The Dark Side Of Fate

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 – ~Tamia~

I woke up early in the morning, pumped up to accomplish some things, and saw Sylvester on his computer. He seemed a bit sad, and I knew it had to do with what we told Marcel and Theodore.

“Hey,” I said softly, and he smiled at me.

“No need to pretend, darling; I know you are sad,” I said, and he nodded.

“Marcel did not take it well,” he confessed, and I thought as much.

“He was bound to know eventually, and at least now they both know. They will move on from it,” I said, and he nodded.

“Did you order the caesarean?” I asked, and he nodded.

“Everything went well yesterday afternoon. She should be fully healed by now. No silver was involved, and she had three healthy babies. They are caring for the babies at the hospital, but she is back. Wison and William are watching her. Also, Vino is currently receiving treatment in the general hospital in Lucland. They said he would be fine, but he is yet to wake up,” He told me, and I nodded.

“Very well, I will question the bitch after breakfast,” I said, and he nodded. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Linda said to tell you that she has prepared everything needed for Amanda’s interrogation,” he told me. I smiled, knowing Linda would do an excellent job at it.

“Join me,” I said, going to the bathroom, and Sylvester looked at me and smiled.

“Of course, my love,” he said, closing his laptop.

We showered together and got ready for breakfast.

Stephanie, Dominic, Katya, David, Nicole and the triplets were in Lucland shopping, so they weren’t present.

Breakfast was gloomy, and I did not need to guess why.

Avery and Linda were sad but told me they were up for the day’s task.

After Amanda’s questioning, we would have to rest because of the blue moon night. It was going to be a memorable event. That much I knew, and I could not wait.

Avery, Linda and I went to the property where Amanda was being kept. I could not wait to see the look on her face. Kappa Wilson and William waited at the location and ushered us into the bungalow. Amanda was kept in one of the rooms.

We entered the room Linda asked them to prep for her questioning. I was surprised to see what she had planned out for Amanda.

The silver dust bath water was there. It always did wonders, but I believed she would need more motivation than that.

There was a whip. A big wheel was placed against the wall.

I knew Linda planned on tying Amanda to the thing.

There was no way she would not speak by the time we were done with her.

Wilson brought us a full protective suit and goggles so we do not get silver on any part of our skins. Amanda was brought in, and I smiled. I was too eager to deal with her. By now, her wound must have healed reasonably enough because the medical staff ensured no silver was involved.

“Hello, Amy,” I said, and she wasn’t looking smiley or chatty anymore.

I motioned them to sit her down and removed my mask so she could see my face. Linda and Avery did the same.

“Amanda, as you can see, we are ready to go all the way with you and trust me, we will enjoy it. We can skip this part, and you tell us all you know, or we torture the truth out of you.” I said.

“My babies,” she said, eyes filled with tears, and I laughed.

“I am not Leo, Vino, or whoever you have fooled in your past. I know they were an insurance policy for you, a tool to use to blackmail the men that were in your life. Be assured they are in safe hands now. Away from your poison.” I said, smiling, then stood up to wear my gloves.

“Well, we do not have all day, Amanda. As you know, we have a wedding to plan, beauty treatment and whatnot. We do not have all the time to waste. So you can tell me who the King is, or we can torture it out of you. The choice is yours.” I said and went to the drum where the silver dust water was.

“I am sure you are acquainted with this kind of treatment. You just had an operation, so this would be deadly to you. You are as good as dead if you do not tell us what we need. Either way, it will serve its purpose,” I said, and I could see fear in her eyes.

“I say we give this bitch a bath and ask questions later,” Avery said, and Linda agreed.

“I don’t feel like talking, Tamia. I want to hear her scream. She clearly won’t give the bastard up; we might as well have fun while we are at it,” Linda added, and I nodded.

“All of you are sick,” Amanda said to us.

“You take my babies from me by force, and now this. Do you think those men care about you? All they want to hold on to is power..” she started, and Avery splashed her face with the water. Amanda screamed at the burning sensation.

