The Day I Kissed An Older Man

Chapter 2723

Chapter 2723

"Rita, I found that painting inappropriate, so I instructed the servants to take it down. After all, there are more than three people in the house now, so hanging a family portrait of three isn't suitable when guests come over. I'd discussed it with your father before removing the painting, and he agreed as well."

Karen's smug expression made Rita sick to her stomach. "So what if he agreed? I didn't! Where's the painting now?"

Karen was utterly indifferent to Rita's anger. She waved her hand dismissively. "The servants could've put it anywhere after they took it down for all I care. After all, that painting is meaningless now. Don't you think so?"

Her eyes sparkled with provocation. It was obvious she was mocking Rita with the fact that her mother was no longer alive by saying the painting was meaningless.

Rita raised her hand high. She wanted nothing more than to rip apart Karen's face, but in the end, she clenched her fist and quickly ran off to find the butler.

After she left, Karen patted her chest in relief. "Phew, that girl nearly scared me to death, acting all crazy like that. I thought she was going to hit me..."

At that moment, Sadie, still groggy from sleep, descended from the second floor. "Mom, what were you guys arguing about? I was sleeping, and you woke me up. Can you please keep it down?"

Karen quickly pushed her back into her own room. "Go back to your room. Rita's painting is missing, so who knows what she'll do next. It's best to stay away from her."NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Sadie immediately woke up when she heard Rita was back. "The nerve to come back! In all my life, I've never come across a woman like her who'd steal her own sister's man! What's with all this fuss about a painting? Hmph, she's so despicable for seducing Sherman. Mom, promise me you'll keep Sherman for me. I've already set my sights on him. The next time Dad brings it up, you better speak up for me so that he won't give Sherman to Rita!"

Karen wished she could cover Sadie's mouth. "Oh dear, I forget how delusional you can be sometimes. Sherman might not even fancy Rita, so what makes you think he'll fancy you?"

Sadie scoffed at her mother's skeptical gaze. "I'm young and pretty. Why wouldn't he fancy me? Anyway, just do me this favor and put in a few good words for me to Dad so that he won't give Sherman to Rita. Okay?"

Karen looked at her daughter with suspicion. "Why are you so convinced he'll give Sherman to Rita? I don't think Sherman fancies anyone."

Sadie smiled mysteriously. "That's because I have a plan. Just do as I say. You'll get to enjoy endless good fortune if I become Sherman's wife."

"Yeah, yeah. As if I'm going to believe that."

"Oh, you'd better believe it, Mom. When the time is right, I'll tell you about my plan."

Seeing her daughter so confident, Karen could only nod skeptically. Like she said, what if they did end up together? Then she would become Sherman's mother-in-law! That blessing would be much greater than being a Missus Russell.

"Fine, fine. I promise you. For now, go upstairs so that lunatic won't bother..."

Before Karen could finish her sentence, she heard a cold voice behind her. "Who are you calling a lunatic?" Rita clenched her fists, trembling all over. She still had not found her painting.

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