The Broken Warrior's Daughter

Chapter 465

Chapter 0465

My wolf has no problem submitting to Donovan, but | refuse to submit to Clint. Before my harlot of a wolf decides she wants to mate with Donovan, | take control

and force her to shift. ‘| wouldn’t have let him mate us, not yet anyway.’ She purrs, and | roll my eyes. at her. ‘What? He caught us. | was running full out and he still caught us. He’s a strong and powerful wolf.”

‘Yes, you've mentioned that before, stop purring. He’s a Guardian, he’s supposed to be top of the wolf hierarchy. Made by the Moon Goddess, remember?”

“Yes, he was.’ She says, still purring.

When | shifted, | hadn’t thought it through that | would be giving Clint quite a show, but it’s not like he’s never seen a naked woman. If the rumors are true, he sees a different one almost every night.

| wait for Donovan to shift back to Clint, but he doesn’t. He sits and stares at me.

“Donovan? I’m assuming Clint wanted to talk to me?” | ask, wondering why Donovan was chasing us if it wasn’t to catch us for Clint.

He shakes his head, no.

“He wanted to play with Andra.” Clint’s voice comes through the mind link.

Andra, of course, rolls over in my head, showing her belly. ‘Really? Have some respect for yourself.’

‘Just because Clint sleeps around, doesn’t mean that Donovan does. I’ve never seen him with another she—wolf.‘

Hmmm, my enamored wolf has a point. Unlike some wolves, who are ast indiscriminate as their humans, Donovan has never shown favor to any of the she -wolves, even though just as many throw themselves at him as Clint. Because of that, | feel my heart thawing a bit toward Donovan.

“You wanted to play with Andra, huh?” | say walking over and running my hand over the side of his face. He woofs at me before leaning into my touch. | can’t help but smile. ‘See? He's perfect.‘ Andra says. “Did she surprise you with her speed?” He pulls away from my hand and looks at “We've been running our own drills. She'll beat you one day, Donovan.” | get the wolf equivalent of a scoff. “We’d be happy to train with you. Help you push yourself, so Andra can get stronger and faster.” Clint says over the mind link.

“Thanks, but no thanks. The last thing | need is for people to get the wrong idea and think we are just one of your playthings. We're doing just fine on our own.” | say out loud.

“Thanks for the run, Donovan, it was fun.” | tell him and lean down, kissing the top of his head. He sneaks a lick on my face, licking me from chin to nose.

“Ewww, Donovan! Gross.” | say, wiping my face. | begin walking back toward home. | hear Donovan growl behind me. When | turn, he’s looking at me. “What?”

He runs into the woods next to us, before coming back out as Clint, wearing a pair of shorts and carrying a shirt. He hands me the shirt. “Put this on. You shouldn't be walking around naked for anyone to see.”

| roll my eyes before pulling the shirt over my head. “There isn’t anyone else out here and even if there was, we're all shifters here. Nothing everyone in the pack hasn't seen before.”NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

| swear | hear him growl again. But | ignore it and turn to walk toward home. Clint falls into step beside me. | turn, raising my eyebrow at him. “The packhouse is that way.” | say, pointing in the opposite direction of my house.

“I'm going to make sure that you get home safely.” Now it’s my turn to scoff. We're on pack lands. There isn’t a safer place for me to be.

“So, you're really going to go out with Lucas on Friday?”

| still don’t really want to go out with Lucas, but if it means | have an excuse to not go out with Clint, then I’m going. “Yep.” “What about Saturday?” He asks me.

“Calista and | have plans.”



I stop and turn toward him. “Seriously, Clint. What is the deal? Why are you doing this?”

| decide to take the direct approach. “Do you and Anders have a bet to see who can get the last remaining standouts into your bed? Is that what this is? Because if that’s the case, you'll both lose. We're on to you, and I have no intention of becoming just another number or a notch on your bedpost.”

By the time I’m done, my finger is poking him in the chest, accentuating my words. He reaches up, grabbing and holding my finger.

“Is that what you think?

“It was Calista’s idea, but it makes perfect sense. You and Anders barely gave either of us the time of day and now neither of you will leave us alone? What other reason could there be?”

“| honestly just want to get to know you better.” “| gave you the cliff notes version. That should suffice.”

“It doesn't. | want to know more than just the basics about you Lily. Go out with me. | give you my word as a Guardian that I’m not asking just to get you in my bed.”

Okay, that was unexpected. I’ve only ever known Clint to give his word as a Guardian to Anders and Alpha Patrick. | look at him, searching his eyes for any lie, but | don’t see any. ‘| think he’s telling the truth.‘ Andra says, also interested in why Clint is giving us so much attention.”

“Brunch on Sunday, take it or leave it.” | tell him.

“Done. I'll pick you up...”

“No, I'll walk.” He growls at me.

“No, I'll pick you up. And I’m buying! But I’d still like to spar with you. tomorrow.”

| huff about being picked up. The rumor mill will go wild.

“Alpha Patrick already said that I'll be sparring with Anders tomorrow.”

“| can change that. And I’m serious about Andra running with Donovan. If she wants to get faster, she needs a challenge.” It's basically what Alpha Patrick said to me today about training, so | know he’s



“Tell your wolf that if he tries anything funny with Andra, I'll shift and rip his balls off.”

He smirks at me. “You should have felt the cringe | just got from him, so | guess the message was received.”

| turn and start walking back to my house. “And the same goes for you Clint. Try anything and I'll neuter you.” | say to him over my shoulder.

“Deal, Lily bud.”

I roll my eyes at his new pet name for me. Cooper


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