I looked at Avery, and she shrugged her shoulders.

“Not going to let her run her mouth today.” She said, and I laughed.

Amanda continued to scream because the silver was searing her pretty face, which won’t be so pretty anymore.

I took clean water and gently washed the silver off her face. Her tears fell freely, and I did not feel sorry for her.

“You see, this will only go one way. You tell us who the King is and all you know about him, and then you go to the King’s prison, or we torture you to death. Anytime you say anything unrelated to the question you have been asked, you will be burned. You won’t heal nicely because of your cuffs, and I will let the silver linger next time and do some damage. Am I clear?” I asked her, and she nodded quickly, still trying to recover from the pain of the silver. The chains on her hand had impaired her healing, so the wound would take a while to heal.

“Who is the King, and what are his plans?” I asked her, and she looked at me. I knew she would speak. She might be a terrorist but was only good from the shadows. She wasn’t a warrior.

“No one is coming to save you. You have betrayed all your loved ones; I would speak if I were you,” Avery told her, and she nodded and sighed.

“You have to protect me,” she said, and I rolled my eyes. Here we go again. Amanda was playing the victim.

“Tell me who it is. All his plans and goddess help you it checks out. If not, I will soak you in that silver bath and watch you die slowly and painfully,” I promised her.

“You won’t catch him now. He left Lucland two nights ago after he ordered me to clean up the mess,” she said, and I rolled my eyes.

“He has been planning this for a long time, waiting for the right moment. Jenny Lawrence recruited me while I was in Cains,” she said, and Avery slapped her.

“You can tell us the story later. I want a name now!” She yelled at Amanda, and Amanda began to sob.

“It wasn’t supposed to go this way, he promised..” Amanda said and flinched when Avery tried to slap her again.

“She needs a bath, Tamia,” Linda said, both women impatient. I was intolerant too.

“Name now, a story later,” I told her, and she nodded.

“Councilman Larry McMillian,” she blurted out and began to sob.

The difficulty in how she said it made me know she had given us the correct name.

“The story?” I asked and tried to link Sylvester immediately while she composed herself.

I thought I would be too far, but I wasn’t.

“Darling,” I linked him, and he replied.

“Can you make a subtle arrest? Amanda said it is Larry, but I want you to send your men there to make it subtle just in case it is a lie; Amanda said he is the King. I do not think she is lying this time,” I linked Sylvester, and he was silent.

“Very well, I will issue an arrest,” he said, and I closed the link and looked at Amanda.

“Prep the silver bath,” I ordered Wilson.

“Tamia, please,” Amanda begged.

” They are going to get Larry now; if it turns out to be another lie, you will swim in silver,” I promised her.

“He is not in his house; he went to his apartment in Gad. I swear. We usually meet there. He is there. He told me to meet him there once Vino was silenced,” She said, and I looked into her eyes.

Why would she kill the father of her children for Larry? It did not make sense.

“Why attempt Vino’s life for Larry?” I asked her, and she swallowed.

“He was becoming a liability. He was going to talk and get all of us killed. I had to think of my future and that of my children. He did not believe in the cause, and Larry promised to take care of me and my triplets,” She said in tears, and I could understand the liability part.

The guy wasn’t tough. Amanda was a very selfish woman; I must give her that.

We waited in the place for an hour, and Sylvetsr barged in. He was angry and impatient. His eyes were dark, too, and I was a bit worried.

“Larry isn’t at his house; he left two nights ago, according to his wife,” Sylvester growled. Marcel came in after him, and I realized Amanda had spoken the truth.

“She claims he is in his apartment in Gad. They were to meet there.” I told Sylvester, and he looked at Amanda, who had been crying since. “He has a small army there; he won’t be easy to catch.

He also locked someone up in one of the rooms. don’t know who, but he was planning to use the person as the fall guy, but I do not know if he plans to do it anymore,” She said, and I realised that Sylvester was right about Larry all along.

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