The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman

Chapter 182 - 20 History Lesson

Chapter 182 - 20 History Lesson


It had been over a year of silence and peace. Sylvester and I had made the most of it. We led our people and kept our home.

The task was daunting, but we were always there to support each other. Laying on the picnic mat in the western garden of the estate, I watched Sylvester play with the twins. Fate had led me to him and kept us together.

Our children were just a year plus and a joy to be around. Harper started walking before her brother, Liam. It was a sight to see as if they were competing among themselves.

Sylvester was a wonderful father and husband. He always had time for us. He cared for them diligently. He spent less time in the office and more with our children and me. All my fears of doing it alone were a distant memory now.

I watched him play with them in the western garden, and I was thankful.

Harper fell on her bum, and instead of crying, she giggled. She had two cute front teeth, and they looked beautiful.

Her eyes were green like mine, but her hair was dark like Sylvester's.

On the other hand, Liam would look like Sylvester when he grew up. He had nothing of mine.

Sylvester lifted Harper and spun around. When he stopped, she giggled, and Liam began to cry, so I got up and decided to join in the fun.

"Don't cry, little one; momma is here," I said, lifting Liam up and doing the same spin Sylvester did with Harper. He giggled, and just like his sister, he looked cute.

"They seem jealous," Sylvester said, and I raised my brow. They were bound to be. Both Sylvester and I were jealous people.

We played a bit and then returned to the mat to enjoy the serene environment.

The peace was divine. It felt good not having to watch our backs or outsmart our enemies. It felt so good just taking the days as they come and living them to the fullest.

"I am thinking of a vacation in Grizlo," Sylvester said, and I frowned at him, wondering why he would want to go to Grizlo.

"Why?" I asked, and he pulled me close and kissed his mark on my neck. He knew better not to do that, but he was being naughty.

My body shuddered with pleasure, and he chuckled in approval.

"David says it is a good place, and I think you will like the change of scenery even if it is for a week. I am sure Harper and Liam would love it, too," he said.

"They can't tell you they don't," I said, and he shook his head.

"Yes, they can, Green-eyes. They can cry all week and make our time there miserable. I am telling you, babies are smart," he said with a serious and firm expression that made me laugh.

I saw Miles, Oliver and Lilly chasing each other with their baby feet on the grass. Theo was behind them, and Linda was behind Theo.

They all seemed to be having fun except for Linda, who looked like she'd rather be indoors getting a massage and drinking champagne. Of the three of us, Linda was the first to get pregnant but the last to adjust to parenthood.

She looked around, and her eyes settled on me.

Lilly came to where Harper was and tried to get her attention by playing with her toy.

Harper giggled and was open to sharing. I wondered how they understood each other. Maybe babies had psychic language. We would never know.

Oliver and Miles joined in, and that was it. The toys weren't enough, and soon, they all started crying.

I linked a staff to bring more toys while we tried to calm them down.

"Have you seen Ave?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"What is the matter?" I asked Linda, and she shrugged.

"Nothing, it was just that I hadn't seen her all day, and I got worried." She confessed, and I shook my head.

I knew that wasn't the case. Avery had been spending more time with Katya and Nicole, and it was getting to Linda.

"Maybe you should try hanging out with them more often," I said, and she pouted her lips.

"She is my friend," She said with a funny tone, and we laughed.

"So what is happening?" She finally asked me, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing, just the same," I replied, and she smiled.

"How does being queen feel like?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"Honestly, other than the meetings, it is normal," I replied, and she rolled her eyes.

"Do not get me started about those meetings, Tamia. Now that I have a case, I do not look forward to going to the King's hall. I hate seeing that man; he has a deep sense of entitlement. Imagine the guts he had to say I gave those things to him and that because I no longer live in the east, he has the right to keep them?" She said, and I knew Kyle's words and conduct got to her, but we could do nothing about it. Sylvester could give an order, but we wanted Kyle to let go of Linda's things without exerting force. It did not seem like the matter was going peacefully, but we would try.

"Is Stephanie back?" I asked her, knowing my mother-in-law would be returning from Brighton, and she nodded.

"With Jake," Linda added, and we both laughed.

The romance between Stephanie and Jake was so much that they seemed like teenagers. I wondered what made them click, hoping it would lead to something beautiful.

They both deserved a happily ever after, and I hoped they get it.

While thinking of them, Leo crossed my mind, and I said a silent prayer for him in my heart.

"Dear goddess, please help Leo find love again and give him the strength and courage to open up and cherish what he is given. I know he is a broken man; fix him and send him true love that would keep him," I prayed, and Linda's face dropped because she knew I was deep in thought.

"What is playing in your mind, Tamia?" She asked, and I shrugged, but my eyes gave it away.

"He isn't a baby, Tamia. You bounced back and moved on. He did you badly, but you moved on. He should heal from what Amnda did. If he can't, then too bad. You have done enough. Sylvester has done enough. Leo will be fine. I am sure he is having the time of his life right now," she said, trying to cheer me up, and it worked. I smiled at her.

