The Heartless Alpha

Chapter 44


I threw Ben a look, but he held his hands up.

“I didn’t tell her that! I just told her about Gideon!” He defended himself.

“He didn’t need to tell me.” Clara scoffed. “The power radiating from you is so thick, you could cut it like butter. No ordinary wolf, not even an Alpha, has that power.”

“There are Jade wolves, though. Even Amethyst wolves. How did you guess she was a Mother Wolf?” Dimitri asked. I didn’t know what either of those things he said were.

“Believe it or not, I’ve met both Jade and Amethyst wolves. Neither had the aura your mate has. She would crush them under that alone.”

Luke whistled lowly, glancing at me with admiration.

“Care to explain?” I asked him.

“Jade wolves are rare, though not as rare as you. Maybe born once every fifty years or so. They’re bigger than Alphas, but again, nowhere near you. Amethyst wolves are much the same, but less rare. There’s a handful of them alive today. I think only one Jade wolf though.”

“What makes them special? Different from you guys?” I asked curiously.

“Jade wolves have control over the elements. Usually, just one element, but sometimes two. Amethyst wolves are telepathic, they can hear peoples thoughts all the time without mind-linking. They can also control the mind, to an extent. Compell others to think or do things.”

“Wow.” I said.

“I doubt any Amethyst wolf could do that to you.” Clara commented.

“You think?”

“You don’t have any idea how powerful you are, do you?” She c****d her head to the side.

“Uhm, well I know I’m big. Aya is bigger than any wolf here, bigger than Dimitris wolf.”

She turned to Ben and Luke. “You don’t have books on Mother Wolves here?”

“We went through everything we could find. Most of it is old stories, folklore.”

“All myths stem from some truth.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “By that logic, Lily should be able to sprout angel wings and fly.”

“I didn’t say they were all true.” Clara snapped at him. “But she hasn’t even tested her abilities because she didn’t know she had any.”

“How would I do that?” I asked before they could start fighting.

Clara pursed her lips. After a minute, she sighed. “I can show you.” Her tone said she really didn’t want to. But I was excited. Maybe, if I could unlock whatever hideen powers I didn’t know I had, I could use them to protect the pack against our threat. Protect my friends. My mate. The people I cared about.

“When can we start?” I asked eagerly.

“I have a daughter too. I need to work around her schedule.”

“We have a care facility here.” Dimitri said. “For pups. I’m sure your daughter would love it there.”

“A daycare for wolves is not where Isabelle belongs.” Clara huffed.

“Clara.” Ben took a step in her direction. “You can’t keep her locked up in the packhouse. Isabelle needs to make friends. Who cares if they’re wolves? It won’t make a difference to her.”

“Your mate is a wolf.” Thara added. “You shouldn’t teach your daughter to be prejudiced against us.”

Clara turned on her. “I’m not! I have no problems with wolves! It’s you who have the problem with us! I don’t want my daughter picked on and bullied because she is the only who is different!”

“We can’t promise that won’t happen. Kids are mean to each other at times. But do you really think I would let it slide if someone was picking on her? Mistreating her?” Ben asked.

“What’s your plan Benjamin? Are you going to beat up every little kid who is mean to her?”

I held back a laugh when Clara used his full name. She sounded like his mother, scolding him.

“Of course not! But that doesn’t mean I can’t have a talk with them.” He let off some of his Beta aura, making Claras eyes widen. A hint of l**t crossed her face, which she unsuccessfully tried to hide.

“I don’t know…”

“Come on. For Isabelle.” He pleaded with her.

Chewing it over for a bit, she finally nodded. I released a breath. The air was tense, emotions running high.

“Why don’t you two take Isabelle tomorrow, and we can meet after?” I suggested.

“Fine.” She obviously was still very hesitant.

“Alright. Clara, I’ll have a room arranged for you and your daughter. Now if you’ll all excuse me, I would like some privacy with Lily.” Dimitri stood up.

Everyone filed out, Thara eyeing Bens mate doubtfully. It was clear she didn’t like her, but I hoped they would grow to at least be civil with each other. It would be less of a headache in the future. When the door closed, Dimitris arms snaked around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder.

