The CEO’s Pet Cat

Chapter 56 – The child is a disgrace to the Jun family

“You …” Before Mia could react, her wrist was grabbed and she was dragged off the bed immediately afterwards.

Claude tugged Mia’s hand and headed for the door, but stopped hard when Wang Yuxin blocked him, sword brows furrowed, “Wang Yuxin, don’t you also want to get to the bottom of things?”

“There’s no need, the truth of the matter is right in front of us, there’s nothing to doubt.” Wang Yuxin threw her body across the room and held tightly to where the doorway was.

Claude’s eyes sank and he reached out a large hand and pushed the woman in front of him aside, before tugging Mia’s arm and sprinting off towards the hospital,.

Mia had no choice but to protect her stomach while barely keeping up with Claude.

Claude pulled Mia all the way to the underground parking lot, opened the car door and shoved Mia inside, and just as he was about to close the door behind him, Wang Yuxin suddenly rushed out.

Wang Yuxin glared at Claude with a burning gaze, “I’ll go with you.”

Saying that, without the car owner’s permission, Wang Yuxin moved sharply and got into the car, she didn’t feel comfortable letting this man take Mia away.

Claude swept a glance at Wang Yuxin before getting into the driver’s seat, and the car quickly left the underground parking lot, heading straight for Sakushang Global Corporation.

Silence pervaded the car the whole way, no one wanted to make the first sound to break the awkward atmosphere.

Claude seemed anxious to prove Asher’s innocence to Mia, so the car drove fast and soon arrived at the main office building.

Standing under this towering building again after a short time, Mia’s emotions were mixed, with an indescribable bitterness in her heart.

She stood quietly at the entrance to the building, looking up at the height out of reach. Was this the distance between her and Asher? One at the top, one at the ground level, and he could decide her life or death her feelings with a few words?

A bitter smile pulled at the corners of her pale mouth, it was just that, she was already here, it didn’t matter to her now, no matter how embarrassing words she heard from that man’s mouth, she didn’t care anymore.

Claude glanced at the slender Mia next to him and took her arm and headed for the interior of the building, “Come on.”

Today he must find out what is going on, he has a feeling that there must be something fishy among all these things, and he must catch the person who is playing behind the scenes!

Claude pulled Mia straight across the lobby and walked straight towards the stairwell with a cold face, Wang Yuxin followed the two at a quick pace, the three of them stopping in front of the elevator doors.

Just then, with a document in her hand, Riina walked towards this way with elegant steps, and at the sight of the three people in the elevator room, her eyes instantly widened and she quickly hid herself from view.

Her sharp gaze landed on top of Claude and Mia’s interlocked hands, and her fingers holding the folder tightened so hard that it instantly morphed in her hands.

How did Claude end up with Mia? No, this is not the time to look at that, the point is how did Mia get here, is it possible that Dr. Lee’s operation failed?

Just then, the phone that Riina had placed in her pocket vibrated, and after glancing at the caller ID on the screen, she immediately pressed the answer button and spoke before the other party could say anything, “I’m asking you guys, how did Mia leave the hospital!”

Just after hearing a few words from the other side, Lina said in a fury, “Now get out of this city right now and never appear in front of me, or you won’t want to know what it will be like to disobey me.”

With that, she hung up the phone indignantly, gritting her teeth and glaring at Mia, who was following Claude: it was really three idiots, they couldn’t even do this little thing right, so it seemed that only she had to do it herself.

Liam Jun, who was talking to someone in the lobby, caught a glimpse of the three people standing in front of the elevator without realizing it, and when he got a good look at the three of them, his eyes instantly surfaced in confusion, how did they get here? Also, how did Claude end up with Mia?

Liam Jun’s bushy eyebrows couldn’t help but knit together as he strode straight in Mia’s direction.

Riina was just about to come out of the corner, and after seeing Liam Jun, who was rapidly approaching this way, quickly took the advantage of the tall tropical plants to hide herself.

Asher, who was so preoccupied with Mia that he didn’t even notice Leena’s presence, strode straight over the plants to the trio.

“What brings you here? Are you feeling better?” Liam Jun looked worriedly at the pale Mia.

Mia swept a glance at Claude, who was clinging to her side, and said after a moment’s hesitation, “There’s something that needs to be taken care of.”

“To the Vice President, I wonder what you brought Mia here for?” Liam Jun knew that Claude seemed to deliberately let Mia hide the reason for her visit, and he frowned at Claude who had a cold expression.