The toys arrived, and I heard Theo and Sylvester sigh with relief. They had a tough time coping with the children. The toys solved the toy scarcity issue our children were having.

"Have you heard from Vino?" Linda asked me, and I shook my head.

"It's been four months. I hope he is fine," She said, and I was worried too.

Vino got up one day and decided to travel with his daughters four months ago.

Although he went with nannies to help him care for the girl, he had been silent since then. I planned on asking Sylvester to find him because I was worried.

He hadn't been okay since he returned from the hospital.

Realising that the woman he loved was only using him wasn't easy. Everything was taken from him. He was disgraced and replaced. I know Silvester tried to cushion his fall, but a fall is a fall, nonetheless, and he felt it. He needed therapy, not a trip, and I hoped Sylvester would get his brother some help.

Linda and I began strolling in the garden while discussing other things.

"The council meeting is tomorrow, and Leo said he is coming," Linda told me, and I nodded.

"He wants me to look into an extinct lineage of the Volkov bloodline. He said he found a girl with eyes peculiar to that Lineage. I have researched but must seek Stephanie and Jake's knowledge to know enough," I told her, and she was interested.

The glint in Linda's eyes said it all.

We had all been bored for a while, so any assignment that would have to do with thinking and investigating was welcomed.

"What is the name of this bloodline so I can help with the research," She asked me, and I chuckled at the eagerness in her voice.

"Adrik Stepanov," I said, and she gasped.

"The silver-eyed king?" She asked, and I nodded.

I guess she paid more attention during history classes than I did.

"Yes, A.K.A the Silver-eyed or the Silver King," I said, and she laughed.

"They taught us in school, Tamia. He was one of the bloodlines forced into extinction for treason," She said, and I pleaded with her to elaborate. I must have missed those classes.

"It was an optional case study in school. Only a few took the class." She said, making me feel better. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

I was usually more into combat and strategy. Linda and Avery were my seniors, so the extra History classes must have been cancelled, seeing only a few were interested.

"You know the tradition of the Volkovs? She said, and I nodded.

"Only the heir to the throne, or lordship, whatever be the situation at the time, can bear Volkov as their last name. The others would take their mother's surname hence why there is only one line bearing Volkov as their last name. For example, Dominic was allowed to bear Volkov because they contemplated making him Lord then, but now that your hubby is King, Dominic is a Balyaeve.

He and his children will not bear Volkov because they are not in the line of succession. Hence why David is a Pavlischev, and Vino will remain a Lawrence," she explained, and I already knew that part.

"Now, rewind to the past. The rule was the same.

After The Last Volkov king fell, who happened to be Sylvester's great-great-grandfather, the council was placed above all.

We all know what happened with the council and how messy things went with war, everyone battling for power and dominance.

Sylvester's great-grandfather, Gregory Volkov, and his brother, Adrian Stepanov, fought to reinstate the monarchy, but instead of a King, they were granted lordship.

Now rumour has it that there was a verbal agreement between the brothers to discard the law of succession so everyone would have a fair shot at the throne; they decided that there would be a power rotation between their Lineage.

When Sylvester's great-grandfather passed away, he handed it over to his son, Dimitri Volkov.

There was outrage by the Stepanovs because it was their turn to rule as per the verbal agreement between Gregory Volkov and Adrian Stepanov. Unfortunately for the Stepanovs, many things were considered before handing over to Dimitri Volkov," she paused.

"You know you do not need to be an Alpha to rule as king or lord," she reminded me, and I knew that part which was why Dominic was hopeful.

"Our world was still volatile then, and it was agreed that whoever ruled should have the alpha authority," She said and paused.

"One thing the Stepanovs were known for was their vast knowledge of alchemy and the many ways they evolved from generation to generation, but the mutation came at a cost. It erased the Alpha gene from their bloodline. Thus they had Gammas, Deltas and even Omegas but never an Alpha.

This genetic flaw disqualified Adrik Stepanov, Adrain's son, but he refused to stand down.

He was the first Alpha of the Bloodline since the gene mutation, so he stood a chance. His Alpha genes were seen as luck, and people doubted it would transfer to his offspring.

To increase Adrik's chances, he had partial immunity to silver, an ability only the Stepanovs possessed.

Well, to cut a long story short. Adrik challenged Dimitri, and though the battle was tough, Dimitri won.

Adrik did not want to bow out, so Dimitri had no choice. He ordered them to arrest all the Stepanovs for treason and execute them.

The records state they were wiped clean as if they had never walked the earth. That is the tragic story of the Stepanovs," She said, and I was shocked at the story.

I felt sorry for the bloodline, but I could understand why they needed to install a lord with genuine Alpha genes.

"So, what is this's girl's connection to Adrik Stepanov?" Linda asked me excitedly.

"Her eyes are like the moon," I said, repeating what Leo told me, and she frowned. She was just as confused as I was.

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