“You really want to work with her?” He asked.

“I think of it more as trainging. A different type of training. And yes, I do.”

“She’s not very nice.”

I barked a hard laugh. “Neither were you, not so long ago.”

“Fair enough. Just becareful.” He kissed my cheek.

“You don’t trust her?”

“Not entirely. She admitted to being a rogue witch; She even said not all of them are good.”

“She’s not a Dark Witch.” I said with certainty. “The Goddess would not do that to Ben. She’s just protective of her daughter, as any mother would be. And even you can’t blame her for being hesitant towards ben. The situation is extremely odd and, I’m assuming, rare?”

“Maybe rarer than you.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Has this really never happened before? A witch and wolf being mates?”

“Not that I’m aware of. I guess the only person who would know for sure is the Moon Goddess.”

“Well, I think it’s a step in the right direction.”

Dimitri lifted me up and placed me on his desk. He stepped between my legs, brushing the hair out of my eyes.

“What step would that be?”

“The step to heal the the rift between our species. I think Ben and Clara being mates is proof that a better future is on the horizon, for all of us. A future without hate.”

He searched my eyes for a time, before smiling gently. “You really do have a heart of gold, you know? I feel so proud to have you as my Luna. My mate.” He kissed me softly. “If anyone could bring about an alliance between species, it would be you.”

“Not all me. My mate is a wolf after all.”

“Hmm.” Dimitri kissed down my jaw and across my collarbone, making my breath hitch.

“Who knew you could be so affectionate?” I giggled breathlessly.

“Just making up for lost time.” He said against my skin.

I brought his lips back to mine for a short k**s before pulling away.

“Make up for it later. I’m starving.”

“Later.” His voice held a promise. “Let’s get you fed.”

We left the office, chatting about inconsequential things. Breakfast was over, but I had every intention of raiding the kitchen. At some point, I’d have to make use of the smaller kitchen in our room. Maybe I could make Dimitris favourite, whatever it was. I realized how very little I knew about him, even now. Well, that was going to change, and soon.

Entering the kitchen, I looked around for my favourite cook, spotting her whistling near the sink.

“Morning Greta.” I beamed.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh! Good morning dear! What brings you down?”

“Just hungry. Anything left from breakfast?”

“Always.” She laughed. She proceeded to fill two plates with hashbrowns, bacon, waffles, and a side of fruit for me. Dimitri had the same, except with a side of wedges. Greta tossed me a bottle of syrup and the salt. “I’ll come up later to stock your fridge. Anything in specific I should put in there?”

“I’d love some of your homemade strawberry jam, if you have any.”

“Definitely.” Dimitri agreed.

“You’re in luck, I just made a fresh batch.” Greta grinned at us.

“You are the best Greta.” I returned her smile.

She turned to Dimitri. “I made you a sandwich for lunch. I’ll put it there too.”

He looked so happy by the news, like a little boy. It melted my heart.

“Go on you two and eat. I have some dishes to finish up.” Greta shooed us away, but I stayed behind.

“Go on. I’ll meet you in a minute.” I told him. Taking his plate, he left the kitchen and I joined Greta at the sink.

“Need somethign else dear?”

“Yes actually. I was hoping you could leave me a list of Dimitris favourite foods? While your stocking our kitchen. I’d love to make him something, surprise him.”

“I would be happy to, of course.”

“Thank you Greta. I appreciate it.” I said goodbye, meeting Dimitri in the empty cafeteria. It looked much bigger when it wasn’t packed with pack members. We ate in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each others company.

“What’s your favourite colour?” Dimitri asked at the same time I asked him, “What’s your favourite movie?”

We laughed together, him pulling me into his side. We took turns asking each questions after that. I learned his favourite colour was green, same as mine. He was actually a huge fan of reading, mostly murder mysteries. I recommended some books for him to read, and his favourite movie was anything with Ryan Reynolds. His favourite sandwich was a turkey bacon club with potato salad on the side. We finished eating, Dimitri going back to his office to do some work. I made my way to the hospital in search of Thara, and the questions I had for about my future in the pack. I hadn’t told Dimitri, it was another surprise I had for him.

Hopefully it worked out in my favour.

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