The CEO’s Pet Cat

Chapter 62: A Chance Encounter

The streets were ridiculously quiet as passersby were hurrying home and the shops closed early, the streets were cold and clear without all the noise.

Mia stood in the street, her misty eyes looking up at the dark clouded sky that looked like it was about to rain, and a tiny drop of rain seemed to drip into her open eyes before seeping into them, cold and clammy. Like a drop of water onto dry earth, it was quickly absorbed.

She didn’t know where her tomorrow lay, she wasn’t really a pessimistic person, but the succession of situations in front of her just left her completely defenseless.

She actually liked the rain, I guess, or so she thought. It really was a wonderful sound to hear the raindrops hitting the leaves, and on a rainy day she could just forget about everything and take her time to enjoy the rain and watch people running non-stop to escape it, it really was a nice sight.

With that, Mia stood quietly in the street, letting the growing raindrops pound down on the others, gradually drenching her to the bone.

The few hurried pedestrians on the street watched Mia strangely as she drenched the street in rain.

And Asher inside the car looked at the rain-washed windows, and a pair of sword brows knitted together. He didn’t like rainy days, because rainy weather would make his mood unbearably gloomy.

At this point Asher had just finished a meeting and was heading home.

“Damn! You can’t watch the road in the pouring rain!” The car suddenly came to a sharp stop, followed by a burst of angry curses from the driver.

Asher looked at the figure in front of the car through the constantly moving wipers, and although it was only a side face it made his eyes widen, his fingers opened the door uncontrollably and his tall body stepped out of the car in spite of the rain.

When he got out of the car, he finally confirmed that the woman standing in front of their car, who was now too stunned to know how to react, was really Mia, whom he hadn’t seen in a long time!

“Why are you here?” Subconsciously, the words came out of Asher’s mouth!

Realizing that she seemed to have almost been in a car accident, Mia pulled herself back to her thoughts; the rain was so heavy that she had brought nothing with her and she had long since become a fallen woman, her dress pants clinging to her body.

So cold, tugging at her wretched clothes, Mia couldn’t help but wrinkle her eyebrows at the sight of a not-so-defined male silhouette not too far away.

Seeing her in a mess and shivering from the cold, Asher’s shock quickly turned to shock and anger, the veins on his forehead pulsing uncontrollably, showing that he was holding back a great deal of anger at the moment.

“What the hell are you doing here!” Shouldn’t she be in the hospital at this hour? What the hell were you doing out in the middle of the night, and in this damn weather when it was cold and raining.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Why are you here?” Mia’s face turned as white as death as she took in the face of the tall man blocking her way, and her body couldn’t help but wince.

“Damn it! How long have you been in here anyway! Don’t you know it’s cold and dangerous out there!” If she had been hit by someone else today, that scene he dreaded to imagine.

“I just …” She really had nowhere else to go, she had to run away!

“Shut up!” Asher glared viciously at the woman beneath him, “Do you think you have too long to live to run out in this damn weather!”

Asher, despite his cursing, sharply took off his own jacket to protect her from the cold, and then without saying a word, picked her up and went into his car, turning on the heat.

“You don’t have to do it this way if you want to get killed.” Asher grimaced as he found a towel to wipe the rain from her body, completely ignoring the fact that he too had long since turned into a fallen chicken.

“I’m just in a bad mood.” Mia looked blandly at Asher, who was busy.

Now she really couldn’t see this man anymore, obviously doing so many hurtful things, why was she talking to her like nothing was happening at this moment, even though this current situation was a bit inconsistent with the conversation.

“In such a bad mood that you don’t even want to live?” Asher’s cold, unfeeling gaze slammed hard into Mia.

Anger spilled out of her eyes at the sight of Mia’s dumbfounded eyes, only to realize that her emotions had long been out of control, and Asher gritted his teeth and threw the towel at her before sitting down alone next to her, staring out the window at the rain that was still pouring down.

Mia looked at the still dripping side of Asher’s face, her fingers gripping the towel couldn’t help but tighten their grip and look at him with growing confusion while her eyes grew misty, Mia desperately shook her head off: damn, her head was spinning and her consciousness was getting muddled.

Mia shook her head hard a few times, hoping to clear her consciousness, but the scene around her grew blurred and her spirit grew weaker as she finally closed her eyes.

Asher watched her eyes drift closed and his thick eyebrows tightened in displeasure. How could she be asleep now when she had the strength to talk back to him a moment ago?

Warm fingers slowly approached her forehead, and just as the fingertips touched it, Asher’s tightened brow locked even deeper. It was enough for a person to run out in the rain, but how dare he give him a fever!

