The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman

49 A Tete-A-Tete With Alexei Kuznetsov (Book 2)

49 A Tete-A-Tete With Alexei Kuznetsov (Book 2)


Morning came, and I put it upon myself to address the omegas for their conduct. Macy came to fix the house, and I asked her to ensure all the Omegas were in the service quarters before seven thirty in the morning.

I could see the worry in her eyes because she knew something terrible must have happened. She dared not ask me why, so she only nodded and hurried through her chores.

Once it was seven-thirty, I asked Amelia to accompany me to the service quarters.

She had a frown on her face that indicated she was curious about my intentions, but I smiled to let her know it was okay.

I knew if I told her what I planned to do to the omegas, she might object and ask me to leave it alone. I had slowly begun to notice that Amelia did not like trouble, and she let things go quickly, which meant I needed to protect her from people that might want to take advantage of her qualities.

Amelia and I arrived at the service quarters together, and the omegas stood in front of their bunk bed.

They were also worried, and they had a good reason to be.

I had put two kappa outside, ready to teach them a lesson. I would not condone anyone disrespecting my mate.

"Good morning, Alpha," they greeted me, and I did not respond.

"Good Morning Luna Amelia," some of them quickly corrected themselves.

Their behaviour was baffling.

If I were screwing them or had any form of dealings with them, I would understand their reasons, but being deliberately disrespectful to my mate was uncalled for.

I had mistakenly placed her with them when she arrived, but it was only for a few days. To think those few days would cause this level of disrespect was appalling. It was time to set them straight, and I did not plan on taking it easy on them.

"Macy, step forward," I said, and the head Omega did as ordered.

I could smell her fear.

Unlike the others, Macy knew they were in trouble. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

She bowed with her tear-filled eyes, never looking into my eyes.

Amelia touched my hand gently, already pleading with me to take it easy, but someone had to be the bad guy here.

"I see you all have grown wings and forgotten your station and purpose," I started, and a worried look dawned on their faces. Seeing how they were too stupid to figure out, they were in trouble was annoying.

"There is a hierarchy, and there is a reason for it. Wolves thrive on order. History has shown without order, there will be chaos.

The hierarchy is innate and not given hence why our wolves have ranks. That aside, it is mandatory for you to respect your Alpha.

I do not only own the land you live on; I feed you all, clothe you, keep you sane and keep you all safe.

I expect you all will have some level of," respect for me as your leader I said, and some of them began to shed tears because they figured they were in a mess.

"I called a meeting in the morning yesterday and introduced my Luna to everyone. What did you all do in the evening when she tried to organise you to help the refugees?" I asked, and they were silent.

"Some of you ignored her and did as you liked. Some of you glared at her. Some of you even laughed at her," I said and took a deep breath, and exhaled.

"Amelia is a Delta and my Luna. Even if she were an Omega, the beta must show her respect and serve her, let alone omegas. I laid people off the last time, which I believe was a bit lenient," I said.

"This time around, I will make the noticeable ones scapegoats," I said, asking those guilty of the crime to step forward.

"Let this be a warning. I will do worse if Amelia is ever disregarded, disrespected, or laughed at again. I might be a nice man, but I am a monster when it comes to people I presume as my enemies. Anyone that disrespects, disregards or mocks my mate is my enemy and will be dealt with accordingly," I said and turned to leave.

"We are sorry, Luna Amelia," the ones I called out began to plead.

Amelia tried to plead on their behalf, but I won't have it.

I knew how the omegas were. They were at the bottom, so they always tried to exert some form of dominance over people they presumed as easy prey. The action I was taking would ensure they do not repeat their mistake.

While leaving, I asked the kappas to publicly deal with the selected omegas and make a spectacle of them. They should also announce their crimes to advise other pack members who might be thinking along the same line. It was necessary.

Amelia understood my reasons without me expressing myself and let it be. She wasn't pushy, and she never tried to get her way. Her qualities were unending. But I will let her have her way next time.

After breakfast, Casper linked me that Alexei had arrived.

It was ten minutes to nine, and I admired his punctuality. Still, he was a foe, and I planned on being careful with him.

I did not tell Max and Kyle Alexei was around, but I told Amelia.

I also told her not to follow me to the office in case things got bloody. She wanted to come because of the silver thing, but I doubted Alexei would be stupid enough to attack me. Marcel, Theo and I would have subdued our attacker had his peers not joined. Knowing that alone gave me confidence.

I walked to my office and saw Alexei waiting patiently in the reception. The moment I entered, he stood up and greeted me respectfully. He wasn't arrogant like he was at the eastern council meeting. It was as if I was dealing with a different person.

I ushered him into my office, and he followed quietly.

"Punctual," I said, sitting on my chair, and he smiled.

"I dare not keep the head Alpha waiting," he said, and I nodded with approval.

I stared at him briefly and decided to cut to the chase.

"Why the attacks, Alexei? Is Hill Valley not enough? Did you have to try to take Brentwood too?" I asked, and he sighed.

"There are things I am not at liberty to explain, Alpha, and, unfortunately, you are caught in the middle of it, but I had no choice but to try to take Brentwood," He said and frowned at him.

