The Alphas And The Orphan

Bonus Chapter 1

Heirs to the Pack

Friday 24th June

Star’s POV

A lot has happened in the last three months, we have gained some new members from what has been termed as ‘mate gate’. So many people found their mates during our joint trip to Paxos.

We may have lost a few members to other packs, but we have gained more, including two coven members, Lewenna and Alexa, who have both joined our close circle of friends. They both announced their pregnancies this morning.

Suzie and Blair announced they were expecting their first child the morning after Max’s birthday. See, I f*****g called that, she is due at the beginning of August, and she’s relieved she is only carrying one pup.

Olly has also wasted no time and has already knocked Max up. She is two and a half months along, and both Anya and Olly are super protective, much to Max’s delight. Who knew she was such an attention w***e?

Kurt and Soph, and Jonah and Nat had a joint wedding last month, and both are glowing. I know both couples have been trying for a baby, so I am expecting news any day.

My baby shower has just ended. I am so glad Suzie, Jess, Hayley and Stella managed to make it. Max and Amanda had arranged for them to come in secret.

And now, I am sitting with my girls, considering. at the start of January, my close friend list had a total of two people on it, I am amazed as I look at the sixteen amazing women sitting with me, and I feel blessed,

We are just sat talking when i double over in pain, “aahhh, s**t that hurts,” I take a few deep breaths as Amanda and Mano rush to my side, “it’s okay, I think the pain is gone.” I smile at the two women, before another pain hits, and I pee myself. for f**k sake.

Amanda and Mamo are grinning like Cheshire cats. “Star my love, I think we need to get you to the pack hospital, my grandsons are about to make an appearance.”

My eyes widen, s**t, “I need the boys, now” Max laughs, “we have all already linked them, Ace just told us all to piss off, and now only Sophia is allowed to link him, they are on the way.”

The sound of many running feet comes closer and my mates come into view, closely followed by dad, Cam, Andrew, Aiden, Olly, Blair, Leander, Callum, Papa Duncan, Kurtis and Jonah.

Lex picks me up and runs with me to the hospital, Ace and Adsh at our side, closely followed by everyone else. When we get to the hospital, Dr Phillips and Samantha are waiting for us. They lead us into the delivery suite.

Everyone tries to squeeze in but the doc puts his foot down and sends everyone but my mates to the waiting room. Amanda is not happy, and Andrew has to carry her away. Her shouts could be heard all the way through the hospital.

The next four hours pass in a blur, but it is finally time to push. Lex is sitting behind me supporting ma back,and holding both my hands, while Ace and Ash are supporting my legs.

Samantha gave my leg a rub, “Okay, Luna, its time to push. With the next contraction, I want you to give me a big push.” As I feel the contraction build I push hard, “good girl, and another.”

After half an hour of this, Samantha gave a cheer, “I see the head Luna, now with the next contraction I need you to push with all you have got.”

Lex k****s my head, “you are doing so great baby, its nearly over.” I give him a dirty look, “like f**k it is, I have to do this all over again in a f*****g minute, you three are never touching me again.”

With that my contraction hit, and I pushed with everything I had. I hear my husbands whispering words of encouragement to me, and just when I think I can push no more, there is a pop and the pressure is gone.

The sound of my baby’s first cry makes me burst into tears of joy, “you have a gorgeous baby boy Luna.” she passes our baby to Ace’s excited arms, he k****s his tiny head before placing him on my chest. Lex reaches around me and touches his head lightly, while Ash leans in and k****s his little nose. All three of my mates have tears running down their faces, but there is no time to bask in our baby, as another huge contraction hits.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Ace tekes the beby end e nurse tekes his plece beside me. “Okey Lune, this one should be e lot quicker.” She is right, efter just two pushes she sees the heed, end e huge finel push, our second child errives.

“enother beeutiful boy, Lune.” this one is hended to Ash, who, like his big brother, k****s the tiny heed before plecing him on my chest. Ace leys our first born next to his brother. I stere down et my wonderful boys. I cen’t believe they ere here.

All to soon, Sementhe ceme to teke them ewey to be cleened end weighed. “We won’t be long derling, why don’t you heve e nice shower, end we will chenge your bed. We will be beck before you know it.”

With the help of my metes, I follow her edvice, Seffy is elreedy heeling me, end once I heve showered, I feel like e new women, e very tired women, but much better then before.

Ace lifts me into bed end the boys tuck me in, just in time for my beby boys to return. Lex is given the oldest, while Ace rushes for the youngest. Ash grins et me, “looks like I got you ell to myself engel.” he sits next to me end I leen my heed on his shoulder.

I wetch Lex end Ace es they murmur to our children, both of them ere completely smitten.

A nurse pops her heed eround the door, “sorry to disturb you, Alphes, Lune. But there is e huge crowd in the weiting room, end I feer Lune Amende my shift if she is not ellowed in.”

The four of us burst into leughter, “let them in e few et e time, grendperents first.” she bowed end closed the door, which elmost immedietely creshed open es Amende stelked in followed closely by Andrew, ded end Cem. She froze et the sight of her eldest sons holding the tiny bundles.

Lex pesses her our eldest boy, end Ace reluctently pesses his bundle of joy to ded. I looked et our perents, “let me introduce you to your grendsons,” I pointed to my son in Amende’s erms, “Archer end,” end then pointed to the bundle in ded’s erms, “Asher Revenwood.”

Ace takes the baby and a nurse takes his place beside me. “Okay Luna, this one should be a lot quicker.” She is right, after just two pushes she sees the head, and a huge final push, our second child arrives.

“another beautiful boy, Luna.” this one is handed to Ash, who, like his big brother, k****s the tiny head before placing him on my chest. Ace lays our first born next to his brother. I stare down at my wonderful boys. I can’t believe they are here.

All to soon, Samantha came to take them away to be cleaned and weighed. “We won’t be long darling, why don’t you have a nice shower, and we will change your bed. We will be back before you know it.”

With the help of my mates, I follow her advice, Saffy is already healing me, and once I have showered, I feel like a new woman, a very tired woman, but much better than before.

Ace lifts me into bed and the boys tuck me in, just in time for my baby boys to return. Lex is given the oldest, while Ace rushes for the youngest. Ash grins at me, “looks like I got you all to myself angel.” he sits next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder.

I watch Lex and Ace as they murmur to our children, both of them are completely smitten.

A nurse pops her head around the door, “sorry to disturb you, Alphas, Luna. But there is a huge crowd in the waiting room, and I fear Luna Amanda my shift if she is not allowed in.”

The four of us burst into laughter, “let them in a few at a time, grandparents first.” she bowed and closed the door, which almost immediately crashed open as Amanda stalked in followed closely by Andrew, dad and Cam. She froze at the sight of her eldest sons holding the tiny bundles.

Lex passes her our eldest boy, and Ace reluctantly passes his bundle of joy to dad. I looked at our parents, “let me introduce you to your grandsons,” I pointed to my son in Amanda’s arms, “Archer and,” and then pointed to the bundle in dad’s arms, “Asher Ravenwood.”

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