do my best.” I promised her.

“When are you going to tell Dimitri?”

“I was thinking I’d do it tonight, at dinner. He wants to run through the guest list for Alpha Ball with me, familiarize me with it.”

An odd look passed over face, and then she was smiling again. “I’m sure he’ll be proud of you. I know I am.”

“Thanks Thara. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“Thank me once it’s official, in a years time.”

We left her office together, chatting until she had to see a patient. I was taking time off from working with her to start studying. Hopefully soon, I would be training under her for real, not just in my spare time as a hobby. Textbook under my arm, I made my way back to the packhouse. I had a special dinner planned for Dimitri and I tonight, and I wanted to get started.


I turned to see Connor wlaking towards me. I hadn’t seen him since the day he rejected Silvia, though I’d had reports from Luke and Ben both that he was suffering during training. Good.

“Connor.” I nodded stiffly at him. He stopped a few feet away, nodding back. “Can I help you?”

“I wanted to talk to you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Go ahead.”

“Don’t you think I’ve suffered enough Luna? Are you ever going to lift my punishment? I’m losing out on training, and you know the pack need all it’s warriors.”

“I suppose my answer would depend on your answer.”

“My answer to what?”

“Do you think Silvia has suffered enough? Has she moved on yet? Gotten over what you did to her?”

“I-I really couldn’t say. I haven’t talked to her.”

I mulled it over in my head. “Tell you what, Connor. I’ll offer you a proposition. You apologize to Silvia, in front of everyone, and then she will make the call wether or not you’ve learned your lesson.”

“Is that really necessary?” He growled.

“Yes, it is.” I growled back. “Besides, she knows you better than I do. If you simply put on an act, she’ll know. So I’m leaving it up to her.”

“Why do I have to do it front of everyone?”

I scoffed. “Why did you have to reject her in front of everyone? Honestly, this is far less embarrassing. That’s my deal, take it leave it.” I tapped my foot, waiting for him to make a decision.

“Fine!” He crossed his arms.

“I’ll let her know. I have things to do though. Bye.”

I walked away without a backwards glance. I had a feeling Silvia wasn’t going to let him off the hook; He didn’t look very sorry to me. As I entered the packhouse, my mood dampened again. Jennine was standing by the stairs with her friends, dressed in what could be considered a bathing suit. Who walked around like that in the open, for real? Did she have absolutely no shame? Without hesitation, I marched up to the three women, planting myself in front of them.

Jennine glared at me hatefully. “Can I help you?” She sneered.

“You could help a lot of us by putting more clothes on.” I replied.

“Sorry, but you don’t have the power to dictate how I dress.”

“I wasn’t trying to. It was merely a suggestion. What are you doing here?”

All three stared at me. “Excuse me?”

“What are you doing here, in the packhouse?” I clarified.

“I have as much right to be here as you!”

I shook my head. “You may have, once. But you and Dimitri are no longer together. The packhouse is for Omegas who work here, warriors and their mates, and the ranked wolves. You are none of the above. Yet, you continue to hang around.”

Her eyes flashed with coldness. However, it was her friend who answered.

“There are a lot of people who hang out in the packhouse. Your friend Hazel for example?” Red Streaks said.

“Yeah, even before she found her mate.” Red Hair added.

“Hazel worked in the gardens, in case you forgot. Aside from that, she was always here with an invitation extended by me.”

Judging by their faces, none of them knew that Hazel had worked at the pack house. I hadn’t known it either for a while, until I joined her one day out of boredom.

“That being said, I’ll ask again. What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see Dimitri.” Jennine answered cooly. “I’m here to put in a complaint.”

I rolled my eyes. “Then submit a form like everyone else.”

She scoffed. “I’m not like everyone else. Dimitri always-“

I’d had enough. Of her, of her attitude, and the way she still thought she had a claim on my mate. Anger coursed through me when she said his name, like she had the right to. My Luna aura spread out around me, effectively cutting off her words. It was the first time I’d ever used it.

“First off, he is not Dimitri, at least not to you. He is your Alpha, and you will address him as such. Second, if you think for one second that I, his mate, am going to let another woman dressed like this-,” I waved my hand at her body, “,- near my mate, you are out of your f*****g mind. Third, you are like everyone else Jennine. You are not a ranked wolf, nor do you work here! You have no mate either. Therefore, you have no business here. So leave.”

The last of my words were laced with command, something I’d only seen Dimitri do. The twins bowed their heads in submission, but Jennine just glared at me. I could tell she was fighting the urge to submit to me. Truthfully, I didn’t care if she did or not, I just wanted her gone. Roughly hitting my shoulder with hers, she stormed past me, her friends following quickly. Jennine slammed the front door harshly, the sound bouncing off the walls. It was then that I scented him. Looking up the stairs, my mate was gazing down at me, shock and amusment on his face.

“Hi.” I said.

“Hi.” He came down the steps, eyes locked with mine. “It seems we’ve discovered another talent of yours.”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I didn’t mean to. It just… happened.”

“Well, they deserved it anyways.” He kissed my nose. “I’m glad you finally discovered your Luna tone. It was quite a turn on to see.”

“You mean that wasn’t part of my abilities?”

“Nope. Every Luna can do that darling. Just like Alphas can.”

“Awesome.” I grinned and Dimitri chuckled. Then his face clouded.

“However, it’s not normal that Jennine didn’t submit to you like the other two. I’ve never seen that happen before.” His forehead creased in confusion.

“I’m chalking it up to her incredibly stubborn and bow-down-to-me attitude.”

“Maybe you’re right.” He still looked concerned though. “What’s that?” He changed the subject abruptly, eyeing the book in my hand. Quickly, I shoved it behind my back.

“It’s a surprise!” I squeaked. “For later.”


I nodded. “I’ll tell you at dinner. Six thirty, don’t be late, okay?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He bent to give me a quick k**s. “See you later sweetheart.”

My cheeks flushed at the term of endearment. He’d changed so much in such a short time. Yet, he was still the same. I realized that it wasn’t so much that he’d changed-this Dimitri was always inside of him, just buried. I just happened to be the one to bring him out. Just like I knew he was responsible for bringing me out my shell into the confident women I was now. I watched him walk away, a content smile on my face.

I took the stairs up to our room, unaware of someone far worse than Jennine plotting against us.

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