The Broken Warrior's Daughter

Chatper 408

Yikes! Looks like the confrontation is coming!

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Chapter 0408

The audacity of this man. This man that | once respected, that | looked up to like he was the answer to every question | ever had. Now, | see him for what he really is. A washed up, pathetic excuse for an Alpha.

The arrogance of him thinking that | was staring at him because | want him, it’s unfathomable, not to mention disgusting.

| watch his face shut down after | call him father.

“Of course, | was what, twelve, when you banished me? Do you remember me now?

“That’s not possible.”

“Why, dad?” | say the term sarcastically. “Because you couldn’t be patient enough to wait and see if | got my wolf? You couldn’t be a good enough father to love me, even if | had never gotten a wolf? Well, surprise, here | am. It’s me, Grace. You banished your daughter, a future Guardian. from your pack. Is this starting to ring any bells for you?”

“How dare you?” He snarls, his hand coming up to strike me.

| grab it in mid-air, refusing to let it go, even after he tries to pull it out of my grip. “Does your mate know?” | ask him.

“Shut up!”

“| guess not, let’s fill her in then, shall we?”

| continue holding his arm in the air as | turn to his mate. “The only reason I’m alive is because my mother fled with me when he banished me.” | can see the horror filling her eyes. She had no idea of mine or my mother’s existence. | don’t want to hurt her, but my father’s lies need to be told. I’m not even sure that the pack really knows what happened.

“We knew when father finally gave up looking for us. | had to watch for years while my father cheated on the mate bond, slowly killing my mother.” My father’s mate is clutching her son to her.

tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Shut up, you fucking bitch!”

“Oh, father. The days of me being intimidated by you are over. The days where you abuse me, are over.”

“But do you know what the kicker was? The thing that actually killed my mother? It was when you marked your new mate. You knew my mother was still alive and you knew it would kill her, but you did it anyway.”

| pull him toward me, so my face is inches from his. “And you did it on my sixteenth birthday. | can only guess that was intentional as well.”

| shove him away from me, releasing his arm as he stumbles back.

“What do you want?” He spits the words at me.

“I'm glad you asked.” | thought facing my father would be frightening, but instead it’s liberating and it’s helping me see things clearly.

“| want my pack. | am the rightful heir, the pack’s rightful Alpha, and |. Want. My. Pack.” | enunciate the last words, Maia coming forward putting her strength behind it.

| hear the gasps of the bystanders around us, watching the interaction. “You'll have to fight me for it.”

“No problem. I'll be sure to show you the same mercy you showed my mother. You have one week. Alpha.” | sneer his title at him before turning to his mate, my voice softening.

“| have no problem with you. You obviously did not know about my mother or me. As long as you don’t try to keep me from taking my rightful place as Alpha, you can remain in the pack. But I’d suggest thinking long and hard about whether you want this man to still be your mate when | come for the challenge.”

| turn back to my father. “Because | will kill you for what you did, to my mother, to me and | can only imagine to the pack.”

“You think you can just come here and threaten to take our packs. | don’t care if you are a Guardian, I’m not afraid of you.” Another Alpha steps forward, having watched the entire interaction. | see some other nodding in agreement.

Angel and Cara step up beside me. “You don’t need to be afraid of us. But you will respect us.” Angel says and she pushes her aura, full-strength forcing the Alpha to his knees and making him expose his neck in submission.

Cara looks out at the group. “Anyone else want to question our strength as Guardians? Grace and | would be happy to show you our strengths as well, but we don’t have the ability to direct our aura like Angel. We'd bring you all to your knees.” She snarls at them, Artemis coming forward.

| can see that my father finally understands the situation he is in. He turns his fearful eyes back to 1. me. +15 BONOS “One week, Alpha.” | say and he turns and starts to walk away. I stand with my sisters, ready to show our strength if anyone else wants to challenge us. Liami walks up to Angel. He wraps his arms around her and rubs his nose through her hair. “Baby girl, | think you've taught the Alpha a lesson he’s not likely to forget. Release your aura.”

She gives a final snarl before pulling her aura back. The Alpha falls forward, just catching himself with his hands. His Beta comes up and helps him to his feet before the crowd disperses.

Eli comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. “So, we need to make plans to assimilate another pack into our already large pack?”

I turn in his arms. “I’m sorry. | should have talked to you about it, but | hadn’t realized that was what | wanted until | confronted


He puts his forehead against mine. “It’s lucky there are elders here. I'll talk to them about adding to our pack lands. The area between ours and the canyon is open, | believe. We will have to borrow the money to buy it, but now that our pack is starting to make money, we should be able to

do it.”

“If not. Liam and | will help.” Rik says, having come over to wrap his arms around Cara. “Do you have any idea how many pack members we're talking about?” Eli asks me. “One hundred and seventy-five, give or take.” A deep voice says behind me.

“Jack.” | pull out of Elis arms. “I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

He shakes his head. “No. | should have done more. | didn’t know. | didn’t realize what was happening and as his Gamma, | should have.”

“Do you think the pack will follow me.” | ask him.

He looks at me for a long moment. “The pack has been miserable for a long time. They will follow you and accept you as their rightful Alpha.” Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

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