The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 68

Thursday 25th January

Star’s POV

As I cross the tasks I have completed off my list, I take a look at what is left to do.

everything is ready for the arrival of the visitors from Scotland, and Steve linked me to say that the mansion is finished and ready for my grandparents’ arrival.

s**t, I am so nervous!

Tomorrow’s festivities are all planned, and the Omegas are out in force, making our plans realize. First will be our wedding at 2pm. It will be held in our beautiful clearing by the lake, the boys insisted.

They said it would start a tradition of all the important events of our lives will be held in the place where we will live our lives. They can be so f*****g cute.

The commencement of the festivities will include food, drink, music, and dancing; the Alpha and Luna ceremony will start at 6pm, in which Andrew and Amanda will transfer their authority and power to us; and, following tradition, the four of us will initiate the full moon pack run, leading our pack for the first time.

Then, we’ll make the journey to Greece on Saturday.

The feeling of someone pushing at my mind, sighing I drop the block.

“Uumm Sstar?” Sebastian doesn’t link me very often. We normally prearrange our meetings.

“yes Seb, what do you need?” there is silence for a moment, “can I see you?”

f**k, there goes my free time, “Ok Seb, I’m at home. Can you come here? I will make sure the boys are somewhere else. I know they make you uncomfortable.”

“umm ok, can I bring someone to meet you?” This puts me on edge slightly.

“someone from the pack?” If not, then he can go f**k himself. “Yes, she is.” She? Now I’m curious. “Ok come on up,”

I link the boys, they really struggle with Seb, “loves of my life, Sebastian has asked to see me about something so he is coming to the suite, and I’m starving so I am going to get lunch sent up, so do you want to be elsewhere while he is here.”

Please don’t give attitude today, Seb is the only thing we row about especially with Ace and Lex, the first few times I met up with him, I didn’t tell them, which caused and argument so I now let them know, which still causes tension.

“Baby, we would like to join you for lunch. We love you and want to be there for you, so we will try to be polite towards him.”

“Got it. How about I see what he has to say and you can set up lunch to be sent up in thirty minutes? He is coming with a girl, so it will be six of us, alright?”

Once that is agreed, a knock at the door heralds the arrival of my cousin. Seb is standing next to a girl I recognise from the hospital. Her name is Juliette, I think. I smile and invite them in. They both have large boxes in their arms, so I show them to the lounge quickly so they can put them down.

“Juliette right? You help at the hospital, right? And I am sure I have seen you at school?” She nods “it’s great to meet you properly Luna.” Seb shuffles nervously, “the Alphas have arranged lunch, it will be here in half an hour, they think it’s time to put things behind us, it would be nice if the two of you would join us.”

Seb’s eyes go wide, “they promise to be good.” He nods, then motions to the boxes. “I have been sorting out mum and dad’s stuff, and I cam across these in the attic……the other side….you know. These belonged to aunt Gemma and uncle Alvin and I thought you might like them, especially as you’re getting married tomorrow, congratulations by the way.”

I walk to the bigger of the boxes, but Juliette stops me. “Sorry Luna, but you should open this one first.”

Lifting the lid, there is a thick white plastic bag. Lifting it out and as it unfolds; it’s a garment bag; I hang it on the back of the open door and carefully unzip it. I’m hit by a scent I haven’t smelled in seven years, my mother.

Tears prickle my eyes, as I push the bag away from my mothers vintage lace wedding dress, memories flood back to me, we would play dress up and I would make mum put her wedding dress on, she always said it would be mine one day, when I met my mate.”

I turn to my cousin, my bottom l*p quivers, “thank you Seb, this means so much to me,” I zip the bag back up so the boys don’t see it, I have picked a dress but this is much better, I will try it on later with the girls.

“The other box has things from their house, and if I find anything else, I will bring it to you.”

“Thank you again Seb”

They both shuffle their feet, as I look at them expectantly, “Juliette is my mate, and I have treated her badly, we discovered we were mates the day of my birthday and I rejected her because I am a fool, and thought she was good enough. I have taken the rejection back, and I am trying to make amends. You are the only family worth any salt, so I wanted you to meet her.”

I motion to the couch so they can sit. I perch on the coffee table and look at Juliette.

“Has Seb talked to you about our home life?” She nod, “a little and I was there the day Alpha Alexei carried you into the hospital.” Seb stiffens at that, and I grab his hand.

“When I was little, we did see a lot of my aunt and uncle, I would see Sab at school, and mum would quite often drop him home, from a child’s perspective, I always thought Seb look sad, and I used to ask mum if we could have Seb over for a sleepover, she would always make up excuses.”

But just before my seventh birthday I had a strop while we were visiting The Luna and the triplets. I stamped my feet and cried, said that I didn’t want a birthday if my cousin couldn’t come. Lex could never cope with me crying, so the three of them joined my side, and Seb was brought over for a sleepover at our house.”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“That was the best day of my life, you the triplets, Maxine and Suzette. Aunt Gemma kept coming in with cookies and drinks, ice cream, and then she hugged us all good night, kissing our forehead’s, I remember the triplets trying to get away from her, ‘aunt Gem we aren’t babies anymore’ I remember thinking that she was my aunt Gem not theirs, you fell asleep cuddling me and told me you were never going to let me go home. The next day when Aunt Gem dropped me home, I heard her arguing with mum, said she had seen the bruises and she would take me away if it didn’t stop.”

I link our fingers together. “mum was wrong. She was best friends with Luna Amanda. She should have told them what was going on. But she didn’t. Seb became even more distant at school. I would ask if he wanted to come over, but he got angry at me, so I stopped asking. I shouldn’t have stopped. I should have told Lexi.”

Seb squeezes my hand. “You were never to blame Star. I was jealous of you. You had this perfect life, with three future alphas running after you like lovesick puppies.”

I sigh, “we are getting off topic, and lunch will be here soon. Seb, I have a question for you. Did you really think that Juliette wasn’t good enough or were you scared Clem would hurt her or turn her against you?”

He blinks at me in shock, “I …. I don’t know.”

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