The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 82: Deborah

Chapter 82: Deborah

I crouched down on the thick grasses as soon as I felt Nina's eyes on me. Damn! That stupid girl!! I

scowled in my mind. Even though I was in a disguise of a black long flowing gown and a black hijab.

Shielding my face, I knew that Nina was smart to know that it was me. No sense human would be

hiding under a shrub tree, away from the rest of the wedding guests but I just needed to catch a

glimpse of my love. My man, Michael__

Speaking of him, I felt my heartbeat escalated in my chest even before I saw him walking down the

cathedral to the front of the church dressed in a navy blue tuxedo where Nina's stood her face frozen

and pale.

I scowled as soon as I saw Michael envelop her in a hug. I was so angry that I was tempted to kidnap

her, the second time and make sure she died for real but I had to remind myself that this wasn't just my

revenge anymore. This was about my family, my life...

I came out of my thoughts to see Michael signaling for John, he called something to him and pointed to

the scrub tree where I was still crouched down. That was my cue to leave before John could find me...

I walk briskly down the church and also try not to be so fast so as not to be suspicious. I stopped to

exchange pleasantries to guests who were also hurrying to their cars for the reception.

I wish I could go there but seeing that Nina has seen me, I doubt Michael will take it lightly with the

securities. It will be only for a short time before I'm found. I can't risk my revenge just because I want to

attend a reception. I could sit back and watch from the comfort of my home.

I waved to the lady I was chatting with____scratch that, she was babbling and trying to get me to talk.

She was quite fascinated with my outfit and even asked why I had to wear a hijab.

I had to explain to her that I was from a Muslim home. And my parents had taught me to strictly and at

all times have my head cover. She seemed to believe my explanation which was why she casually told

me about herself, her work, her life, and that she had three kids___like I was any bit interested. As

soon as I got to my car, I was excited that I was free from her babbling. I got into my car and drove off

after waving to her.

I parked my car in the driveway after making sure that no one followed me here. I always knew

Michael's securities were not matched for my skills, especially John who was an ex_army.

I walked up the stairs into my apartment which I had acquired after months of thorough plotting and

planning. I met Xavier leaning on the window and staring at me with a glass of juice on his lips as soon

as I opened the door.

I sucked in breath as I was horny just once again. After Austin's death and Michael's scandal at the

wedding. Xavier has been my go-to for sex. And I couldn't say I didn't enjoy any bit of it which was why

right now I was already getting out of my dress. I removed my hijab, freeing my hair. I combed it

through with my fingers. I saw Xavier's eyes widened in shock.

I smiled as soon as I saw that my seduction was working. I took slow, lucid steps to meet him while

deliberately slewing my hips for his eyes only. Xavier still watched me with his lips on the glass without

saying a word to me.

As soon as I got to him, I smiled up at him and ran my hands through his naked dark skin, taking my

time to pinch and licks his taut nipples. I felt a shiver run through me while I had to gently and

cautiously romance Xavier. Otherwise, he might have just pulled his hands away from me.

I felt him stiffened before he stepped away from me. “ No, Deborah we can't do this now. We need to

talk ” I scowled at him as I stepped away from the window. I knew what Xavier wanted to talk about and

right now I wasn't in the mood. No matter what he said, I won't give up my revenge for anything.

“ I'm not interested,” I told him but that only seemed to infuriate Xavier as he turned to glare at me

before dropping the glass on the dining.

He walked over to me, his eyes now in a frown “ Deborah ” My name was a whisper on his lips as I

watched him run his hands through his dark hairs. I love his hair, it was just like Michael's which was

why I love to run my hands through them. It makes me remember longingly when Michael and I were

still together.

“ Is there any way you could stop this revenge? Think about us, about our future. We still have a bright

future out there, only if you would give us a chance” Xavier called to me causing me to roll my eyes at


This was one thing I hated about men, especially weak men. Give them good sex and boom!! They are

in love with you. They keep bothering you about wanting more, wanting a future with you instead to be

contented with the good sex. No, they won't. They want a baby, a wife, a mother, and every other thing

a woman can offer but I can't do that.

“ Xavier, this isn't the first nor the third time we'll be having this conversation. And my answer will

remain the same, I'm not interested. Those futures you painted right now ” I paused as I made a

reverence with my hands pointing to the two of us

“ Is not for me. I have far better things to do than waste it for love ” I told him angrily before turning to

walk into my room seeing that sex with him was a no-go area but his angry voice stopped me on my


“ I know you still love Michael but girl, it's time to wake up because Michael can never be yours. He's

married to ______”

But he couldn't complete his sentence as I had slapped him loudly across the cheeks in anger “ How

dare you!” I screamed up at him. Just because I'm having sex with him shouldn't have giving him that

audacity to talk back to me.

Xavier laughed as he rubs his hands on his cheeks, his eyes fuming in anger “ Well?” He asked me,

raising an eyebrow at me, ” Is that all you've got? Huh,” He smiles showing his perfect set of white

teeth“ Go ahead, slap me more but that won't change the fact that Michael and Nina are finally married.

That won't change the fact that they won and you lose. You hear me, Deborah Melton. You are a loser.

Do you hear that, a fucking loser that who you are” Xavier screamed out loud in my face? For once I

was thankful that the building was soundproof. I wouldn't know what to tell the neighbors if they heard

our arguments.

I know what Xavier was doing, he was trying to taunt and unnerve me but I'm not going to fall for his

pranks I have far better things to do.

