The CEO’s Pet Cat

Chapter 32 – Let her go.

At this moment, the executives who were still in the meeting at Jun’s company looked at each other in confusion, and their furrowed brows looked even more suspiciously at the dangling Claude sitting in the president’s seat.

This most important meeting every month, isn’t it always the president Asher himself who presides over it, how come today someone else has changed!Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

Claude, seated in the chair, swept the executives present, yawned widely, looked at the executives sitting across from him, held out a hand to the secretary next to him to take the minutes, and then said, “Meeting.”

Looking at the executives who were puzzled but afraid to ask questions, Claude said darkly, Asher, you remember you owe me one!

Asher sat in the shadowy highway alongside two expensive world class cars, his gaze fixed coldly on the embracing pair across the street, his face unmoving but his large hands clenched into fists in his lap, the bruises on the backs of his hands indicating the flames of rage that were churning in his heart.

Liam Jun, who was holding the woman, seemed to be aware of something and looked his way.

Asher opened the car door, expensive handmade Italian leather shoes on the tarmac, a straight black suit, an icy aura, lurid eyes that seemed to blend in with the dark night.

Liam Jun quickly adjusted himself and looked openly at Asher who was walking towards him, raising a smile, “When did you get here, old man?”

Since Asher had seen it all, there was no need for him to explain, he knew Asher’s temper and knew that he would only believe his own two eyes and would never listen to his explanations.

Besides, he didn’t even feel the need to explain, did he?

Asher gave him a cold look, his eerie gaze falling on the woman in his arms. With an intimidating grimness, he slowly approached the two men.

Nearing Liam Jun’s side, Asher paused and stared coldly at Liam Jun.

The two brothers coldly confronted each other.

Ryoga looked at Mia in Liam Jun’s arms and spoke coldly, “Let her go.”

Liam Jun glanced at Mia’s peaceful sleeping face, looked across at Asher, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a bitter smile as he slowly approached Asher and handed the woman in his arms.

Her mind is on Asher when she’s drunk, and giving her to Asher should be what she wants!

Asher stood up straight and looked down at the woman in his arms, a complex look in his eyes.

After receiving the call today, he left the villa, was called in for a lecture by Grandpa Jun, and rushed to the office for his regular meeting.

However, when he gets a call from Lena telling him that Mia is now with Liam Jun, he can’t actually sit still any longer as he has always been focused on company matters. He even puts the dangling Claude in his place for the meeting while he speeds off to drive in search of Mia.

He didn’t like to admit that his ever irritable mood slowly calmed down as he held Mia’s soft, delicate body in his hands.

However, thinking about the scenes he had just seen, a handsome face once again revealed a bitter look, and the arms holding his torso could not help but tighten. The uncomfortable force caused the woman lying in his arms who was in the middle of sleep to frown.

Unconsciously, Asher let go, surprisingly uncomfortable with the way he saw her frown.

At Liam Jun’s gaze, Asher walked towards his car with the woman in his arms, stopping after some distance from Liam Jun, “She’s my woman, not yours to get your hands on, mark my words.”

Although there wasn’t much affection between the two brothers, he didn’t want to flip out.

Liam Jun, standing behind him, stared deeply at his back, “Older brother, if you like her, you need to treat her right. If you can’t treat her right, you’ll let her go.”

Liam Jun’s words made Asher’s cold eyes swiftly roll up into a gale, and his gaze turned very sharp as he looked at the woman in his arms, saying coldly, “How I treat my woman is my own business.”

Asher’s car, quickly out of Liam Jun’s sight.

Liam Jun stood alone in the darkness of the night, his gaze bleak as he watched the fading car, his eyes gradually turning dark as a pair of large hands clenched together.

The car drove fast down the highway, Asher steering steadily, watching the road in the dark without looking away as the car headed straight for the suburban villa.

Lying on the passenger side was Mia, who was still in a deep sleep.

Although he was driving, he couldn’t help but gently caress Mia’s delicate face with his long, slender fingers, a shadow at the bottom of his eyes, and suddenly the words of Jun’s Grandpa Jun resounded in his mind.

Did you fall in love with this woman …

The stroking stopped momentarily and the open palm slowly clenched into a fist, which slammed unceremoniously against the car window, a trail of blood slowly trickling down the radiused glass window.