“Liam Jun, where’s your brother now?” Claude asked openly, he didn’t have that much time to spend poorly here now.

On the rare occasion that he saw Claude’s anxious look, Liam Jun’s eyebrows frowned slightly before glancing down at Mia and Wang Yuxin, “My brother he …”

Before he could answer, he saw that the elevator doors had slowly opened.

Claude couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say, so he dragged Mia and Wang Yuxin into the elevator and reached out to press the president’s exclusive floor. liam Jun froze and saw that the elevator was about to close, so he immediately blocked the closing elevator with his arm and stepped into the elevator under the watchful eyes of several people.

Liam Jun’s eyes took in the serious, stony expressions of the three men, vaguely sensing that something was not right, and a pair of thick brows furrowed together.

They didn’t see it, and it was only after the elevator doors had all closed that Leena stepped out of the shadows with a vicious smirk on her face: it’s to get Asher, isn’t it? What a shame, Mia, I won’t let you get away with it, because …

Pressing a speed dial button, it didn’t take long for Asher’s low, icy voice to come from the other end, and Riina said in a sweet voice, “Asher, go back to dinner with grandpa first, I suddenly remembered I forgot my gift for him, so you can go first.”

Without saying anything more, Lina hung up the phone and stood in the slowly rising elevator, a wicked smile appeared from the corner of her mouth: Mia, you asked for it, you brought it to me, don’t blame me for being ruthless, I’ll make you die completely!

With a ding, the elevator stopped at the president’s exclusive floor, and Riina quickly walked towards the president’s office, dialing a phone number as she went, “Hey, listen, you come to the president’s office right now and do something for me, and after it’s done, I’ll pay you generously, definitely enough to last you for a while.”

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Leena hung up sharply, then stealthily entered Asher’s office and dialed another intercom.

At the same time, Claude’s group stepped out of the elevator and was stopped just as they reached the secretary’s office. The secretary greeted Claude’s figure when she saw him from afar, “Vice President Xiang, the president is busy right now and is not available to see you, please excuse me.”

Claude didn’t say anything, he just looked askance at the secretary with icy eyes from above, his compelling eyes made the secretary’s body shiver uncontrollably, and his voice was even colder, “Oh, really? Do you know what the consequences of lying to me would be?”

“To the vice president …” the secretary’s whole body was shaking, stammering and unable to speak, “I, I, the president, he … ”

Knowing that there was no way to ask anything at all, Liam Jun walked forward with a gentle smile, “Is my brother in the office, please?”

“This …” The secretary bowed her head in embarrassment, her eyes glancing now and then at the unmoving phone.

Seeing her stammering appearance, Claude’s already limited patience was completely consumed, pulling Mia around the secretary and striding towards the president’s office, Wang Yuxin glared at the secretary and hurriedly followed behind.

Liam Jun followed a few people, smiling apologetically at the secretary, before following in Claude’s footsteps as well. He hadn’t seen Claude looking so stone-cold serious before, which showed that today’s events were not trivial.

Claude paused as he saw a crack in the president’s office open, followed by the voices of Lena and Asher from inside. Apparently, the secretary had just lied.

Claude frowned and was just about to go in, however he was pulled by the wrist by Mia. mia looked at him and shook her head slowly.

Turning back to Mia, who was obviously trying desperately to hold back, Claude withdrew the foot he had already taken and the four stood outside the door, listening to Lena and Asher talk.

“Asher, what do you think about Miss Luo?” Riina’s voice came from inside, seemingly with a hint of concern.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“What about what?” Asher’s low voice came with it, but with a great deal of impatience.

“Of course it’s the baby in her belly, are you really going to abort him? No matter what, that baby is still your baby, don’t you feel sorry for her?” After a pause of a minute or so, Riina’s words came back out.

“The baby can’t stay.” Asher could be seen through the doorway, sitting on the couch with his back to them, his face unseen, but the few simple words that came out of his mouth instantly sent Mia to hell.

The four people standing outside the door paled greatly, especially Mia, who was already rather pale, and this time turned without the slightest blood.

Inside, as if Asher wasn’t feeling up to it, he ended with a scathing brand of, “The existence of this child is a disgrace to the Jun family, how could I let him be born!”

Mia’s body shook, her eyes ached with acidity, her heart ached like a tear: this child was his, how could he say such things!

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