She’s got a fever, damn it! How could he be so unresponsive? It was all because of this woman. Every time he saw her, his self-control, which he always prided himself on, would break down. Damn woman!

The driver was ordered to pick up all his horsepower and drive wildly, finally stopping at an ordinary residential building.

“Hello, Dr. Zhang? Please come to the address below for a moment.” Asher quickly dialed a phone number.

Deep eyes couldn’t help but show a hint of concern and a little … tenderness when they saw the woman pillowed on his lap, his large palm flicking aside the hair covering her eyes.

In a short while, Dr. Zhang arrived and took out the medical kit he carried with him and began to examine Mia.

“This young lady just caught a cold to get a fever, take care not to let her get cold again, here’s the medicine, rest for a few days and she’ll be fine.” Dr. Zhang spoke quickly, he was a specialized doctor for the Jun family.

Asher nodded coldly, “Alright, I got it, get out!”

“Master Jun, there is one more thing, and I don’t know if I can … do it,” said Dr. Chang, but with a period of hesitation and a very hesitant face.

“If you have something to say, say it!” Asher’s stern eyes looked towards Dr. Zhang.

Dr. Zhang took a deep breath and finally opened his mouth warily and said, “Master Jun, she, she seems to have just had a miscarriage, it is better to pay attention …”

“What did you say!” Asher jerked to his feet, his eyes so grim they seemed to want to eat people, “You said she just had a miscarriage?”

“Yes, the body is not well enough now, so it has to be taken care of.” Not knowing why Asher’s reaction was so loud, Dr. Chang’s body trembled slightly, but tried to calm himself down.

Asher snapped his gaze to the sleeping Mia, only to see her small face burning and tinged with an unnatural redness, he looked at her for a long time before withdrawing his gaze and turning his head to wave at Dr. Zhang, “Go away, there’s nothing more for you to do!”

After Dr. Zhang left, Asher went to the edge of the bed and sat down, feeling her forehead, he was only slightly relieved after finding that it wasn’t as hot as it had been earlier.

Gently tucking Mia in, Asher just sat quietly on the edge of the bed, gazing at her snowy skin and silky black hair, a sigh couldn’t help but spill from his thin lips, what the hell was he supposed to do with this woman?

When did this woman get pregnant!

And, without his knowledge, this woman actually had a miscarriage!

I can’t believe he knows nothing about it!

Asher’s hand pounded heavily on the side of the bed, not even caring that his palm had turned red and swollen. There was something inside that stung him raw.

At that moment the driver came in from the living room and respectfully inquired, “President, Grandpa Jun called to ask when you would arrive home.”

Asher’s eyes were on Mia’s face from start to finish, his fingers gently stroking the delicate red lips he hadn’t tasted in a long time, then his bitter cold gaze shot to the driver, “I’m not going back tonight, the car broke down tonight and I’m staying at the hotel, understand?”

The driver was instantly aware of this, and then exited the room, “Yes.”

After sitting for a long time more, Asher finally pulled out his phone, dialed a number, and coldly ordered, “You go investigate someone for me!”

After waiting for the man to say yes, Asher’s long, slender fingers brushed up to Mia’s sleeping face, gently stroking her delicate features with his fingertips.

After a long time, Asher withdrew his fond fingers and lifted the quilt to lay his tall body beside the petite and lovely one, his large palm gently cradling the slightly hot body in his arms, his cold male face finally blossoming into a soft smile, greedily breathing in the scent of Mia’s body.

Holding Mia’s soft body in his arms again, Asher was surprisingly grounded and content in an inexplicable way.

I don’t know when this woman had taken root in his heart, and it gradually grew into a celestial tree, making him indulge in it without realizing it. Moreover, she was like a drug that was hard for him to get rid of anymore.

And, no matter how hard he tries, there’s no way he’ll ever get close to another woman.

“Damn it, what am I going to do with you?” Muttering as he held the woman in his arms tighter, Asher muttered.

Knowing from Dr. Zhang’s mouth that Mia had just had a miscarriage, and remembering how strange Grandpa Jun and Leena had been in the past few days, a frown gradually came to Asher’s mind. Thinking about the possibility of things, Asher’s hands clenched into fists, and his face gradually turned more ugly.

Perhaps feeling the warmth of Asher’s embrace, Mia wailed and turned around, wrapping her arms back around Asher’s waist, snuggling her small face into Asher’s firm chest, gradually blossoming into a smile and falling into sleep again.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you leave me again this time!” Holding the woman in his arms tighter, Asher’s inky black eyes were grim and cold as he looked straight ahead not too far away.

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