The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman

Chapter 198 - 36 Forest and Silver (Book 2)

Chapter 198 - 36 Forest and Silver (Book 2)


We ate in silence.

I felt the awkwardness in the air, but Leah got what she deserved.

It was wrong and highly presumptuous of her to assume Leo would bend to her will. No doubt she had the hots for him, but Leo had shown her he wasn't interested.

It had nothing to do with us being together or being fated. Leo had shown her that he did not see her that way. I was there for some of it, and her thinking she could force her way in was wrong.

Leo's heart was hardened, and it took a lot of patience to break through. He rejected me without considering the consequences; it just shows how damaged he was.

Even though we were fated, I still had it at the back of my mind it wouldn't work out. If it weren't for his promises while we made love, I wouldn't think much or hope for much.

It was wrong of Leah to think she could force her way in, and it was wicked of her mother to lead her on.

Linda pinched my thigh gently.

It was just sad that we could not link each other, or else we would have been gossiping by now.

"Are you alright?" Leo asked me with a gentle voice.

I looked at him and nodded with a smile.

The gentleness in his eyes let me know that he cared, but I had only seen him look at me like that.

It was different from how he looked at others.

I know he has broken many personal rules for my sake, and I hoped he would soon take the final step so we could have something solid and definite.

"I am alright," I said, and he smiled at me and placed his hands on my thigh.

He squeezed and caressed it gently. I had to control myself because of the tingles I felt with every touch.

"Goddess, he is something else," Aurora said while she purred in my head.

Leah returned halfway through the dinner, looking put together.

Her mother had created a place for her beside her at the other side of the table, far away from Leo.

I hoped they got the message this time.

"I want to apologise for my earlier outburst," Leah said and sat down.

She did not spare us a glance, and soon I realised that she would not stir things up.

After dinner, we were ushered to a room to mingle. Linda and Avery were beside their husbands, so I had to remain by Leo.

Many people came to speak to Leo about security and other things. Some discussed their prayers to the King so Leo could table the matter at the council meeting, and I felt awkward.

There was an Alpha Christian who happened to be the Head alpha of the north that pulled Leo to the side to have a private discussion with him.

Leo did not want to leave my side, but I told him it was okay and that I would wait for him.

I was standing by myself when Joan walked to where I was. There was no way her intentions were good, but I came prepared.

"I hope you are having fun," she said with a smile. I was wary of her friendliness, but I chose to play along.

"Very much, thank you," I replied, and she smiled.

"Your eyes are gorgeous, by the way," she commented, and I smiled. Coming from others, I would have believed, but coming from Joan Clayman meant she was mocking me.

"So, what do you do for a living?" She asked me, and I smiled and looked at her. I knew where she was heading.

"Nothing, for now," I said, and she nodded.

"Before Leo?" She asked, and I smiled.

"I travelled for the fun of it," I said, which was true since I spent a while moving from place to place.

"But Leah said you were a maid," she asked me, smiling, and I laughed at her.

" That is what she thinks. There was no way I was going to let anyone else carter for my mate," I said, and her eyes widened.

"So that was why you handled everything in the house," she asked, and I felt the woman was unnecessarily nosey. Still, I would use her to while away time.

She was silent for a bit and then walked away from me.

I guess she did not get the reaction that she wanted.

I didn't have to think much when Leah walked to me.

"Snake," she said quietly, smiling, and I returned the smile.

"And so we meet again," I said, and she had nothing but rage in her eyes.

"Seeing you like this is amazing after you told me I wouldn't make the cut. You did not realise back then that I had already made the cut. I think it is best you try elsewhere or, better still, stop aiming above your station. You are too old for this, Leah," I said, and all she did was a growl. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"This isn't over yet, Amelia. Leo will be mine," she said, and I wanted to laugh because I could see how delusional she was. It was as if she thrived on lying to herself.

"Good luck with that," I said, and before she could speak, Linda approached us.

"Still looking for trouble, Leah?" Linda asked, coming to my aid, and Leah bowed her head respectfully

"Not at all, Lady Orlov," She said, and Linda smiled.

"Leo is taken, Leah; move on. Devin and Vino are off-limits too. Find another place to dig from," she said, leading me away from Leah.

"What's with her?" Linda said, and I laughed.

"Could not handle rejection," I replied, and Linda laughed.

"Trust me, she can," Linda said.

"Rejection is her best friend; she has had so much experience that she fails to recognise it whenever she sees it anymore," Linda said, laughing, and I wondered what she meant by it.

'What do you mean by that?" I asked, and she looked at me and then moved close to whisper.

She has been rejected by Sylvester, Marcel, Theo, Dominic, and now Leo. The Claymans and Rivers are vicious social climbers. Beware of them," she said, and we both giggled.

Leo later joined me, and he looked exhausted.

He remained at my side for the rest of the evening and couldn't keep his hands off me.

