The Day I Kissed An Older Man

Chapter 2705

The person did not expect Gina to support Rita in such a manner and declined to take up that challenge. After all, the stock market was unpredictable, and no one could share the same level of confidence as Gina when it came to that.

"We've known each other for so many years, Vince. Let's leave today's events as it is. Rita would never stoop to such a level, and you should at least try to trust your daughter a little more," Gina implored. Vince knew that it was a gentle reminder from one of his first wife's closest friends. Gina only said that because she acknowledged that her best friend once loved that man.

However, Karen was crying incessantly, leading Vince to wonder if the bangle truly held that much sentimental value from her late mother-in-law.

Vince looked at Rita hesitantly. "Be honest, Rita. Did you do it? I promise I'll trust whatever you say."

Rita stared at her father in disbelief. He said he would believe her, yet his act of posing such a question in public had amounted to a blatant distrust.

After a prolonged silence, she offered a bitter smile and replied, "What sort of answer do you want from me?"

"I just want to know if you entered Aunt Karen's room and whether you ever laid hands on the bangle. It's really important to her. Even if you don't like her, you can't-"

"I can't, what? You're already assuming I did it even before I've explained myself. What else do you want me to say? You'll always be my dad, but do you see me as your daughter?"

Gina could not bear to see it anymore and pulled Rita to her side. "There are other ways to investigate this. Rita might not have been there at all. If you want to investigate, then make sure you do it thoroughly.'

Others lowered their heads and

dared not say a word. They had just witnessed the dispute between Rita and Vince, It was becoming


increasingly evident that Karen and her daughter would be the ones controlling the direction of the Russells in the future. It

such aThis is from NôvelDrama.Org.

far fall from grace for Rita.

Having a mother, or in this case, not having one was all that made the difference. Rita knew that and felt that deeply. She was left to wonder if Karen and Sadie slandered her simply because her mother had passed on.

Even if they did that, there was no reason for Vince to distrust her. She was his biological daughter, yet he chose to side with Karen and Sadie. It was almost as if she was their enemy, whom they had no hesitation casting aspersions upon in front of so many outsiders.

Even though her mother was no longer alive, Rita had never doubted her father's love for her. She had a happy childhood and firmly believed she grew up in a loving environment. As she grew older, however, she began to doubt her initial judgment. She started to question if her past was an illusion and if everything that she understood was merely a figment of her imagination.

"I know that you have a close relationship with Rita, Aunt Gina, but the evidence from the surveillance video is dear enough. You can't argue that it's not," said Sadie. She We're

then turned to Rita and said net

family. We can put this behind us as long as you return the bangle."

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