I smiled at him and lovingly rub my hands through his cheeks like an owner will pet his dog before

turning on my heels to walk back to my room but what he said next caused my calm demeanor to come

crumbling down the floor.

“ Well, fine, keep going. Continue, your revenge anyway, it's no wonder you lost your child ” Xavier's

emotionless voice cut through me, seeping the energy out of my body as I crouched down on the floor,

remembering the death of my precious baby! He didn't spend a second in the world.

Xavier soon realized his mistakes which was why he came running back to me as soon as he saw me

squat down on the floor “ I'm so sorry, Debbie. Please forgive me ” He pleaded with me but all I could

remember was that fateful evening.

“ I love your disguise, ” Xavier called to me as soon as I entered into the taxi. I smiled at him looking

down at my janitor's uniform I had thrown on in the bathroom just as we pulled out of the church, I saw

the police car pulling over, and Nina getting out of the car.

I turned fearfully to stare at Xavier, if he didn't save me who knows what would have happened.

“ So, where are we going?” I asked Xavier as we drove all the way onto another road. The roads were

unfamiliar to me.

“ To a place where you be safe for now ” Xavier had replied as he signaled to the taxi driver to go fast.

It was some minutes later when I felt my water broke and the contraction started. I tried to hold it in but

it was getting harder to hold by the minute.

“Xavier ” I called urgently to him as I gripped his shirt Xavier turned wide eyes to stare at me in shock“

What's wrong, Deborah. Are you alright?” He called out to me as I tried to reign in the pain while I grip

onto him painfully.

“ I think her water broke. She's about to have a baby ” I heard the elderly taxi driver said to Xavier but I

couldn't pay attention to any of their words all I could think about was, if only everything was alright, I

would have been in a fancy hospital right now surrounded by my families and Michael, the man I love.

“ I'm going to take you to the nearest hospital ” I heard the driver say to Xavier.

“ No, not the hospital please ” Xavier refused the man's offer as he turned to look at my face “ How are

you feeling now?” He asked me, seeing that my grip on him had lessened.

“ I'm okay. It's oh__my God__Xavier__it's__back. Do something” I screamed up at him as Xavier Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

turned to stare at the cab driver through the mirror begging him to do something.

“ Fine. I'll take you to my house. My wife is a nurse ” was all I heard before I fainted due to the stress.

I woke up sometime later in a dark room and to the eyes of a woman who was watching me curiously “

Are you okay? ” She had asked me as I watched her donned her gloves.

I nodded my head since I couldn't trust myself to speak. I suddenly remembered why I was here and

turned to ask her “ My baby. How is he?”

She smiled and came over to me “ We are going to take him out of you now. You've been unconscious

since you arrived. I need you to push '' she had told me after explaining to me. I nodded and watched

her get to work. The only light in the room was from a lamp nearby. Xavier and the elderly man weren't

in the room. I turned back to the woman with a smile on my face preparing myself to push

An hour later, she was holding my baby in her hands with a broad smile on her face. “ Congratulations,

it's a boy” she had told me and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I reached out my

hands to hold him.

“ My baby. Oh! I'm so happy ” I had smiled and kissed him on the forehead lovingly and he had smiled

at me. My baby had fuckingly smiled at me.

“ Deborah”

I came out of my thoughts to Xavier gazing up at me with regret on his face. I wish I could tell him that I

understand. That I had forgiven him but he had opened up an old wound I was trying to forget.

Every time I remember, I always saw him smile at me before he went dead in my arms. I could still

remember begging that woman who had helped me deliver him to save my baby, that he was the only

one I had but the woman had only told me that there was nothing she could do.

That he was bound to die because he had a weak heart. Do you hear that? They say he was bound to

die...I had gone berserk after that, plotting and planning my revenge on the Thompsons. That when I

carry it out, they wouldn't even know what hit them...

“ Deborah. Please, for my sake, for Austin's sake and little Austin Jr's sake, let it go ” Xavier begged me

as he tried to pull me off the floor but my mind was made up, there was no going back now.

“ Don't you get it, I'm doing all of these because of you all. Don't you want revenge for Mia's death? ” I

asked him as I walked into my room.

I threw my overnight bag on the bed and walked to my wardrobe to pick out my clothes, while Xavier

stood watching me from the doorway with his arms folded across his chest.

“ What are you doing?” Xavier asked me as he walked into the room to stop me from packing my bag.

“ What does it look like I'm doing, huh?” I retorted back at him. If only he didn't provoke me tonight. I

was ready to sit back and wait for Michael and Nina to be back from their honeymoon before I strike,

but he just had to say that and make me feel guilty for failing my little baby. I had promised to avenge

his death and make all who cause his death pay.

“ Deborah I _____”

“ Stop, there's nothing that will change my mind. I'm going to take my revenge on everyone. I don't care

if you are in or not ” I called loudly to him as I zipped up my bag and went to the bathroom to shower

and get dressed.

By the time I returned to the room, Xavier was no longer in the room. I quickly adorned my dress and

picked up my fake passport and stepped out of the room.

I met Xavier in the sitting room, drinking and smoking. It has been a while since I saw him smoke. I

couldn't help feeling guilty that I had made him go back to his bad ways.

“ Where are you going?” Xavier asked me, his voice hard with his back turned to me.

“ To Greece” I replied and stepped out into the cold night. I hired a taxi and got in while he drove me to

the airport.

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