The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 82

Saturday 27th January

Stars POV

I awake to the sound of a door opening. Here we go. Let’s see if my drama grade was worth the effort. I slowly sit up, groaning at the effort. I look around me in panic, shifting my scared eyes to Anne-Marie. Taking in her smirking face, I stutter, “whe….. where am I? Anne-Marie? What have you done?”

She laughs. “I told them you were weak, nothing without your wolf, but I didn’t think you were this pathetic.”

I stifle a sob, my face in my hands, “what have you done to my wolf? Please don’t hurt us. We will give you what you want, but please give me back Saffy.”

She f*****g cackles at me. What a witch. She puts a tray on the bed. The smell of soup and freshly baked bread make my stomach rumble, reminding me I haven’t eaten since breakfast.

“your wolf will be returned when it is time for you to conceive the heir to the Hollow Moon pack, your parents gave me the idea you know, when they came to mother Raine for help, she made a potion that would suppress the wolf, allowing your weak minded mother to take control of her equally weak body, I just tweeted it a little.”

So she doesn’t know I have freed Saffy, that’s good, if I play this right she will give me all the information I need. “Why would you do this to me? I thought you were my friend.”

“Your friend, you are a spoilt little girl, you wouldn’t know hardship if it bit you in the a*s, I had to work for years to get that hag Raine to notice me, build my power till she had to except me into her circle, it was such a pleasure to kill the stupid bitch.”

f**k, she is looney tunes, and she has no idea who I am or what my past was like, and that’s what is going to screw her. I cry into my hands, begging for mercy, for her to let me go home to my family.

“Shut up, you are so stupid, you are never going home again, you will be chained to a bed, and shared by the two brothers till you are pregnant, you should be used to that though, you are such a slut, f*****g three men at once. And don’t worry, you will be begging for it, once you have a sniff of the powder I have prepared for you.”

Now that makes my ears stand up. What powder? What have they done? She continues, so proud of her accomplishments, that she almost forgets I’m here.

“You wouldn’t believe the orders we have from Alphas, the demand for a substance to induce heat in female wolves, it’s going to be very lucrative, we have even been contacted by a pack in America, looks like Alphas don’t want to wait to find their mates.”

f*****g chemical heat, bastards.

“Wh…. when… are they?….”

“Come on, slut, get your words out. When are they coming to f**k you? Is that what you want to know? Well, you are going to be staying here from now on, so get used to this room. They will come and f**k you raw for a few days, then once you are pregnant, they will stay away until the birth.”

Saturday 27th January

Stars POV

I awake to the sound of a door opening. Here we go. Let’s see if my drama grade was worth the effort. I slowly sit up, groaning at the effort. I look around me in panic, shifting my scared eyes to Anne-Marie. Taking in her smirking face, I stutter, “whe….. where am I? Anne-Marie? What have you done?”

She cackles again. She is f*****g insane.

“they will return for the baby once it’s a couple of months old, then they will get you pregnant again and take the child with them.”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Rubbing her hands together with f*****g glee. She grins at me like she is giving me the greatest gift.

“This will happen over and over until they build an army of special wolves. They will begin tomorrow morning, so you should get some rest. I will bring you dinner in a few hours.”

“You should shower. You stink. There are fresh clothes in the closet. The bathroom is through that door.”

Then she opens the door and leaves me alone once more.

I feel the buzz as charms are put back in place. I get up and close the curtains, giving myself privacy, just in case someone is spying on me.

“Saffy, looks like we have a few hours to come up with a plan. We need to strike fast, so she has no time to use her magic on us.”

I tuck into the soup and bread. The b***h talked for so long it’s gone cold, but it still tastes good.

“I agree Star, we cannot wait till tomorrow, I have been trying to link with one of our wolves but it’s like something is blocking us, we are on our own for now, but after that bafta worthy performance, she is more than convinced you are not even remotely a threat.”

“I know right, I am very proud of myself, so let’s come up with a plan. There are only a few sources of electricity here, just the overhead light, really.”

“mmmm, there are plenty of cables running through the walls, so we could electrify the entire building from here. I am sending it not a large building though.”

Finishing my soup, I get up and walk to the closet. It’s empty apart from a hideous dress and cardigan.

Ew, no thanks.

The old-fashioned metal coat hangers though they could be useful, I can weaponise them with electricity from my body.

Grabbing the two hangers, I throw them on the bed, then I move to the bathroom.

“Saffron, if we can make the floor wet? That will intensify the jolt we can give her, and the shower is electric. Let’s see how long the hose is. Can we spray the bedroom from the door of the bathroom?”

Turning on the shower, I test the power of its highest setting; it has a good spray, and the hose is fairly long. There is also a handheld showerhead in the bath. If we can weld the ends of the two hoses together, then that would definitely reach.

“Saffy, can we get enough charge to fuse these ends together?”

“Ohhh I like it, and yes definitely, you hold the ends together and I’ll do the rest.”

We spend the next hour and a half putting everything in position, and then wait., I peep out of the window. It’s almost dark now, so it shouldn’t be long now.

“Star, I can smell her she, and she is not alone. There is a man with her. He smells a little like Kia Jessop.”

I grab the shower head and point it at the door. As soon as it opens, I let it rip, force electricity through it, while Saffron sends electricity through the walls of the building.

The screams as both Anne-Marie and the man are fried to a crisp make me laugh.

There are other screams coming from inside the house as other witches touch metal door handles and appliances.

I run from the building and find a group of at least ten witches and another man. s**t.

Calling for the wind, I create three large tornadoes and send them towards the group.

Using the electrics from the vehicle behind them, sending bolts on their backs. They all hit the ground.

A spell hits me in the chest, sending me flying. I hit the ground.

Getting to my feet as fast as I can, I look in the direction the spell came from and I see two witches running towards me chanting, f**k.

I duck around a building, “Saffy we need to make it rain, I am not as good as this, but if we get the floor wet enough, we can send a charge through it, and then we need to shift you are faster than me.”

“But you have better control of our powers Star, shifting should be our last resort.”

Okay, I concentrate in the clouds above, pushing clouds to where I need them, then picture in my head wringing the clouds out, and it the rain begins to pour down, before long the floor is drenched, I peep out, and a spell hits the wall beside my head, s**t that was close.

I bring down the power cable running from a building and drop it into the water; I have had enough of this shit.

Grabbing the two coat hangers, I walk through the water, drawing the electricity to the metal in my hands, ropes of pure energy hand from my hands.

Walking past the twitching bodies, I see a line of both rogues and witches coming towards me.

“Star, I sense our wolves. They are close. Draw in the energy around you and use it as a shield.”

Sighing in relief, they are here; I do as she says, Spells ricochet off of me, the rogue rush me, I whip the ropes of energy at them, the smell of burnt fur filling my nostrils, clearing a path. I head towards the scent of my mates.

Explosions light the sky, and I see Lex running towards me. I drop my energy whips and run to him.

Movement to my right makes me turn my head. A man a few years older than me rushes towards me and throws something at me.

White powder hits me in the face. I blast him with a bolt of lightning, using all the energy I had stored in my body, and fall into my lover’s arms.

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