The Dark Side Of Fate

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

{Book 2} Chapter 26 – UnBiased ~Leo~

Alpha Timothy remained in my house. I finally got Alexie’s number and called him. He answered on the first ring. The guy’s voice was smooth and confident. For someone who had created a lot of ruckus in the east, he was courageous.

“Alexie, this is Leo,” I said.

“Alpha Albert. It is an honour that you would call on the phone,” He said, sounding like a fan, and I knew it was all pretence.

“What is your deal in the east?” I asked him, and there was silence before he answered me.

“Why will you ask me this?” He asked, and I sighed.

“First, you took over Hill Valley; as if that isn’t enough, I heard you challenge the Alpha of Brentworth. You know he is an old man. Is your victory in Hill Valley not enough? Why do you want to create unrest by challenging an elderly man?” I asked him, and he was silent.

“I thought this was a free democracy,” he argued, and I sighed.

“It is a peaceful and fair one too. You did not need to take over Hill Valey, but you explained why you did so at the meeting. Now you want to take over Brentworth. Why? Soon you will challenge another alpha. Why are you doing this? Challenging and taking over packs is rarely done because it causes distress and unrest in regions. You keep this up, and the King himself will shut you down. I do not want that kind of attention on my region.” I said, and he sighed.

“This is very biased of you, head ALpha. It is my right to challenge anyone I want and extend my land however I want. Unless a law states otherwise, Alpha Timothy should save himself the embarrassment and just hand over the pack to me. I haven’t done anything wrong.” He said, and I hated the arrogance

in his voice. I wouldn’t have challenged him, but there was too much at stake for me if I lost, and what Devin told me in the King’s hall meant I needed to be careful. I could not fight him until I was sure he wasn’t a silver freak.

” What. do you need Brentworth for?”I asked him, and he sighed.

“I need to expand and big a mega city. I have investors from all over, but Hill Valley doesn’t have the land mass required,” He said, and I knew he was lying. He was challenging Timothy because he could. He was just a greedy fuck, and I knew he wouldn’t stop there. He might challenge other alphas around him. The next pack after Brentworth was Kyle’s pack, Brent. I doubt he would dare challenge Kyle knowing the land partly belonged to Linda.

“Well, You cannot challenge Alpha Timothy,” I said, and he laughed.

“I can, and I have. He should prepare to fight me tomorrow,” he said arrogantly.

“He gave me the pack tonight as an early wedding gift. and As the new Alpha of Brenthworth, I deny your challenge.” I said, and he was quiet. I bet he didn’t see that part coming.

“You will marry his daughter to save his pack from me? Don’t you think that is extreme?” He said, and I laughed.

“And what are you trying to do?” I asked him, and he was silent.

“We both know you won’t mate with that girl,” He said, and I laughed.

“Where I choose to sink my teeth is none of your business. You have gotten the response to your challenge. I will also advise you to refrain from making any permanent changes to Hill Valley as the matter has been tabled before the KIng.

A rematch will soon be in order,” I warned him, and he was silent.

“I know what you are doing, Alpha Albert. I know you won’t mate with that girl and might just keep her with you for a duration, then give her back to her father and claim it didn’t work out. That is manipulating the laws,” he warned, and I laughed.

“And who made you an expert? I have told you how it will go, so you should face your marriage and start training for your rematch because I will make sure you won’t have silver on you when it happens.” I warned him.

“You are supposed to be my Alpha too, but it is clear you have taken sides. I have heard Alpha,” he said, and I hung up because there was nothing to discuss.

When I hung up, I looked at Timothy and Mirabel and hated that I had returned home. Had I not come home, I knew Alexie might have killed Timothy in a challenge, but how would I explain this to Amelia?

“Thank you. Timothy said, and his daughter thanked me, too, but they had no clue how they had just fucked things up for me.

Max and I left them in my house and decided to walk in my woods, where the trackers were.

We decided to scout the parameters in wolf form.

Black wasn’t at peace because of the deal I struck with Timothy. He was worried that Amelia would find out before we could explain the situation to her. I decided to head back to the north in two days. There was no point staying back if the threat wasn’t imminent anymore.

We got to the place marked by Casper and the others, and indeed there was a campsite. Black sniffed around, and we happened on a shiny medal on the soil alone. When I tried to pick up the coin, it burnt, and I immediately returned to my human form. I knew it was silver. Part of it was covered with dirt, so I pulled it out from under the dirt. It burned, and I wondered what wolves would be doing with a coin in their hand. I used leaves to wrap the Medal so I could hold it, Then shifted back to my wolf form to

search the perimeters. Max and I scouted for a while before I found a satchel in a dead tree trunk. It was old, but it had been there long. Whoever left it there forgot it and might come back for it. I carried the bag and the coin back to my house with me.

