The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet

Chapter 1853

Chapter 1853

Thalassa paused for a moment before quickly grabbing her phone to search for any news about herself. Lately, she had been holed up at home, keeping Lysander company, barely having a moment to glance at her phone. Moreover, over the past few days, Lysander had become incredibly clingy, insisting on her presence even for sleep, leaving her no chance to catch up on the latest gossip. But the moment she powered on her phone, she was bombarded with headlines about herself.

#Famous designer W's collection sold out instantly

#Jewelry contest scandal: someone accused of copying W's designs in a bid for the crown, proving W's trendsetting brilliance.

#Dark horse in the design world, designer W emerges with unparalleled creations, defining exclusivity.

All these headlines were about Thalassa in recent days. The inte was ablaze with her name, and she, the person at the center of it all, had been completely oblivious! Upon seeing this, Thalassa's jaw nearly hit the floor in shock.

Seeing her expression, Hertha knew right away that Thalassa had just discovered her newfound fame. Hertha covered her mouth to stifle a laugh, saying, "Thalassa, you truly live not for fame or fortune, but for your dear Lysander."

Snapping back to reality, Thalassa was about to respond to Hertha when Donovan approached them, his face split into a big grin. "Thalassa, there you are. Now that you've got some time on your hands, why don't you sketch up some more designs? Our company's just launched a new jewelry line, and we're all set to bring your designs to life. With your name, sales will go through the roof."

Thalassa could see right through Donovan's overly friendly demeanor, understanding the real reason behind his sudden niceness. So, her fame was the catalyst for Donovan's flattery, given her potential to add value to the company. Thinking to herself how conniving Donovan could be, Thalassa replied with a polite smile, "I'll try my best. Design is all about inspiration, so I'll create more as soon as inspiration strikes."

"Alright, carry on," Donovan said, not lingering any longer. Before leaving, he turned to Hertha, "Make sure you keep up your work too. Your designs will also be turned into products for sale."

After Donovan walked away, Hertha rolled her eyes at his retreating figure, then turned to Thalassa, "Did I just hear that right? Sounds like I'm just a buy-one-get-one-free deal

attached to you."

Treating Hertha with a gentle touch like one would a child, Thalassa ruffled her hair, saying, "Don't overthink it. You're incredibly talented too; you're just missing your big break."

Hertha's confidence soared at Thalassa's encouragement, "You're right. If I had a chance, I'd be famous by now. I should've gone with you to that jewelry contest."

"Did you not sleep well last night? You've got some serious dark circles," Thalassa noted with concern.

At the mention of last night, Hertha deflated, pulling at her eyelids, "I'm at my wit's end with Alaric, that jerk."

"What, you guys were together again last night, and it was that intense?" Thalassa exclaimed, her voice rising in surprise.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

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