The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet

Chapter 1876

Chapter 1876

She just couldn't wrap her head around it—a man like Alaric, who'd intertwined his life with another woman's to the extent of having a child with her. It wasn't that she was a purist when it came to love, but the idea of sharing Alaric with another woman because of a child was something she found insurmountable.

Perhaps it was the depth of her love, the height of her expectations, that made accepting this version of him impossible.

Even if Hertha hadn't loved Alaric with such intensity before, hadn't yearned for a simple, undiluted life of domestic bliss with him, her sense of betrayal wouldn't cut as deep.

But it was precisely because of her deep-seated hopes that she couldn't come to terms with a blemished version of him-a man who had a child with another woman, outside of their family.

These were the thoughts swirling in Hertha's mind, unspoken to Alaric. Yet, the words she had uttered earlier made her stance painfully clear. Alaric's once sparkling, fox-like eyes had dimmed, now filled with sorrow and pain.

He looked at her steadily for a few seconds before dropping his gaze, his breathing heavy with the weight of his predicament, "What am I supposed to do? How can I fix this?"

Indeed, everything had been orchestrated by Georgia behind his back. He had stumbled into that hotel room drunk, believing he was with Hertha, only to wake up to Georgia.

He had never wanted a child with Georgia, yet that conniving woman went ahead and had the baby without his consent!

None of this was what he wanted, yet it had all unfolded without his control.

Now, he felt powerless and without recourse.

Seeing Alaric in this state of despair tore at Hertha's heart, as if a small knife was methodically slicing through her heart.

Yet, she forced herself to suppress the pain, pretending to be calm as she said to Alaric, "We can't change what's happened, so let's figure out a way forward."

Alaric looked up at her, confused by her words.


Hertha, maintaining her composure, continued, "Let's just be friends, okay? If you miss the kids, you can get in touch, come and see them. I won't stop you. But between us, let's just be friends and live peacefully."

Her earlier declaration of wanting to cut Alaric out of her life completely had been said in anger.

Upon reflection, she realized it wasn't realistic.

If it weren't for their two adorable children, who deeply longed for their father's affection, maybe a complete separation could work.

But she couldn't, in good conscience, deny her children the chance to bond with their father, despite her own feelings towards Alaric.

Her mother had encouraged her to have this talk with Alaric, hoping they could find a resolution.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

And after much contemplation, Hertha concluded that the best outcome for her and Alaric was to remain just friends.

Better to find a harmonious coexistence than to continue their standoff.

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