I placed the wrapped coin in the small section of the satchel and noticed it had photographs in it. Not wanting to stay longer in the woods, I held the satchel in my mouth and ran back to the entrance where our shorts were. I returned to my human form and wore my shorts before slinging the satchel on my shoulder and walking home. Max was behind me, eager to see what was in the bag.

When we entered the house, I found Alpha Timothy sleeping on my couch while his daughter Mirabel was still awake.

I had forgotten entirely to allocate a room to them before I left. I told her to take her grandfather to Amelia’s room and that they could stay in the room since the bed was enormous.

I hoped they would leave my house in the morning, but I knew Mirabel would return.

Coming back is the only way I could front that Brentworth belonged to me.

I planned to head back to the north immediately because I wasn’t planning on hurting Amelia.

I promised her I would try. I planned on doing so.

If it doesn’t work out, it shouldn’t be because of a stupid mistake like this; it should be because we weren’t compatible and couldn’t fall in love at the end of the day.

Mirabel had a look in her eyes that indicated I was making a big mistake, but she wasn’t my type, and she paled in comparison to Amelia. I was only helping her grandfather, and that was it.

“Do not look at me like that; I am already taken. I am only doing this to help your grandfather. Are we clear?” I warned her before heading to my room.

I heard Max laughing, and I selfishly hoped they would click and she would be out of my hair.

I switched on the light in my bedroom and decided to go through the content of the satchel.

I picked the silver coin. It was one inch wide. It had a wolf with a Leaf in its jaws symbol in the centre and an inscription around the edges written in the ancient northern language.

I took out my phone to use the Internet to determine what the writing read.

I typed it into the search engine and translated it into:

“The strength of evolution is stronger than death,”

I wondered what it meant. I decided to ask my northern friends to help translate or explain it better. At the back, it had four rank stars, which meant they were deltas. Why would a wolf have a silver coin indicating their rank? I kept it and opened the satchel. There was a switch knife, lighter, silver bullets, and photographs. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I opened the photographs, and what I saw shocked me.

It was a picture of Amelia; when she was younger, she looked eighteen. She was covered in soot, but I could recognise the moon eyes.

There was another with her handing a customer a meal pack from a run-down truck.

I guessed that was her food business. I studied the pictures, and it seemed they were not trailing Amelia but the people she was interacting with.

There were recent pictures of her in my pack. The last picture showed her with a stranger I did not know. She was giving him something and smiling. The man looked suspicious, but it seemed like she knew him.

I wondered what she was handing him and why she did not tell me of this incident because it was a few weeks ago. I knew this because the blouse she was wearing was new. I knew when I bought it.

I turned to the back of the picture, and there were scribbles.

“Send to Alpha; she is in,” it read, and I was confused about what to make of all these things I had seen. I looked at the picture again, and it now seemed as if she was collecting the pack from the man and not giving him. What was she collecting? Who was he? and why did she hide it from me?

I did not want to draw conclusions too soon. I had two options: question her about what I had just seen or keep an eye on her.

I felt it was weird that they were keeping tabs on her. It also clicked in my head that the arrow was shot at me and pierced me and not her, but I was the one that told her we should go hunting in the woods.

I tried to be rational and not think the worst, but I couldn’t.

I honestly did not know how to handle it. I decided I would discuss this with Max instead of confronting Amelia with what I knew; I would keep a close eye on her.

I regretted taking her to the north and getting her into the Volkov estate. I did not want to doubt her, but I needed to be careful where she was concerned.

I had to investigate the matter before returning to the north to join her.

I also planned on watching her to ensure she wasn’t working against me. I knew she wasn’t like Amanda, but I needed to be careful.

I also had to make sure she wasn’t in danger because deep down, I knew Amelia was a good person, and she cared about me enough to want to hang around no matter what. I wasn’t going to act irrationally and spoil things; I needed to be careful.

There was no way these people had good intentions. They were watching her for a purpose. I needed to find out why for my safety and Amelia’s safety. If she isn’t in cohorts with them, they are after her, and she might be in danger. I planned on dealing with the issue with an open mind, but putting my heart in check was the first point of action because the matter had to be dealt with without sentiments.

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