The Broken Warrior's Daughter

Chapter 457

Chapter 0457

“Hey Lils.” My bestie, Calista, says walking up to me as we meet on the road before heading to school. We're in the last half of our senior year.

“Morning Call”

Calista and | have grown up next door to each other. We're the same age and while we may not always be in the same classes, we've always gone to the same schools, done our homework together and have literally been best friends our entire lives. We were born a month apart and our parents babysat for each other and put us in the same afterschool activities through our younger years. Thankfully, we liked each other right away. Otherwise, it would have been miserable.

“How was training?” She asks me. The one thing we haven't done together since she was able to be excluded two years ago. Where | want to be a kickass warrior, Calista is a more gentle soul. She completed the required five years of training but was able to back out after that.

“| got Lucas today.” | tell her beaming. “You took him down?” Her eyes widen in disbelief.

“Yep, pinned him until he tapped out.” I’m practically bouncing on the balls of my feet. Lucas is set to be our next Lead Warrior and for me to beat him is a huge feather in my cap.

“Lily, that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you!” “Thanks Cali.”

As we walk, | hear a car coming up behind us. We move to step out of the way, when the car slows down and the window rolls down. Alpha heir Anders looks over at us, Clint in the passenger seat smirking at us.

“Good morning, ladies. Want a ride?”

Cali has stiffened next to me. Anders has been pursuing her for a couple weeks now. Ever since the day he walked up to her and asked her out on a date. His face was priceless when she turned him down flat. You could tell no one ever said no to our future Alpha. Neither one of us understands why he’s suddenly interested. He never showed any interest in her before. It’s almost like he’s enjoying the chase and it’s making him more determined to catch her.

“Good morning, Alpha. Good morning, Guardian. Thank you, we’re good.” |


reply for both of us.

“What about you Cali?” Anders ignores me and asks Calista.

She gives him her best fake smile, making sure he knows it’s fake. “As Lily said, we’re good, thank you.” Clint leans over the arm rest. “Nice job today, Lily.”

“Thank you, Guardian.”

“Clint. Call me Clint, Lily.”

| look at him, but don’t say anything. Other than when we're at training, Clint has never bothered to speak to me. He’s always too busy chatting with the bevy of women that constantly surround both him and Anders. If it weren’t for training, I’m pretty sure he wouldn't even realize that we're in the same pack. That is, until Anders set his sights on Cali. Wherever Anders goes, so does Clint, and Cali and | have always been attached at the hip.

“Last chance ladies, you sure you don’t want a ride?”

“It's a beautiful morning for a walk, Alpha.” | say.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Maybe next time. See you in class Cali.” And they pull away.

When they are out of hearing distance, Cali grunts. “Ugh, he is so annoying. Why won't he leave me alone?” “Because he’s an Alpha and he’s used to getting what he wants?” | guess.

“Well, he’s the last man | want to be with. He’s practically slept with every girl in our pack. Who would want to be mated to an Alpha that can’t keep it in his pants?”

“Ummm, aren’t all Alphas like that, Cali? And to answer your question, pretty much every she-wolf other than you and me.”

“| hope my mate is a kind, unassuming man who wants a quiet life.”

| look at my dear friend, frowning as we enter the school parking lot. “You do realize we're werewolves, right? Unless you're mated to a human, that whole ‘ quiet life‘ is unlikely.”

She sighs. “Yeah, | know. Hey, what was that with Clint? | don’t remember him ever speaking to you before.” “He hasn't. | guess me pinning Lucas made me worthy,” | make air quotes as | say it, “of his attention.”


“He’s cute.”

“First, ‘cute’ isn’t the word | would use for him. Sexy or hot would be words to describe Clint. Second, he’s just as much of a player as Alpha Anders, so no way am | getting mixed up in that.”

As we walk into the school, we see both men standing next to the lockers surrounded by a group of mostly girls. I’m about to roll my eyes when Clint’s emerald eyes lock onto mine. He’s talking to someone, but he makes a point to wink at me as | walk by. Really?

| shake my head just enough for him to see that | can’t believe he just did that, and | get an answering smirk in return.

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