He introduced me to people as his mate, and I was welcomed warmly. Some asked us about the claiming and if we were waiting for the blue moon ceremony like the King and queen did, which wasn't far away, but Leo expertly avoided giving a straight answer, and they wished us the best.

It was time to leave the Clayman's mansion. Joan requested to speak to Leo privately, and he obliged.

I did not know what she wanted, but I knew Leo would tell me if it concerned us.

Joan seemed afraid when Leo left her, and I did not need to guess that Leo had threatened the woman.

It made me smile innocently at Leah, who was on the verge of tears but fighting it from falling.

Maybe she cared for Leo, but he was mine, and I did not plan on losing him or sharing.

His promises to me remained in my heart, and I would hold him to them.

We left and got into the Limo.

We were tired and needed to rest. Avery was the first to fall asleep in the Limo, and Marcel held her.

We had driven for nearly forty minutes when our Limo suddenly moved away from the road and crashed into something hard, breaking windows and causing us to bang our heads on the hard surfaces inside the Limo.

I had never been in a car crash before, but Aurora took over, so I did not blackout...

It all happened fast; none of us saw what was going on. One minute we were in the car, and the next, we had driven off the road and crashed.

The moment everything stopped, Aurora looked around, and I saw Avery bleeding on the head. I knew she would be okay because she was a wolf.

"Silver, do not come out!" Someone yelled outside, and then he screamed. It was one of the men driving us.

We were yet to figure out what to do.

Linda was trying to wake Avery, and Theo, Leo and Marcel were gearing up for a fight when a wolf ripped out the door where we were sitting.

It was a half-shifted wolf with moon eyes. It was huge with grey fur, and it growled at us.

I could feel the silver and knew none of the men there could fight under these conditions.

Theo, Marcel and Leo jumped out and began to fight the wolf. They did not have access to their wolves but held their ground.

The bastard must have thought it would be easy.

Soon two more half-shifted wolves emerged, and I knew it wouldn't be a fair fight.

I know Leo and the northern lords trained to fight with silver, but it is nothing compared to having access to their wolves.

One of the wolves punched Marcel so hard that blood splattered from his mouth, and I heard ribs crack.

"Avery, please wake up," Linda cried in the back, and I was torn between helping the men and staying with Avery and Linda.

Soon the wolves beat Leo, Marcel and Theo unconscious and were coming for us.

Judging by the situation, I knew what I had to do.

I gave Aurora complete control and partially shifted.

Knowing they might have the same ability as me, I advanced towards the white wolf and used my claws to cut his throat open. He staggered immediately and fell down. I knew he would die because silver impaired our healing.

The grey wolf came at me.

He was furious that I had wounded his partner, so he lunged at me and tried to fight me, but I was faster and stronger. I broke his left arm and leg while aiming for his thigh and upper arm in one swoop.

He fell immediately.

The silver in the atmosphere was bound to prevent him from healing quickly unless they were more advanced than me. I went to his and broke his neck, killing him instantly.

The last wolf ran away, and Aurora wanted to chase it, but I stopped her. Aurora growled in the direction he ran, and I was mad that he had gotten away.

The silver in the air became bearable, and I could entirely shift into my wolf form.

Aurora went to nuzzle Leo, where he lay unconscious on the ground, and we howled at the moon.

"Amelia, go to the mansion to get help. It is only twenty minutes away!" Linda called out with urgency, and I looked at her, not wanting to leave her in case those bastards chose to return.

Other than Sylvester and Tamia, the entire northern Power was here.

I looked at Linda's teary eyes. It was as if something terrible had happened. There was blood on her hand, and she was weeping.

"Go, Amelia, Go. Avery is bleeding, and she is pregnant," She said, and with those words, I turned and ran through the wood.

Pushing mysel, I ran with all my might.

Linda's words rang in my mind, and I knew what would happen if Avery didn't get help quickly.

The men were unconscious, and it will take a bit for the silver those bastards pumped into the air to wear off.

I needed to get help.

I ran with all my might until I got to the mansion. I howled at the gate because they wouldn't let me in. I had to shift back to my human form.

The guards opened the door immediately, and I ran in, not caring I was naked.

"Link the King! There has been an attack and accident, and they all need help! There is silver in their blood. Hurry, please!" I was yelling and running. Just then, Vino stepped outside the mansion. He must have been heading out, but I was glad to see him.

"Calm down, Amelia," He caught me. I did not know I was crying until he caught me.

"Bring her a robe! bring a jeep and tell Bryce to prepare with some men. Now!" He ordered with his alpha command, then held me tight.

"Calm down, Amelia; I have linked everyone. Calm down; they will be fine," He said, and the robe was brought for me. I wore it and was eager to leave.

"Amelia," I heard Sylvester's voice as he walked out of the mansion. He was calm, but he seemed worried.

"Take us there," He said, and I was helped into a jeep.

There were three more jeeps filled with warriors behind us and a big van. I sat in front with Vino driving. The windows were down, so I could smell the way back. I kept praying that nothing terrible had happened to them.

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