He sighed and leaned forward.

"As you see, I have come here alone because I mean well. Initially, I had no respect for you, but seeing that you are family now, I have no choice but to tell you somethings that only family are to know," he said, and I frowned at him.

I was tempted to check his vitals and be sure he was well.

I did not let the shock or confusion show on my face. I just leaned back in my chair to listen to what he had to say.

"Explain," I said, and he sighed.

He looked at me for a while and then used his hand close to his eyes. I wondered if he wanted to gouge them out, but to my surprise, he took out his contacts, and I was shocked at what I saw. His eyes were exactly like Amelia's.

"What!" I exclaimed, and he smiled.

"Amelia is my baby half-sister." He confessed, and I was stunned.

"Clay Newton is also my half-brother. The three of us share the same father but different mothers. Our mothers are dead, but Amelia's mother is alive," He said, and I was stuck in my seat.

The shock was intense that I did not know what to say.

"We are the true descendants of the Stepanov bloodline, but we have relatives here too. Unlike the popular tales, some Stepanovs escaped the massacre. My father's line is the direct descendant of Adrik Sepanov, the true heir to the lordship at the time of his murder. Unknown to Dimitri, Adrik's secret lover and mate, Ariana Ivanov, was pregnant with his child. She ran to the east to settle in Hayland.

That was where she gave birth to our father, Luis Ivanov." He said, and I was attentive.

"Unlike our relative that ran away, our family stayed away from the government; we did not want any part of it. But our father had inherited the superior genes, so they wanted him on board.

He didn't want a part but played along for a while.

He mated with my mother, Ingrid Kuznetsov and had me.

Then things got out of hand; he asked her to run away with me to the north.

She raised me for a bit before she was hunted down and killed by the Stepanovs. I grew up on the streets hiding for my life. Hair dye and contact lenses were my best friends.

My father got with Clay's mother, Emma Newton, so he could blend in. He told my mother of her, and they all planned to meet, but the cult caught up with him, and he had to run to the west to hide so they would leave Emma alone.

Emma later died of illness. He met Amelia's mother in the east, and they had Amelia; unlike the rest of us, Amelia had the full Stepanov ability. The cult found out about her and wanted her instead of our father.

He gave his life protecting her and her mother, Gezel Westwood.

They knew Gezel, so she had to go into hiding. She gave Amelia to her maid to hide in Bestir in Gad.

The omega was supposed to care for Amelia, but she dumped her in an orphanage. I believe it was out of fear.

When I discovered my father had been killed, I promised to find a home and bring my siblings together. I did not want to take over Hill Valley, but Hill Valley was on Stepanov's cult hit list, so I overtook it because of Alia. I also knew they would Kill her cousin, Max, but they would think twice before attacking me because my genes are superior.

Clay did the same to slow down the expansion of the cult. They had taken over all the packs that shared borders with the east and south from the west. I am still trying to figure out why.

I moved to take Brentwood to secure the area. If you had allowed me to do so, they wouldn't have taken Brent," He said, and I was stunned; I had several questions to ask him.

What cult? What people? Which family members? I had to take my time and organise my question.

"Tell me about this cult?" I asked, and he sighed.

"They originally consisted strictly of our relatives, the Stepanovs that fled during the massacre.

They swore vengeance on the Volkov and planned to take the government by force.

They were the sponsors of the uprising against Maurice, led by one of their members. The same member later led another revolt again Sylvester.

I am sure you know whom I am talking about. My cousin, who is part of the cult but not in support of what they are doing, keeps me informed of their activities.

He told me that Larry McMillan had come to the cult to seek revenge over what our relatives in the north did to his mate. They realised his revenge would help them achieve their goal faster than their original plan, so they supported him under the strict instruction that it won't lead to them.

They helped him fund and organise everything.

Now that Larry is useless and awaiting his death, they have decided to handle the matter directly and revert to their old plan.

I do not know their full plans neither does my cousin because they have an inner circle. He isn't part of the circle, but I know that Larry complicated matters when he forced the Volkovs to seek kingship.

It made their indirect approach weak and forced them to make decisions to interfere directly.

I would have been dormant, but we learned they had been tracking our sister.

Our cousin has been protecting her all this while, but he said they might soon catch up to him, so Clay and I had to move quickly to own packs and warriors to keep her safe.

Unfortunately, she became yours, so we had to watch her from afar.

They know she is in Mountain, and I am sure they are trying to get in. They do not need her. They have a man called Erik Kozlov, who is the head of the cult.

They plan on taking over and installing him as King, Alpha Leo.

They also plan on stealing Amelia to mate with him so they can concentrate the Stepanov genes in his heir.

It is scary, but the blood is distant enough not to be considered incest. Anyway, that is what is happening in a nutshell," he said, and I was speechless.

I could not ask my other questions.

I just stared at him because he had just fitted some puzzle pieces. I opted to take a minute, and the look in his eyes showed that he knew I was in shock. I could not believe he had been Amelia's brother all along. Why didn't I connect the dots?

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