The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 65

Tuesday 23rd January

Alexei POV

Ace tells me to link everyone at the table bar between him and my Fairy-girl. He is going to distract her in the kitchen; they get up and leave.

“Guys, don’t react to me. Star is being left out of this conversation. We are proposing to her tonight, and we need your help.”

Everyone leans in slightly, except mum who bounces in her seat and stuffs her hand in her mouth to stop herself squealing.

“Ash is going to run to our room and pack some clothes for us all. There will be two bags which he will leave behind the couch.”

“Liam and Cam, we are going to persuade her to go for a run. When we go, you will take the bags to Oliver, who will wait by your house for you.”

Mum, I need you to pack a romantic midnight snack. Go all out. Let yourself become the crazy woman you try hard not to be. The word too much does not exist, got it? When it’s ready, can you and dad take it to the house?”

The rest of you, Steve, the pack foreman, and some of his guys will meet you at the camping sheds. They will have packed everything you will need into trucks and will take you to the lake. “

“Boys, set up the tent and put out the fire pits, etc. Steve’s guys will have already started, so just pitch in. The bags Liam brings. One must be left at the mansion, the other is for the tent. Ash will label them.”

“Girls, go to town. We have already had roses and red carpets delivered. Steve has fairy lights and s**t for you. We need it to be perfect. We stay overnight, so pillows blankets what ever, your little hearts would want for your special day.”Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

I look around at everyone. Does anyone have questions?”

Mum puts her f*****g hand up. I mean just f*****g speak woman, I nod at her, “when you say to go crazy….” Dad cuts her off, “babe think the night the boys were conceived and add extra crazy ok?”

The look in her eyes, and the smirk on her face makes me a little scared, but whatever.

“ok they are coming back. So quick coffee, then we will take her away, ok?”

Everyone nods, just as the kitchen door opens, I pull Star onto my lap, and she passes me a coffee, “baby? Storm, Hunter and Max would really like to go for a run with Saffy. We may not get another chance before we head to Greece.”

“Tonight? Yeah, ok, that sounds like a good idea. Saffy has been asking to go for a run all evening, after our coffee?”

“Storm, tell Saffron I love her.”

Ash returns, and we grab our girl, saying goodnight to everyone, and head for the woods.

We let our wolves go and they chase each other around the forest, staying on the other side of the pack. Now and then, we link the guys to see how they are doing.

Finally, we are told it’s ready so we chase Star towards the mansion, the bag of clothes is on the porch as instructed, we all shift, and I pass Star her clothes and she pulls them on, Ash chose a long black jersey dress, and warm sheepskin boots, she looks adorable.

My nerves almost get the better of me, but I take a deep breath and take my girl’s hand, the four of us walk up the drive to the path between the trees and into the clearing, she gasps out at the sight in front of her.

Stars POV

The triplets chased me to the mansion. When we get to the porch, Ace tells me to shift, and Lex hands me some clothes. What’s going on? Normally we just throw on a t-shirt or shorts after a run, not get fully dressed. I pull on my clothes and look at my mates. They are all wearing black slacks and white shirts. This is odd.

Lex and Ace grab my hands and lead me down the drive to the path to the clearing I showed them earlier. When we get there, I gasp at the sight.

There is a long red carpet, with fire pits on either side, and fairy-lights lining the carpet. There are loose flowers everywhere. At the end of the path is a huge bell tent.

“oh my goddess, you are taking me camping?”

Lex leans in and k****s me. “We aren’t gonna have our dates for a while, so we thought we would do this instead.”

Ash hands me a glass of champagne, and Ace tells me to follow the path. Then they run off.

I am so confused, but I follow the path as instructed, sipping my champagne as I go. I stop every now and again to pick up a flower. When I reach the end of the path, there is a giant heart made completely of red roses, and filled with hundreds of different coloured flowers. “Step inside the heart, baby.”

I do as I am told, and I wait. Ace comes from behind the ten. He has added a white jacket and black tie to his outfit. He looks so handsome.

He steps into the heart with me and takes my hands in his. I can feel him trembling.

“Star, 33 days ago, I became the happiest man to have ever lived. The moment I realised you were the other half of my soul, everything became brighter, more focused. It was like I had been waiting to start living.”

I can’t breathe. My heart feels like it is going to explode.

My gorgeous Ace lets go of my hands and drops to one knee. He hods a black satin box in his hand. “Tinker Bell, will you make my life complete by becoming my wife?” He opens the box to reveal a gold ring. Stars are cut int the surface with tiny blue moonstones in the centre.

Tears run down my face as I nod like a crazy person, “yes, Ace, yes, yes.”

Beaming at me, he places the ring on my finger and stands up. He cups my face and k****s me slowly. All too quickly, he pulls back. “We’ll finish the later, my love.” And then he walks into the tent.

Alexie appears next and steps into the heart of flowers with me, standing in front of me. He cups my face and wipes my tears with his thumbs. Touching our foreheads together, he closes his eyes and sigh.

“Baby, all of my life you have drawn me to you. When I have been weak, you have been my strength, and when I have broken, you have healed me. Every time my heart turned dark, you came and filled the gaps with your warmth and light. You are my reason for being, and both my body and my heart belong to you and you alone.”

Just like his older brother, my warrior kneels before me.

“Astéri Danvers Anderson, will you allow me to be the father of your children, to love and protect you till the day I meet the goddess in her garden? Will you take me as I am? And become my wife?”

He opens an identical box. The ring inside is white gold with a raised triquetra, in the centre is a large blue diamond.

“” I would be honoured to become your wife, Lexi yes to forever, and everything else you asked.”

Sliding the ring onto my finger, it fit perfectly with the ring his brother gave me. He pounces to his feet and devours my mouth. When he pulls back, he whispers, “I f*****g love you, baby.” And then he too disappears in to the tent.

As my youngest mate comes to stand before me, I see the doubt in his eyes, not doubting his love for me but doubting his worthiness.

taking my hand, he takes a deep breath.

“Starlight, what I feel for you is so hard to put into words, because I have never needed words with you. How you have always seen who I am and what I need before I did amazes me. You are a wonder, the brightest star in my sky, and I wonder how so women so perfect can be real. You instinctively know and understand the needs of three very different people, and it amazes me.”

My whole life you have understood who I am better than anyone. It’s like you look into my soul and deem me worthy of your time and love. You don’t know how grateful I am for you.

Dropping to his knees, he holds out his ring box. This ring looks like the first, but has shooting stars and tiny Sapphire’s instead.

“My Starlight, will you allow me to be your husband, and let me spend the rest of my life loving you?”

I drop to my knees and cup his cheeks.

“My darling Ashton, you are more special than you know, all three of you complete a different part of me, Ace is my wisdom, he speakers to my intellect, my drive to be smarter, and to be the leader that I need to be.”

“Alexei is my strength, my instinct to protect and fight for my people. My drive to overcome pain and suffering, the warrior inside of me.”

“And you, Ash, you are the one I need the most. You are my calm, my peace, my lazy Sunday, eating pancakes. Without you, I would lose my joy.”

“I need all three of you to survive. When our children grow, you will each play a role in them becoming the leaders they must be.”

“Ace and I will teach them strategy leadership and the power of knowledge”

“Lex and I will teach them strength and how to overcome pain, to push on when all is in darkness.”

“But you and I, we will teach them when it’s time to put down the weapons and listen, to have compassion. Without that, they would become dark and unfeeling, no better than the millers.”

“so yes, my gorgeous, sexy mate, I will marry you. Now put that ring on my finger and k**s me.”

He places the ring on my finger, and it completes the ring, making it a single piece. Then he k****s me with all the love inside of him.

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