A complicated gaze fell through the transparent lenses on the silent sleeping face, and surprisingly, helplessness and pity rose up in the bottom of his heart.

There had never been a shortage of women around him, and he had never taken them to heart. Even, he had always used women as a tool for lust.

However, he slowly realized that the calmness he prided himself on was actually gradually losing what it should be in front of this woman. This unfamiliar emotion made him feel overwhelmed with panic.

He’d deliberately snubbed Mia, using Lena’s presence to try to resist that unfamiliar feeling, wanting to regain the control that used to make him proud.

But, judging by his actions tonight, he clearly failed again.

How can Asher, who is a great man in the mall, have feelings? How could it be hard to let go of a woman? How could there be the kind of weakness that allows others to take advantage of it!

No, he wouldn’t, he must cut this strange emotion out, must deal with his relationship with Mia before it took control of him. Asher’s dark eyes, gradually welled up with determination.

Mia, lying on his lap, moved restlessly, sliding the blanket covering her to the floor. Asher glanced at the woman next to him and lowered himself to pick up the blanket that had landed on the car.

“Asher … I love you …,” murmured Mia, who was sleeping and wriggling restlessly.

Mia’s voice was soft, but it was a voice that rang like a thunderclap in Asher’s ears.

The movement that was picking something up momentarily stopped in mid-air, Asher’s cold eyes flickering uncertainly as an indescribably subtle atmosphere surrounded him.

The corners of his rigid lips unconsciously hooked up a slight arc, his deep eyes slid over a trace of imperceptible tenderness, his bent body slowly sat up straight, and his fingers gently covered the blanket over the woman’s body.

But then his mind instantly recalled his grandfather’s warning: if you really fall in love with that woman, I will make her disappear from your presence forever!

The corners of his lips that had just risen were instantly suppressed by him again, how could he not understand what Grandpa meant, if he dared to be with Mia, Mia would be in danger!

The knuckles on his grip on the steering wheel grew white, and his dark eyes once again flushed with coldness.

No! He Asher wants to live his life the way he wants, he doesn’t want to be tied down, how can he be tied down by this common woman, a common woman is not worth giving up his great life, he wants to change back to his old self!

With a weakness Asher is no longer Asher, he has to be Asher, he can only be Asher!

He would make this woman understand that falling in love with him was a painful thing, forcing her to shed her love for him, or she would be an obstacle!

The eyes that looked at Mia gradually became cold again, even colder and fuller than before. From this moment on, he was going to close his slightly shaken heart again, and he would remain the same Asher of old!

Mia was quite awake after the vomiting she had just done, and after some more sleep, she finally came to her senses. As soon as she opened her eyes, Asher’s eerie, horrifying face was what met her eyes.

Asher lifted his icy face, his cold eyes fixed on the miserable little face for a moment, his icy face revealed a cold smile, “What, do you know you’re scared now? Why didn’t you think of that when you left the villa?”

“I … I didn’t think of leaving …” She just wanted to get some air, she wasn’t thinking of leaving. Besides, did she want to leave?

“Never thought of leaving?” Angry eyes locked on those still tainted with a hint of drunkenness, eyes falling on her rosy mouth, the anger that pulsed in her chest at the thought of being tasted by Liam Jun just now rising quickly and rushing straight to Asher’s senses.

Wen Xiaoyu didn’t dare to look at him and hung her head in panic.

“You think I’m going to believe your bullshit!” He wants her to know exactly what she’s doing, who she’s met with, etc., everything about Mia, he’s 100% on top of it!

The last shred of sanity reminded Mia that no, not here, that she could accept any threat he made, agree to any condition he made, but not let the last shred of her dignity disappear into thin air in this car.

She pushed Asher away as hard as she could, “No, Asher, please, not here!”

“Why? What’s wrong with a man having sex with a woman? And you’re still my pet, no right to question where I want you.” Asher’s voice was eerily unusual, like it was coming from hell.

A short sentence sent Mia into complete hell, her lips trembling and pale as she looked at the cold man in front of her, “I haven’t forgotten, but not here!”

Asher’s cold eyes shot out a piercing cold light, “Why not?”

Clearly, the woman hadn’t put herself in the right place.

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