The Charming Ex-Wife by Gwendolyn

Chapter 609

The Charming Ex Wife 

Chapter 609 Do You Need Me 


Lysander felt a wave of dizziness and, with a heart full of unease, she asked Laura, “Mom, has something- happened to Dad recently?” 

Laura replied confusedly, “No, nothing’s wrong.” 

Lysander asked again, “Don’t you think Dad has been acting strange lately?” 

Recently, Laura had devoted most of her attention to taking care of Michelle. Hearing Lysander’s words, she paused and said. “Now that you mention it, I guess he does seem strange. This afternoon, when I found out that Josiah was coming with you, I was genuinely worried that your dad might cause a scene again. I even warned him a few times in case, but I didn’t expect him to be so composed.” 

“It’s n 

more than just that,” Michelle interjected impatiently. “In the past, Dad wouldn’t speak to Josiah, let alone give him a second glance. But just now, he was treating Josiah like a proper son–in–law.” 

As Lysander listened to their conversation, her heart grew increasingly restless. 

After some thought, Laura said comfortingly, “You’ve always been one to overthink, but I wouldn’t say that’s a bad thing. Perhaps your father was impressed by Josiah’s good behavior and is showing his approval. Besides, as long as you don’t accept him, our opinions won’t make a difference. Ultimately, the decision lies with you, Lysander.” 

Lysander didn’t want Laura and Michelle to worry alongside her, so she suppressed her unease. 


Only a few people lived year–round in the Thorne manor, so there was never a shortage of rooms. That night, Maverick and Laura shared a guest room, while Lysander and Michelle each occupied a room. 

The rooms were not only tidied up well but also fully equipped with all the living essentials. 

As promised, Howard truly cared for Michelle as if she were his daughter. 

Seeing her parents and sister comfortably settled in, Lysander felt more at ease than if she were in 


She had been worried earlier that Maverick and Laura might be uneasy, even planning to sit them down and have a chat. However, as soon as Maverick returned to his room, he started complaining about being. extremely tired and wanting to sleep. Lysander didn’t dare to linger around for too long, and once she made sure they were settled in, she left. 

Yet that night, as she lay in her cozy and warm bed, she found herself unable to fall asleep. 

Tossing and turning in bed, her mind was a whirlwind of chaos. A vague sense of unease lingered in Lysander’s heart, yet she couldn’t pinpoint the source of her disquiet. 

Everyone got along well at today’s meal, and it was quite lively. 

Howard and Michelle sincerely desired to unite their families. They clearly prepared brand new furniture for Maverick and Laura’s stay quite some time ago. Michelle’s room had even been specially decorated to feature a princess bed that any girl would adore. 


MUIT, 24 

Chapter 609 Do You Need Me 

Everything had been going more than well. 

Yet, Lysander still felt her mind was in utter chaos. 

Before she knew it, half the night had passed. 


Lysande; simply couldn’t sleep. She wanted to take a stroll but was wary of disturbing the others. Deciding to do something, she put on her robe and got up. She went to the room’s attached balcony, intending to enjoy the night view. 

The Thorne manor was located in the suburbs, far from the blindingly colorful neon lights. Instead, the only sources of light were the stars in the night sky and a crescent moon. 

The sounds of croaking frogs and chirping cicadas lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and peace. 

The wind was a bit chilly, Lysander pulled her robe tighter around her shoulders and casually tucked her windblown hair behind her car. 

A deep voice rang out from her left. “Don’t stay in the wind too long. It gets cold at night.” Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Lysander turned her head and found herself locking eyes with Josiah, who was on the neighboring. balcony. 

The Thorne family and the Guerra family were direct neighbors, and their homes mirrored each other in structure. There was a spacious gap between the courtyard and the first floor, though the balconies on the upper floors were adjoining. 

Lysander hadn’t anticipated that she would end up living in this particular room, and she certainly hadn’t expected that Josiah would coincidentally step out for some fresh air at the same time. She was momentarily at a loss for words. 

“You can’t sleep either?” Josiah continued in a gentle voice, “You seemed distracted at the dinner table. earlier, and even after I left, you still didn’t snap out of it. Something’s clearly bothering you. I’m worried.” 

Lysander sighed and replied, “I’m fine. I’m just not used to this bed. It’s hard to sleep in a new place.” 

“You’re the best at adapting, be it pulling night shifts at the hospital or keeping Mdm. Molly company by her sickbed, you could sleep on any makeshift bed without a fuss,” said Josiah. 

Though Lysander’s lie was exposed, she didn’t feel upset. Her expression remained calm as she mumbled, 


Josiah shared a knowing look with her and asked, “You’re worried about Mr. Maverick, aren’t you? Although I’m pleased with his change in attitude, I also find his behavior a bit unusual.” 

Lysander remained silent, which he took as tacit agreement. 

He noticed the worry etched deeply between her brows and took the initiative to offer, “Do you need me to look into it?” 

Lysander shook her head. “It’s fine. If my father chose not to disclose something, he must have his reasons, 

t wish to pry into his secrets. My only concern is whether he’s dealing with some issue alone because he doesn’t want to burden me with it.” 


Chapter 609 Do You Need Me 


Maverick was a man of strong character. Had it not been for matters concerning his dear family, he might not changed so drastically 

Lysander’s immediate reaction was that someone had threatened him or said something to him that shouldn’t have been said. 

“Could it be Tiffany?” Lysander mused out loud, recalling her unexpected encounter with Tiffany during her visit to Joseph, as well as the mysterious patient’s medical report sent by Lynn. 

Upon hearing Tiffany’s name, Josiah’s expression instantly turned serious. “I’ll have someone look into it,” he said, “if she dares to harm your family, I won’t show any mercy.” 

Upon hearing these words, Lysander hesitated briefly before refuting this perspective. 

“I was merely speculating. Besides, Tiffany is not like Lysanne; she’s smarter, I don’t think she would do something so fruitless.” 

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t realize she had once again assumed Josiah to be on her side. 

Just then, a thought stirred in Josiah’s heart. He quickly agreed and asked, “You make a good point. Should we continue the investigation then?” 

If Lysander had ruled out Tiffany, she could only continue to consider other potential culprits. 

“During that period, my dad was constantly at the hospital, taking care of my mom and sister. He hardly went anywhere else, only occasionally returning home to grab things and cook. It was highly unlikely for him to come into contact with any unusual individuals, unless- 

Lysander’s words abruptly halted, a foreboding sense of unease welling up from the depths of her heart. 

Indeed, isn’t the hospital the most likely place where Dad could have changed? 

Josiah had already discerned Lysander’s thoughts from her expression. However, before he could say a word, she had already pulled out her phone, her face pale as she dialed Lynn’s number right there and then

If her memory served her right, Lynn was supposed to be working the night shift at the hospital that evening. 

The call connected almost instantly. 

Lysander asked anxiously, “Lynn, are you in the hospital right now?” 

“Yeah, I’m on the night shift tonight.” Lynn could tell that something was amiss from Lysander’s tone. She asked concernedly. “What’s wrong, Dr. Thorne?” 

Lysander tried to appear less anxious, but she couldn’t pull it off. She asked, “Could you do me a favor? Could you possibly check if there have been any medical records for my father in the hospital recently? His name is Maverick Thorne.“/ 

“All right, I’m looking it up now.” 

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