The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Book 2 Chapter 9

Daphne’s Point of View

I jolt awake in a cold sweat, and it takes

me a moment to realize where I am. Once the fog of sleep has lifted, I look to make sure that I have not woken Caleb up. Thankfully, he is still soundly sleeping and was not disturbed by my movement. For a moment I am jealous that he is able to sleep so soundly when lately I have been consumed by nightmares. Knowing that I will not be able to find sleep again I carefully remove Caleb’s arm from

around me and slip out of bed.

My wolf was itching to be free, and since no one else was up I decided that going for a nice morning run would clear my head. I quickly throw on a pair of shorts, and a shirt and grab my shoes as I quietly C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

walk out of our bedroom door. It does not

take me long to make my way out of the house.

As I start walking towards the woods, I cannot stop my mind from wandering back to my dream. Somehow in my dream

my parents were still alive. Caleb had

gotten tired of me not producing an heir and was returning me to them. In the dream we had returned to my former home and Caleb had told my parents that he had made a mistake. My mother in all her glory was there to snidely remind me that it was only right that my child had died since I had killed her son. My father was shaking his head in disappointment as he told Caleb that I was an

abomination, one that should have been terminated. Even though there was no physical violence in the dream, I felt as beat up as ever. 2

Recalling the words that my mother had

spoken in the dream; I truly wonder if the

Moon Goddess has decided that I was not

worthy of raising pups. Although I had

once believed that she favored me at least

a little because Caleb was my destined

mate, was that the only happiness that was meant for my life? Could I be happy not being a mother? 1

Finally reaching the edge of the wood line. I forcibly shake my head to dispel my

thoughts. Right now, it is time for my

wolf to run. She deserves to be free and

wild, and I have not been attentive to her

needs lately. I ensure that I am alone

before stripping down and shifting into

my wolf. 1

I feel the burst of excitement as her paws hit the earth beneath her. Taking a long whiff, I enjoy the clean crisp air up here in the mountains. I start the run out slow, taking long leaps and stretching out my

muscles that have not been used lately.

Soon I feel loose and free and start

dashing deeper into the woods, allowing my wolf to frolic.

Soon I come upon a rock wall and decide. to run along side of it. I giggle internally

as I startle a few rabbits. I can tell that I

am getting dangerously close to the perimeter of my pack.

My wolf stops suddenly, tumbling head

over tail as we unexpectantly come across.

one of the pack warriors. He quickly takes

up an attack stance, and a bit of pride

shoots through me. Using my mind l**k I quickly tell him who I am. The young

warrior is at first shocked, and then

fearful as he was in a stance to attack his

Luna. I reassure him that it is fine, as he profusely apologies to me. I make sure to tell him that I am proud of his quick reflexes, before turning and bounding

back into the forest. a

This encounter makes me realize that I do

not know as much as I thought I did about

the perimeter of our pack region. Although I knew that we had guards and

scouts posted along our borders, I do not

exactly know where our borders are. I

make a mental note to inquire about that

issue with Caleb. As I near the area where

I left my clothes, I snort not looking

forward to what I have resolved to do


I once again make sure that no one else is around before shifting and putting my clothes back on. Walking back to the house I bask in the early morning glow of

the sun. Despite my duties for today, I am

feeling really good right now.

I promised myself yesterday that I would

call the pack doctor today. I know that I

need to get over losing the pup, not just

for my sake but for Caleb’s as well.

Training the peculiar wolves has been a sort of therapeutic relief, but now I worry

that I am doing more harm than good. I

barely see Caleb now. Jogging up the last few steps to the main door, I am resolved that I will call the pack doctor


Entering our room, I can tell that I have just missed Caleb. His scent is still very strong, and there is evidence that he has just left the shower. My heart aches with missing him. With him in mind I reach for my cell phone. It dawns on me that I am not sure who to call. I am not sure if I

should call the physician that handled the loss of the pup, or the clinic. I decide to call the clinic. Upon reaching the

receptionist I quickly explain the reason for my call, and she politely informs me that she is transferring me to the mental

health clinic.

