The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 2086 Someone Is Missing You

Chapter 2086 Someone Is Missing You

Isla nodded in agreement, so Damian continued, "That's exactly what I feel about Sheryl. The first time

I saw her, I knew she was special. And as we became closer, I started falling for her."

Isla was moved by his words. She had never realized that Damian already loved Sheryl. Actually, she

hadn't expected him to like Sheryl from the very beginning. The whole thing was a lot to take in.

At that moment, Isla wished that Sheryl would change her mind about Damian. Seeing his intentions,

she just knew that he would treat her right.

But Sheryl was too stubborn to listen to any of them.

'I guess Sheryl would never love you back, ' Isla thought sadly, shaking her head.

Receiving no response, Damian had thought that Isla didn't believe him either. He sighed before

continuing, "Ms. Zhao, I know this is sudden, but do you mind if I ask a favor from you?"

"A favor? For what?" Isla asked in surprise.

"Look, I didn't intend to eavesdrop." He raised his hands up to emphasize his innocence. "But I heard

your conversation with Sheryl just now. I think Sheryl is feeling confused now, and I would give her

more space and time to think about it, but..."

"But what?" Damian hesitated.

"I just want to know why Sheryl wanted the divorce. When she was talking to you, I could tell that her

feelings...that Charles– She still has feelings for Charles." His voice broke at the end of his speech as if

saying those words brought a knife to his heart. As much as he wanted to ignore it, he knew it was true.

Isla blinked at the unexpected question. Though they didn't talk much, nor were they close from the

beginning, she couldn't help but feel at ease with Damian. He seemed like the kind of man who would

give Sheryl the life that she truly deserved.

Since Charles was the one that caused the breakup in the first place, Isla had no qualms in telling

Damian what had truly happened between them.

Even if Sheryl were to find out, she honestly didn't care.

In fact, if this worked out, she might even thank Isla in the end. After one last observation of Damian's

sincerity, she took a step forward, looking warily at their surroundings before turning to him. "What I'm

going to tell you, you must not tell anyone. Understand?"

"Yes." Damian made a motion of zipping his lips.

"I feel like I'm speaking to a child!" Isla snorted, amused by Damian's display. Her smile then vanished

from her expression. "Look, it's a long story. There's this woman named Vicky and..."

It took her a few minutes to finish the story. When she was done, Damian was like a fish with his mouth

gaping open. If this wasn't such a serious matter, Isla would have already captured priceless

expressions and sold it on eBay.

"You mean, he cheated on her and left her?" Damian said incredulously as if the mere thought could be

compared to pigs flying through thin air.

He always thought that Charles was deeply in love with Sheryl. What could have possessed him to

leave her, he would never know.

Besides, how could one replace Sheryl with anybody for that matter? Damian just couldn't put the

puzzle pieces together.

Isla shrugged. "I know right? But Sheryl had already seen Vicky for herself." She rolled her eyes in

exasperation. "He even bought a house for her, and we have no idea where she's being hidden now."

Damian's confusion on that matter grew even stronger. NôvelDrama.Org content.

If Charles really loved Vicky, why would he hide her?

Especially with the divorce happening, wouldn't Charles be ecstatic to tell the world of who he was

dating? Damian just couldn't understand.

If he truly loved someone, he would be putting her on a pedestal and announcing her to the world. It

was what he would do, that was for sure.

However, Damian kept quiet. Whatever this was, it did work in his favor for Isla to side with him. At the

very least, it could still give him a chance to get Sheryl to like him.

And if Charles were to change his mind, Isla wouldn't be on his side either.

"I just don't understand," Damian murmured, fueling her anger. "I mean, Sheryl's perfect. If I were him, I

would've walked through mountains just to make sure she's the happiest woman alive."

Isla smiled, satisfied with his answer. "I just wish Sheryl had met you earlier." She shook her head and

sighed. "But even then, it seems she only sees you as a friend."

"Is there anything I could do to change her mind?" Damian asked. He really wanted to show that he

was sincere of his intention towards Sheryl. And besides, he knew that if he got Isla on his side, she

might be able to influence Sheryl.

Isla hesitated before changing her mind. "Well, I guess the best you can do now is to leave her alone.

When things cool down a little bit, I'll try and talk to her. A tip for you, though, Sheryl doesn't like men

who push things too fast. If you want to court Sheryl, then you have to give her some space."

"Huh, thanks, Ms. Zhao. I'll leave her alone for the time being. Once everything settles down, I'll think of

another plan. There's still one thing, but I don't know whether I should tell you or not."

"Just say it." Isla waved her hand.

"That day in the hotel, Sheryl misunderstood me. I was going to…"

"Don't worry about that. Sheryl knows what kind of person you are. I remembered her telling me that

she didn't think you would do such a thing. Think about it. The moment you two got into the hotel, a

bunch of journalists broke into the hotel the very next second. It is obvious that someone is behind all

this. You two were framed," Isla shared her thoughts with Damian.

Damian smiled at Isla gratefully, saying, "Thank God, you believed me. But Sheryl…"

"Don't worry. I'll handle that."

"That's such a relief, Ms. Zhao..."

"Still calling me Ms. Zhao?" Isla teased, raising her eyebrows.

Damian recovered. "Right, um... Isla, is it okay if I call you that?"

"As long as you treat her right, you can call me whatever you want." She winked.

Damian grinned back.

"That's definitely a mission."

Isla and Damian shared a look. At the same time, Sheryl, who had stayed in her ward, felt something

cold run down her spine. Her nose itched, and she sneezed.

"Sher, did you catch a cold?" Cassie was giving Sheryl a check-up at the time. She peered over at her,

raising her eyebrows.

Sheryl shook her head. "No, it's just…my nose itched." Somehow, Sheryl felt that something was wrong

as if people were talking behind her back. She didn't tell Cassie this, afraid that she would be thinking

too much.

Cassie snorted in laughter. "Sher, there's a saying in my town that if you sneeze, someone's missing

you," she sang out. "Are you seeing someone that I don't know lately?"

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