The next receptionist that I speak with is

very polite, and she asks if I would like a male or female doctor. I explain that I do

not have a preference. She begins to take

my information to get me scheduled, but

when she learns that I am the Luna, she

puts me on hold. It is not too long before

the phone is picked up by a rather cheery


“Luna this is Doctor Hollis how are you


“Well, I have been having a few issues.

and my sister suggested that I reach out and see if there was anything that might possibly help.” Now that there was a doctor on the line, I admit that I was

incredibly nervous to admit the issues I

was experiencing.

“I would be more than happy to help you.

I also want you to know that whatever we

discuss will remain between us only, you have full doctor patient privilege.” I felt slightly better after she stated that. “Now how about we get down to what you are

currently experiencing, so that I will

know how to assist you better.”

“Um so to start with I am having trouble sleeping. I keep having nightmares.” She mumbles I see and encourages me to

continue. “I was um pregnant, but um the baby was not alive.” I had not realized that I was crying until I felt the tear hit

the palm of my hand.

“The loss of a child is truly devastating. I am sorry that you had to endure that.”

There is no hint of malice in her voice. In

fact, it is strangely comforting, almost


“Should it be this devastating though? I

never held it, I never even seen the face of

the pup. The doctor literally said it was a

lump of cells. Before this happened, I had

never even thought of having pups.” The words poured out like a leaking faucet.

“Just because you had not thought of being a mother does not lessen the pain of losing the unexpected pup. You have

every right to mourn that loss. Now that

you have lost the pup, do you desire to be a mother still?”

“Yes.” The word is out before I even think

about it. “Caleb and I have never fully discussed having a family, but yes I would

love to have a child.”

“I see. Well, my first exercise for you to complete is to have an honest discussion with your mate about your desire to have a pup. Although I am not Caleb’s physician, I have seen him interact with the young children of the pack and I do not believe he would be opposed to the idea. Although I know that an honest discussion is needed between you two

regarding the matter.” Her words are not unkind, and I know that she is right. I do

need to talk to Caleb.

“I have been avoiding him.” The words. come out barely above a whisper.

“Everyone grieves differently, but I have to say that isolating yourself from your

mate will only lead to more heartbreak. Is

there a particular reason why you have been avoiding Caleb?” I like that she does

not hedge around the problems, instead. choosing to address them outright.

“I feel like I have failed him. Not just failed him but failed the pack. I know that most Alpha’s desire an heir. I am

supposed to be able to give him an heir. Plus, I know that he would be an amazing father to any pup.”

“You have failed no one Luna.

Miscarriages are common amongst our kind, and humans. It does not mean that you cannot or will not have other pups. Do not let this tragedy determine your outlook upon yourself. I also feel the need

to add that this is the modern world that

we live in Luna. You hold no

responsibility to bless anyone with an

heir.” She laughed a little at the end and I

appreciated her ability to lighten the


“Thank you for that.”

“There is no need to thank me, Luna. I

am going to prescribe a sleeping medication; we will start you off with a

low dose and will increase it as needed. I

would like to schedule you for another appointment in a week. In the meantime, if you have a bad day or feel the need to

call me, I will send over my private

number. Now I was serious about giving

you the exercise to work through. You

need to set time aside to have a

discussion with Caleb about how you are.

feeling, and how this event has affected


I thanked Dr. Hollis again while she scheduled my next appointment. Once I was off the phone, I did feel slightly

better, and I took her words to heart. I

had been avoiding Caleb for far too long. Caleb has never been harsh with me and I

need to be considerate of how this has

affected him as well.

A quick plan formulated in my head involving surprising Caleb with dinner. I jumped off the bed excited to get into

action. I cannot wait to see his surprise.

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